Racial Hygiene General

Some things we can do to keep the quality of the white race high:
>Not reproducing/associating with brown eyed people, or if you have brown eyes, refraining from procreating
>Selecting for traits like beauty, intelligence, non-brown eyes
Any other good ones?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>claims to be white
>uses meme flag

>Bl*nds survive

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blue eyes are just a trait that never reached fixation in europe. before our singular ancestor who had the first set of blue eyes, we were brown-eyed

also, a brown-eyed european is different from a brown-eyed chink or nigger. brown-eyed europeans typically can have blue-eyed children (like my parents, but I am blue-eyed)

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Brown eyes are genetic trash and must be kept out of the white race

made for bbc.

If you are White -- but still ugly, short, fat and/or socially crippled, it's still over for you in terms of procreating. Take off memeflag, bitch.



> Blue eyes, very fair skin, hair is a mix of red/blonde/light brown

> Brown eyes, mediterranean skin tone, brown hair

Sorry pol, but im cumming inside of her vag every time. Fuck cumming on tits, ass or whatever.

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>blue eyes are just a trait that never reached fixation in europe
But they did. Scandinavians, Russians, Poles, Balts, Germans are 95%+ light-eyed. It's safe to say the

I'm not racist but I don't like the idea of having kids with women who don't have fair hair or blue eyes. It's what my whole family has always looked like, it's just about preserving my own. Tbh I was pretty communist until I started hearing lectures calling my own prefrence "problematic", then i started drifting over to pol

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>ugly, short
These are not traits that occur in white people

Also blue eyes and blonde and especially red hair were far more common 2000 years ago prior to largescale med and hun geneflow from the Rhine and steppes. We need to protect our unique appearance genetically at all costs imo

i know what you mean. There was a guy and his girlfriend in a social sports league i was in. Girl was 100% med, i swear 100% hot. Had the greek nose, curly hair, super solid facial structure and athletic too. Needless to say she was pregnant like halfway through the season, as the loaf with her was clearly out of his league.

Consider this though. Imagine how much hotter she would be with dark, deep, boldly blue eyes - like this 10/10 was. That could be your girlfriend if you only looked a little harder.

This is actually a fetish of mine.
Germanoids raping roman/med girls during the fall of the roman empire gets muh like diamonds.
Shame you guys aren't masculine anymore, i could've been a good cuck s mh

brown eyed people are full of shit

t. brown eyes


post your picture

can guarantee you look like those incels from that this is what incels look like pic

What's with the obsession with blonde hair and blue eyes? Kangz tier combination, can't even think of one melanin deficient person that did anything of note.

The white race is dying as a whole and you retards wanna be picky about which white you wanna reproduce with

Literal brainlet level tier cringe

Having as many kids with as many whites is what's important, not cherry picking in the time where our numbers are DRASTICALLY low

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Fuck you. I specifically fuck only blue eyed grills so I can sully their bloodlines
>t.brown eyed irish

Srpska čelična garda, when?


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t. 1/32 Irish
Real Irish don't have brown eyes

I have blond air and blue eyes. I'm married to a black woman with kids. Stay mad OP
>Inb4 Your kids won't look like you
They do.
>Inb4 muh genetics.
Try to be proud of your on achievemets not some DNA.
I guarantee I have more money anda better job than anyone of the "master race" posting ITT

Mutt's list

>tfw you will never be a 6'3 blond, blue eyed germanic übermensch with perfect facial aesthetics

What's even the fucking point of being alive? Racial hygiene was due 100 years ago.

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literally up to their eyeballs in shit

>stay mad OP
HAHAHAHAHAH holy cope, OP isn't the one with the nigger kids!

>29 [important because people think i'm a zoomer with how i'm treating Corona-chan]
>Haven't lost work, infact, business is booming
>Hygiene hasn't changed. I rarely wash my hands when i take a piss,and i don't cover my face all the time when i cough [and I do have a dry cough,sadly no other symptoms]
I fucking refuse to bend the knee like the rest of the world. I'm well aware of the full potential of a run-away outbreak. I don't care,Actually, I'm relishing in the chaos. And if everything ends smoothly in a few months? I'll come out rich as I'm planing to spend my money on stocks and dividends.

Rot in hell you fucking cowards.

blonde is also shit though. brown/black hair and blue/green/grey eyes masterrace

Why are you ashamed of your American flag?

