@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on F&F 3/21/20
>VPCoS Short on F&F 3/21/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on JudgeJeanine 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf outside WH 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FBN 3/20/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on CBSThisMorning 3/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Hannity 3/20/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro JudgeJeanine 3/21/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on JudgeJeanine 3/21/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on WTNHNews8 3/20/20
>USDAVideo: To the heroes in the US food supply chain, we salute you 3/20/20
>StateDeptVideo: SoS Pompeo on Disinfo&Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania on Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: AgSec Perdue "Plenty of food, assholes!" 3/20/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


all of my chinese associates are completely unable to book a flight TO the united states
you are a pretender

Gib job or NEETbux or i kms
i know you're reading this mr president

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>there are no jobs!
>here are some jobs
>n-no, those don't count
those who do not work will not eat

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user pls don't we love you pls work

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>dude just get a job at walmart lol
>yeah, can't wait to collect my check with mandatory unpaid overtime
I worked there and if take any overtime you're paid in full and then fired for taking overtime.

>heh lads, but muh free market economics
>can't into what fucking ceteris paribus means
>treating this like it's functionally normal and not time-constrained
yes, if you need to fucking apply for a job but don't act like some retard gorilla nigger thinking that even half will find one

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Reminder that we NEETs RUN this shit and that this slowly dying, low energy general would be nothing without us to maintain the front lines.




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Sorry staffer, nice try but you're full of shit and I guess expected no actual push back on it. Must be your first day.

>i'm a zoomer and whiter than white, i go out in crowded places and i won't even get a sore throat
The concern—and why people are so mad at spring breakers—is that you would be an unaffected spreader. No one cares if boomers die en masse, but your indifference says just as much about you. Hopefully you kill your grandparents.

Strange times makes for interesting bedfellows.

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>having chinksect associates
Get out.

Trump has completely mishandled the coronavirus response and should resign

If the MAGAbux don't come through, I'm getting ski masked up and doing dirt. We'll see how the DUDE JUST GET A JOB LOL crowd likes it when armed robberies skyrocket.

Attached: The Grinch wearing a mask holding a gun.jpg (228x221, 6.95K)

>hot take from a "senior Democratic aide"
You'll have to try harder

I would like to reiterate that there is a strong correlation of .7+ with the amount of asians relative to other localities in your country and the amount of corona infections.

I would also like to tell you guys to not play the lottery because there is a strong correlation with playing the lottery and being poor and retarded.

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Corporate bond buyouts are how the Fed stealthily prints money and they have known it for decades

When the FUCK is Trump going to nuke China?

how does the rebate work? do we get actual cash in hand or is this just some tax shit that we won't even feel the effect of until we file for 2020 next year?

That's a fucking terrible bill.
Who gives a shit about Boeing or the cruise lines?
Figure out how to help people that can't afford an emergency 600 dollars let alone this

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What's MAGA going to do when the Senate writes a bill that gives all of the money to the corporations and none to the workers, and Trump signs it?

They'll attack anyone who calls that bullshit.

"Trump is doing his best, the swamp is too swamp, KAG!"

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Let's see the bills language.

Dems never let a good crisis go to waste.

He gave you increased welfare and unemployment benefits, also your parents can claim you as a dependent.
That's not even counting the low interest loans.


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Enjoy his second term, faggot.

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>limits on executive compensation for 2 years
nigger it's over in 2 weeks, 2 months max and that's only if niggers keep sperging

Can confirm, Amazon isn't flying anyone for work right now except for federal appointments and flying the cargo planes.

>pretending mcconnell isn't an idiot savant with a gift for judges

Reminder that social media /=/ real life

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>a credit against the tax of
Wonderful. This isn't stimulus its a goddamn tax rebate

Hit places not people, my crew and I have been cleaning out places since wednesday. Easy as pie


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geez it's like bills suck, businesses have smart lawyers, and they should just give people money not corps??

