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ohayou gozaimasu
really you could nuke the whole state and still be ok
It's not that bad. It says that I can leave home for groceries and supplies. Also for "outdoor activity." I could literally drive to a park and walk around
This will literally kill more people than corona.
Hope they call in the National Guard to control the nogs.
>DeWine floods the grocery store with panic every Sunday
>Ohio SARS2 death rate at .0085
I'm getting tired of this shit.
>Wow I hope they declare martial law because niggers!
That absolute supinity of "white" Americans. This was the inevitable end goal of the southern strategy. Next they'll start eating your family members and you'll be happy to have it because they'll tell you it hurts darkies.
>mfw essential business employee
So nothing's changed...okay.
I figured it was just a matter of time before DeWine issued the lockdown order. My bets were on mid-Week next week though. Guess I was wrong
It's a nothing burger.. They can not legally force and they cannot fine business for staying open
>He thinks cops care about the law
Mark my words, pigs will be killing people for going to the grocery store.
"So goes Ohio goes the nation."
Get ready for stock market evisceration tomorrow.
they already doin that to brothers baka...
The thing that sucks is that I'm not getting that stimulus check and now I've been fucked out of a job for the second time this month. First I tried applying to a casino right before the restaurant/bar ban and now I'm on indeed looking at landscaping... I can't even get a job now.
I'm so thankful that I live with my parents and we have food. I really hope I can get a job as soon as this is over.
*laughs at David-san*
Every state will be tomorrow
At least you know now that your government hates you and wants you dead. Stop generating tax revenue for them, and become a net drain. You'll feel better.
The economic failures of the capitalist system will kill probably 10-20x the number of people corona will.
Those of us who live in BFE Ohio aren’t really afraid. Its the soccer moms and military LARPers who are stirring the pot and getting everyone riled up. Cops in small towns ain’t gonna do shit or we’ll just shoot them.
You don't leave near these people I take it? They're going to start starving to death as soon as McDonald's and Hook chickens close down. I mean worst comes to worst we'll take care of them I guess, but it'll be a lot of bloodier that way.
>You don't leave near these people I take it?
I live near YOUR "people". White shithead boomers. And you are the greatest threat to life on this planet the world has ever known. I've literally lived in the ghetto in large cities and I can confirm that living among white suburbanites feels FAR less safe. White suburbanites are absolute fucking psychopaths.
I’m locked in brothers. We’re tucked away on a small plot outside a small town. Got the seeds sprouting inside for first garden plant. Prepare yourselves. It’s gonna get a whole lot worse. Waiting til Friday to see what #s look like before any human contact
DeWine has little-man complex.
Ohio has only 247 cases (~12 million people in the State) and only 1 death where there was the virus in the body (that person was elderly and had major underlying issues, battling pneumonia).
That works out to 0.002% Infected
0.00000833% dead
What a fucking cuck
This lockdown alone will kill people if it becomes strictly enforced enough. And that will be the end of America, because people won't be caged in their own homes willingly.
Is Madonna turning in to a Jap?
I suspect you have no line of reasoning at all and are just meming.
People need to eat food and drink liquid.
I had a house booked in Ohio for three days at the end of April. Thank fucking god I was able to get a refund despite the website specifying that it was non-refundable.
good. we need to stop being sheep. fuck these leaders.
Nigga what’s the mood in lockdown states?!
Finally happening is arriving here.
Lying faggot.
Isn't this nation-wide on Monday though?
Wew lad
>I can do no wrong because I'm me!
Yes, that is precisely the problem with you fucking sociopaths. You're not the center of the universe.
This is such a load of bullshit. We are sleepwalking into perpetual martial law
Irrelevant. The lockdown allows going out for supplies, outdoor activity, and to assist other among other things.
>Is Madonna turning in to a Jap?
No, she just looks that way from gargling all that coom
Good! Ohio should be allowed to die and sink into Great Lakes for stealing Toledo from their future Superior Michiganders! They're still seething from it, because we got the GORGEOUS UPPER PENNINSULA and they got Little Chicongo!
>inb4 muh Astroneets
>inb4 muh bullshit coneydogs.
I'm tired of these fucking dictators!
