
>PM Johnson to give coronavirus briefing

>Terminally ill woman dedicates life to hedgehogs

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>boss is greedy old boomer who doesn't want to close work
>mfw he's 75 years old and is going to die when someone from the office passes it onto him

Oh that sucks

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Haven't offices been advised to close


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I'm in a similar situation
>Lots of older high risk workers (Manufacturing)
>Boss displaying tremendous amounts of confirmation bias and mental gymnastics to prevent a shut down of any kind
>Tfw he allowed a guy who was quarantined to come back to work despite still being ill

Advised isn't good enough.

>tfw everyone will soon be sitting around watching Netflix getting their NEETbux from the Tories
>tfw I'll still be driving around delivering shit for a pittance

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i can get a record player
and a generator
generate the music that makes you feel better

So I'm assuming this is going to impact drug supply chains. When do all the cokeheads start rioting?

Yeah, but you get to feel like Mad Max.

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britpol should start a hedgehog survival charity or something desu

they'll be too weak to riot lool

So I just broke up with my gf. She suggested we try having an “open relationship” to “try new things”.

So. I dumped her. She then told me she hopes I get corona and die and that she’s glad she slept with a guy from her workplace on New Year’s Eve while I was home with the flu.

How can somebody be so fucking heartless?

During cloudy days I often roam the deserted streets blasting my Gregorian chant playlist on spotify. Very satisfying spooky/morbid feeling.

pic related, me.

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cut off all contact and never think about it again.

oof was he bigger than you?

Itll take a little time but I’ll get there no worries. Just drinking a little to numb the shock

Are there any gibs that can be claimed yet for all this? Or maybe universal credit or something

what a fucking bitch

I’m taller than him if that’s what you mean

>How can somebody be so fucking heartless?
Firstly, you did the right thing. Secondly, yes this will hurt for a time. Lastly, this is by no means the worse thing a women can/will do to you. Chin up and move on lad.

lolol boris is such a dumb fuckkkyou fucked britbongs

I just. Why? Why cheat? Just end the relationship if sleeping with someone rise is what they want.

Our vans certainly aren't shiny and chrome

>while I was home with the flu.

maybe she gave you AIDS.

yeh, i'd defo be going in her office and causing scenes, youve been cucked?

It would be this

should probably get down the gum clinic too

Thanks, and, you’re right. I gotta do what I gotta do.
It just baffles me. If somebody puts their trust in me I couldn’t bring myself to stab them in the back because it’s not easy to open up and trust someone.

How can people like her sleep at night?

you gotta take a little time
a little time to think things over

>how can somebody
First mistake there, thinking of women as people

many humans are just fucking awful. but seriously this

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Might as well go and break his face and arms in minecraft while the services are all tied up

your pm is a fucking retard, bring back may and euthanize Johnson and put him out of his misery.

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>How can people like her sleep at night?

Satisfied after having another man's cock inside of her apparently.


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>We needed your diamonds, not like you were doing anything with them.

you werent alive you spastic

I threw her shit out the window from the second floor and it’s all smashed to bits while she was screaming at me from outside after I kicked her out if that helps haha

sent to the greek turkish border to be treated by the finest doctors the world has to offer.

why is the CFR so high in the UK? do we have a deadlier strain of the virus or something?

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God I hope

Not everyone gets sick pay. If I get it I'm fucked

>New Year’s Eve while I was home with the flu.

Tell her it wasn't the flu

It was chlamydia

s p a s t i c

Why are DoomLARPers so boring?

Norf FC is having enough of this Soufern Fairy flu

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Imagine dedicating the last few years or months of your life to something so meaningless.

What? Kek
My mum and man are certainly people tho lad
You know what I meant lad
I did laugh at least. Thanks man.

Fake but I hope not.

she's 65 so she'll probably make it but fingers crossed she'll die. Rolling for her death.

Based department, It's finally over. over.

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>West Yorkshire
Pakis lol

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I'm honestly coofing at every policeman if they try to arrest me if we have a French lockdown.

nah looks like she'll make it.

good lad

>west yorks

How remarkably non specific of them...

Nothing better to do desu.

I think they realise it's a big nothing butty and that the fear is literally due to it being 'unknown' so they are trying (blatantly) to ham up the death ratio to scare people more.

I hope it's a larp, because if anyone is actually that retarded
>ratio between dead and recovered
then they probably have bigger things to worry about than the kung flu

Its not fake. She might not have it though, only her doctor tested positive

>Georgia girl, 12, with no pre-existing medical conditions is on a ventilator 'fighting for her life' after contracting coronavirus

>negative interest goy, why are saving your wage? Coonsome