Why is Congress still meeting in person?

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Daily reminder, Cernovich is a credibly accused rapist.

>do we get actual cash in hand or is this just some tax shit
It's both of this without the wait.

>expecting young people to give up their spring break and be mad at Blumpf about it
Oof. Desperate strategy.

>is that you would be an unaffected spreader. No one cares if boomers die en masse, but your indifference says just as much about you.
a lot to unpack here
>no one cares about boomers dying but if you don't care you're garbage
>you have to care about boomers dying
they can quarantine themselves, i however, will go out and work and spend and live life while every idiot sits indoors worried about the flu and starving
riddle me this batman: if the entire point of arresting the economy is to save boomers, isn't that entirely the idea of "let's rob the future generation for our own benefit" that boomers have been criticized heavily by the younger generations, and exactly why i shouldn't give a shit?

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It checks out.

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Fuck all of them
>What about those who didn't file
Maybe they should have filed.

reggie left nintendo only a few months before the crisis WHAT DID HE KNOW?!

Do you really want those worthless niggers at home doing even less than they already do?

She cute

Credits are gibs, not deductions

this bullshit aspergers-tier chimpout is going to restructure our economy for the forseeable future and most likely for the worse, save for pulling supply from chinks

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So it looks like direct to citizen cash payments are out and corporate bailouts are in.

The world is one big fucking jew.

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>reggie left nintendo only a few months before the crisis WHAT DID HE KNOW?!

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>1, 2, 3 is just boring stupid business shit that doesn't even matter. 4 kind of sucks for people who are getting evicted, but not enough to nuke the bill

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He was also spitting some hot truth bombs the other day.

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>No OSHA language

that has to be a joke

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Here is my Trumbux Bill Proposal:
"Americans that paid taxes last year get a check for $1200"
There. None of the 'he hath have' horseshit

>aunt called me
>said my cousin in new york has been admitted to the hospital
>ask why
>apparently since she couldn't eat takeout anymore or go to restaurants, she almost starved to death
>ask aunt why didn't cousin just cook for herself
>she tells me you dont do that in new york
What the fuck is wrong with people in that city.

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/ptg/ also bears responsibility for helping this virus to spread by spreading misinformation downplaying the virus in order to shield trump from criticism that he deserves

If you associate with the Chinese, a virulent and communist race, even if just to play cards, you're a traitor and must be hung.

>>she tells me you dont do that in new york
Wat I thought New York stronk?

good news shills!
you can get flights to america from china!
you just have to wait over a month and hope nothing changes between then and now!

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>going to the hospital for food
bold move cotton

>This is my fight song,

>Cheat on my wife song,

>Knock out lori’s lights song,

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dems have to sink the bill so that repubs dont get their win, but have to do it so it doesnt seem like they are trying to tank it

Based. Any recommendations? I was thinking rural gas stations and convenience stores. Late night, fewer employees, not a lot of cops around. Low reward, but low risk. That kind of thing.

>/ptg/ also bears responsibility

>blaming a thread on a mongolian bbq forum

I wasn't being against ya.

Just give everywan $2k and tax it back later with a VAT.

How hard would a fucking check have been to do? Goddamn I hate these people, I never qualify for fucking credits and I hate anything to do with the IRS

>What the fuck is wrong with people in that city.

probably just your family, bro. Murray's Cheese is open

excellent pasta

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i will never have frens you could be a secret jew

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it's almost like he's an autistic /cvg/ shill projecting

>ask aunt why didn't cousin just cook for herself
>she tells me you dont do that in new york
huggers screams externally.

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Yeah, that guy is full of shit. Who knew?

>a bunch of losers in ptg: WHITES ARE IMMUNE TO THE VIRUS, ITS JUST A FLU
>today: US has the highest rate of new infections of any country

blood on your hands

Congress needs their loopholes

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Shut the fuck up, retard. The virus is, always was, and will remain a massive nothingburger. It's the reaction by leftists in the government and media that caused this crisis, and I'd like to see every single one of them publicly executed for it.

