When will you forgive the chinks for the death and financial destroy they've caused?

When will you forgive the chinks for the death and financial destroy they've caused?

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saved for later

>When will you forgive the chinks for the death and financial destroy they've caused?
Viruses don't have nationalities or passports.

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Kinda impressive. Actually it is impressive. Human jaws and teeth are so weak though it's clearly a labour.

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Never. Chinks are subhuman

Coverups and disgusting lifestyle led to this virus

they've been causing pandemics while stealing western bio-weapon tech since at least the 00s

>Implying all Asians do this

>Coverups and disgusting lifestyle led to this virus
Does this literally mean that the north of Italy is the most disgusting and degenerate place in the world?

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That's funny because no one cares.

>When will you forgive the chinks for the death and financial destroy they've caused?
After they are all dead.

Kung flu, Ching chong cough, Meat Market Malady, Beijing bug, The Chink Cold, Wu Ping Cough, 2% Solution, Shaolin Bat Technique,
Chop sick, Achuawei, Small pecks, Mao's Malaise, Yellow Fever. Chinese Super AIDS, Dr Chu’s New Wu Flu, Dao syndrome,
Cctv disorder, Shanghai shivers, Eastern Epidemic, The Peking Plague, Bush meat Monday, Chink stink, Factory flu, Yellow death,
Roll the dice rice, Tianamen square sickness, Slant Sickness, Asiatic Ache, Batman's Asian Revenge Bat-Chin-Drink, Wuhan virus,
Communist Philanthropist, Nightwing from Beijing, Wet Farm Frog in Your Throat, Batman and Lung Throbin, Batgirl Bash,
Wuhan Gone Wrong, Winnie's Whopping Good Time, SARS 2: Electric Boogaloo, The China Unwindah, Dim Sum-Ting Wong,
Shaq Attack from Beside Iraq, Lung Kicker from the Rice Flicker, Respirator from the Tank Debator, Zedong gone wrong,
Beijing boogie, Szechuan sickness, Mulan's disease, Dragon fever, Pangolin pow chow, Weird food flu, Pangolins revenge,
Panda express, Gongrene, Tsingtao virus, Bat sweet and sour, Wonton flu, Nguyen's Nut Destroyer, Bat Wings n Tings,
Italy Isolator, The Pangolin Punisher, The Wild Wet Wuhan, Bahrain start again, Ebola but Swolla, The Soup Droop,

>flattening of the curse
flat face, chest and ass.

>SARS 2: Electric Boogaloo

Yeah I agree

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Fun fact: in France, syphilis was known as the "English Disease," while in England, it was known as the "French Disease."

Labelling diseases with an ethnic or national identity is clearly retarded and hateful.

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Spanish flu and H1N1 all started in the US. Corona also. The West is now reaping what they sew.

You retards killed 50 million with the Spanish flu. You even changed the wikipedia page a few days ago. It said the first case was in Kansas but some burger deleted it and said It came from europe

Ban these bots.

I will never forgive the Chinese for this.

Fucking insects. Filthy goddamn disgusting insects with smartphones. Dirty disgusting bugs living in a stinking festering hive. No different from earwigs and termites.

I never liked them
this has only confirmed my reasons for not liking them

The virus originated in China so chinks are the cause. They even lied about the seriousness

They'll do this again next year after they're caught eating infected mongoose balls or something

Literally no one is dying in china from the virus anymore. The West will crumble from the pressure and we will destroy what's left of your degenerate society.

You have to go back, Chang.

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Fat face, fat waist, fat ass.

Chicken chow meinpain

Would still fuck her, plus guess its because I am Asian....

>>financial destroy

You’re the reason your country has failed

Burgers lie and deceive. Hope they all get lynched by blacks when your society collapses.

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You have know idea of the hatred and distain that’s growing against Chinese. A US/Europe led coalition will develop in the coming months. Remember Asians are the only race to ever be Nuked so there’s precedent.

Nah I'm busy having sex with ma white bitch

Never. It is time to send china back to the stone age.


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Forgive? How about repercussions first and they be for our forgiveness. How ba dah!!

The people who made it in the lab in Wuhan, China do though.

Spanish people have gotten over the stigma of "The Spanish Flu" even though it didn't even start in Spain.

When the Chinese food is just right

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Oh but wait, we have nukes too. Ever heard of mutual assured destruction? Now you roundeye fucks can get a taste.

literally looks like a prostitute in GTA San Andreas

Never. Kill all chinks.


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Fuck the CCP. Fuck China.


Yes and we'll make something even stronger next time. You can't stop us.


There won't be a next time. Enjoy going agrarian again, chinks.

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Not unless we kill you first and oh boy we are effective at that.

Yes chinks have nukes but not nearly enough warheads to compete with US/European arsenal. Chinese would need to pray that Russian or Koreans would be their allies.

Wtf was it still alive?

Your nukes probably work as well as your safety precautions on your bsl4 lab

that's literally all false, leaf
daily reminder the black plague came from china, too.

Yeah by the look of it, you're too slow and weak for even this one.


Spanish Flu is H1N1, retard. Spanish Flu was brought to the US from China by Chinese workers who carried it in through Canada via railways. And if by H1N1 you're referring to swine flu, that came from Mexico, you stupid fucking leaf. A basic Jewgle search will tell you this.

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Come on, nobody's buying your party overlord's numbers. Do you believe them? Seriously?
I mean, you're outside mainland China unless you're on a VPN being a good little propaganda drone.
Lies, lies, lies. That's the foundation every communist party lives and dies on.

The Chink Plague

If they're not from Hongcouver, they're from China using a proxy.

The chinks live in a society that is foreign to Western mindsets. Our rules are supposed to preserve personal freedoms. The Chinese live in a society which favors cowardice and yeast like propagation. Our sense of family, sanitation, and love of nature are things they can't fathom. The Chinaman is the sick man of Asia.

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No, jews and their puppets shouldn't be forgiven.