How long until they get eliminated?
THank god ican still buy weed
>DeWine has little-man complex.
>Ohio has only 247 cases (~12 million people in the State) and only 1 death where there was the virus in the body (that person was elderly and had major underlying issues, battling pneumonia).
>That works out to 0.002% Infected
>0.00000833% dead
>What a fucking cuck
>I'm tired of these fucking dictators!
>How long until they get eliminated?
I suppose depending on how it's enforced. The guidelines are pretty fucking vague, despite this going into effect literally tomorrow. Cops are not exactly known for their wisdom and brilliance when executing orders. Especially ones this totalitarian.
"locked down"
Except you can still go out to take care of relatives, you can go outside and you can go get fast food
Lock down my ass
Yeah I work with a few and all I heard was how they were hoarding toilet paper and bullets.
Middle manager in Ohio here. Tonight I'm looking over my current contract lines, staffing burn rates, and PTO balances. It's not going to be good for Jonny Wagie much longer. What kind of person makes the best NEET?
How am I supposed to pay my credit debt. I'm gonna miss a bunch of payments fuck me
I work security in a state run facility where I am considered an essential employee. My position also employs some college students as a sort of work study on the weekends. The students are specifically not considered essential staff. But because they cost 2/3 my pay, can't earn OT or hazard pay they're forcing the students to keep coming in despite all the previous orders and recommendations from the governor and the facility president.
Let's see if this changes anything.
rip elpresador
Huzzah! I'm going to drink some whisky, then go back to bed!
Please share your reasoning on why you believe this 'lockdown' will result in death and catastophe. I bet its because instead of reading the article you invented some scary head-canon for your own personal plague fanfic and I'd kind of like to hear it.
>It's not that bad
>bill of rights temporarily suspended
>not that bad
Have you not been eating, or are you full blown retarded?
There's no information in the article, you idiot. There's no information anywhere. It's literally a few sentences. Nobody knows anything, because politicians are doing all this shit off the cuff.
Does she still run or is it time to trade her in for a newer model?
>I could literally drive to a park and walk around
ALL parks to be closed. retard
We'd leave Michigan alone though because that shithole isn't worth conquering.
>Ohio SARS2 death rate at .0085
>Ohio has only 247 cases (~12 million people in the State) and only 1 death where there was the virus in the body (that person was elderly and had major underlying issues, battling pneumonia).
>That works out to 0.002% Infected
>0.00000833% dead
lol they say you're supposed to maintain a distance of 6ft from others, even at work
But I literally work within like 3 ft of another person all day and there's no way to separate without fucking up the line.
So are Automotive Service centers considered essential or not?
Shut your dirty hole you fukin feggit.
those poor innocent black people
>The absolute state of the buckeye compensation mechanism
Why not consider yourself Canadian?
Yes, I understand you failed to read the poorly written article and are oblivious to the precious few facts it contained. I have no problem with that and am not disputing it.
Now please entertain me with you apocalyptic imaginings of the grim future that is upon us.
I dunno. That's what I read online.
DeWine is one of the only governors acting intelligently. This will sow the spread and keep Ohio from ending up like Italy.
The black hole known as ohio now has everyone trapped.
Cope you blue faggot. I hope you get 10 more years of Harbaugh. Cleveland Clinic >>> U of M.
you sure?
oh noes bros not my heckin ohiofaggots
Where's all the Boogaboo folks from 2 months ago talking about how they were going to defeat the government if they did anything whatsoever to them?
It's getting to be a country wide Martial Law and everyone is looking the other way.
Dayton here. We're fucked! haha
>it's not bad
>most businesses are getting closed up
>slowly having constitutional rights destroyed
>it's ok, I'm ok with this
fucking faggot boomers
Eat shit Michigan cuck, you assholes are going to have your hospitals overwhelmed while our superior healthcare system continues to function.
But real talk, wash your hands.
dayton here just picked up 2x 30pk of beast ice, I'm ready for the long haul, also dewine is a faggot.
No one is afraid of ohio.
t. Sour grapes
I feel sorry for you mother, user.
What we have isn't capitalism, but Jewish neoliberal globalism.