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>was thinking rural gas stations and convenience stores. Late night, fewer employees, not a lot of cops around. Low reward, but low risk. That kind of thing.
Fuckinh kek
Low risk my ass they're robbed a lot mostly at gun point especially at night

I was here. Y'all were so addicted to shielding trump you let americans die

>blood on your hands
Spotless as fresh snow

idk but it sounds like they deserve to starve and not get coddled

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I don't speak lawyer. If I paid taxes, filed and have a job will I get my gibs?

How do those statements contradict each other?
>blood on your hands
Hello, based-department?


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>blood on your hands

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I don't see why I am at fault for not believing in doom and gloom.
If I were a jew I'd be talking about how much I hate God and bacon while rubbing your nose in my supposed jewry.

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Trump please just kill half of these companies.
God dammit

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>she almost starved to death
she started tripping from the first bit and it allowed her to power through to the bad bits
eat food guys

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You know the entire government is currently still working, still getting paid, but most of them are doing it from home.

What was your income last year?

Your misinformation kills Americans in your desperation to shield trump from criticism, so it looks like you're already executing people, traitor. That doesn't make you part of the government, though. Just a spreader of killer misinfo, and likely the virus itself.

ugh...guys? THIS IS BAD!!!!!!!!!

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>no money for state and local governments
There it is! That was their scam the entire time. Shut your economy down over memeflu, put everybody out of work, demand UBI, blame Drumpf

>today: US has the highest rate of new infections of any country
and none of the whites will die. but you did remember le 56% meme, right?

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gee it's almost like we've been catching up in testing a metric fuckton of people

He knew that he was the only man that could properly assert that the beloved heros of Gamestop(r) corporation are ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES and keep them open. He's a fucking American hero while still being a fucking nigger, it's incredible.

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>you let americans die
Exactly how many Americans have died of the chink virus meme flu, again?

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your language betrays you, ledditor

Yes, in the form of a tax credit.


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You’re full of shit and anons are retarded for believing a single word you said.

There is literally no force on the planet that is going to prevent a bailout of Boeing.
They have amassed so much jewforce they have become an unstoppable object.


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gamestop betrayed the revolution, they decided to shut their doors yesterday

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Jej, the press is in full damge control mode.

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4th reich when?

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/ptg/ is over sorry to say. Once those of you ITT who are Q people have to admit it's a LARP after tomorrow there is nothing you have to hold on to or point that this can be turned around.

You lost. That's that.

That's why they bought out all their competitors.

read 2.
she's amazing

Good news

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Reminder: fuck china.

Only after selling anime crossing and doom.

Anyone who gets a visa to the US is an embedded agent by the CCP who leverage family or visa removal against acting on the behalf of CCP.
Not now, but is a possibility in the future.

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nationwide or just in the Dem states that shut shit down

>supermarket restocked toilet paper yesterday
>its nearly gone today by midday
That's it. I am coofing on boomers now

four more years

Cope. You downplayed the virus because it was embarrassing for Trump, and didn't mind if you got Americans killed doing it.

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For my job, around $25K (?), but I also had an "independent contract" for $10k due to my internship.

What exactly does that mean in regards to this? Since it's a credit, do we report that as income next tax season?

Best stock to buy for at least four years guarantee no default loans.

What the hell is a tax credit? That just means I won’t see any money for 6 months or a year

Give me my fucking Neetbux you fag lords and Libertardians

>no trolling outside of Yas Forums
Coronafagging should be a bannable offense at this point

No one will see a penny of it. If you get anything, it will be a loan to pay back with interest.

Can't wait for my $50 check

>'DRUMPF FAILED AND NEED TO RESIGN' screams increasingly nervous man for the 9177263 time this presidency

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you can use 4plebs to find all the qposters
but it will also have all the non q posters so watch out

'blocks your path'

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