What about them blue eyed blacks

Nice girl

>spending money on dividends

>Selecting for traits like beauty, intelligence, non-brown eyes
intelligence is first and foremost - take an online meme IQ test with prospective mates

What about hazel eyes? Do you consider them brown or non-brown

OP is Jewish.

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The blonde guy is way better looking.
-t. Fembot

Genetic trash

kek muttoid cope

made for BBC

>Any other good ones?
Tribalism and a warlike nature. These are infinitely more important than your gay blonde hair. The lack of these is why we lost the world and why Scandinavians are subhumans despite their white skin.

D&C thread. OP is a kike guaranteed. If you are of 100% European descent, you are white. Also, brown eyes are the default human eyecolor, same for hair. The others are mutations.

>brown eyes
>100% European descent
Pick one.

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Tell me more about who is and isnt white, Schlomo.

Northern Europeans

>caring about what women think
The white race is more important than that


> The Irish calling anyone else a nigger
You arent even white. Go beat your wife and starve to death because you turned all the potatoes into Vodka,.

Irish and brown eyes
Fucking mutts i swear

Women overwhelmingly prefer non-brown eyes though so that's to the white race's advantage.

People with brown eyes can have blue eyed children. if you're going to talk about eugenics, at least know basic biology. You reek of edgy teenager.

You do realize that it’s edgy highschool kids making these threads right. You’d have to be autistic to sincerely think you shouldn’t marry a white person just because they’re not blonde and blue eyed. Brown hair and brown eyes have been among white people’s ancestors for 1,000’s of years

White people never had brown eyes. That's a result of mixing with browns

Let's flush some of Europe's greatest achievements down the toilet because they were accomplished by brown-eyed subhumans.

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>Racial Hygiene General
what about height and jaw size you sad little manlet?

retard, PIEs were mostly brown eyed and brown haired

Maybe you should also. The gene has to exist for it to be possible and in non-europeans it doesn't.

Two Africans have a zero chance at producing blue eyes. Two Asians have a zero chance.

Even if the gene is there the chance is still less than 20%. THat wouldn't be eugenic at all.

Name a single accomplished brown eyed person.

t. turk

Even when they were testing the skeletons of Indio-Europeans only 78% had the blue eye trait. And literally every person on earth is mixed then because you can’t go back 5,000 years and not have one

>let me set the goalposts while you list names

Do it when a blond with blue eyes actually accomplish something useful in the world.

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honest question: why is it wrong for me to preserve my people? my family has light brown hair and green eyes for generations.

why can't i fight to preserve that? why should i roll over and let some swarthy southern european destroy that genetic heritage?

There were different groups of them. Some were mixed race like the shit eyed ones.

Repeat after me:
A blue-eyed person breeding with a brown-eyed person is the genetic equivalent of tossing a priceless sapphire into a sewage pit.

Access to whites is not a human right.

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The way you’re describing that makes it sound like you’re incestrious, but I’ll assume you’re not. If you want to then that doesn’t matter. But you shouldn’t undermine Europeans interests by trying to exclude brown hair and brown eyes

Meme flags aren't white.

Post eyes

>t. turk
you are literally being a little princess about race "hmmm we should have shiny blonde straight hair, deep blue eyes and don't forget some full cherry lips to suck dem cocks...", how do I know you are some dyel manlet?

>Tfw as A jew I will always be #2

I think I can accept this my fellow jews, just look at our rabbis who insist against all evidence that we deserve better.

We deserve what ? A genetic rearrangement ? Yes we do.

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Oh nonononono
Beta feminine blue eyed sissies on suicide watch

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No, retard. ALL Proto-Indo-Europeans groups had mostly brown eyes. You descend from a brown eyed man defiling a blue eyed farmer girl.

My parents are from Denmark (the country Hitler himself believed to be true Aryans), and I have brown eyes and light brown hair. Uncle has dark brown hair, blue eyes.
If you actually think the Viking age didn’t insert some brown hair/brown eyes genes you’re retarded.

The truth is, you can talk about racial hygiene as much as possible but you will never actually have kids with an attractive white woman yourself because you are repulsive and possibly autistic.

t. brown man fucking a blue eyed, blonde haired white girl

i have golden hair with blue eyes, am i the true master race?

Are u saying the white race is inferior sissies

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