So, do you guys remember 23rd of september 2017?

We had the biblical star alignment described in Revelations 12.
Now, I'm not a really religious person despite my catholic upbringing, but this is almost too perfect to be dismissed as coincidence.

We may have just entered the end times.

With that out of the way we can especulate about what will happen after this pandemy is done with whatever it has to do with humanity:

>economy is utterly fucked, globalism just took a almost fatal blow to it's ugly head (beast wounded)
>if there is ayys and the government knows it/is in contact with them you can be 1000% sure that they are going to "help us", then disclosing their presence here.
>ayys may be god? gods? demons? we don't have any means to know, but we have the bible which accuratelly predicted events 2000+ years ahead of its time, maybe the single source of truth about what will happen that we have right now
>we need 2016 levels of autism studying revelations do understand what is happening and what will happen.

may god be with us, and if he isn't, then we're all fucked anyway.

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Other urls found in this thread: flue 3/11&atb=v164-1&ia=web declares emergency 3/11&t=ffnt&atb=v164-1&ia=news

>So, do you guys remember 23rd of september 2017?

I wonder if people were this deluded during the 1918 pandemic or any of the thousand other pandemics that came and went without it being the apocalypse?

Calm your tits.

>I wonder if people were this deluded during the 1918 pandemic

march 11th????

the 1918 pandemic came in a time where humanity was still religious, respected god and it's traditions

now we are arguibly in our worst time, the most degenerate times ever, and after the 23rds alignment what do you think this is?


>the 1918 pandemic came in a time where humanity was still religious, respected god and it's traditions flue 3/11&atb=v164-1&ia=web declares emergency 3/11&t=ffnt&atb=v164-1&ia=news

3 1/2 white horse over.
Rode white horse , airforce 1
Had a crown of leadership, president.
A bow, nuke football.
Conquered both pedos and evil elite.

Now as of mar 11 red horse is here, wars on the rise next 3 1/2 years.

It isn't a prophecy, it's a (((script))).

>just entered the end times
>just entered
Boy, we've been here a while.

this. everything in revelation occurred in the 1st century with the exception of jesus coming down and defeating rome. faggots in jerusalem were so sure of acceleration that they destroyed their foodstores to hasten moshiach. ooops. so much for memeing wishes into reality

Please quit posting on our board. I wish we could just ban non white's nations from Yas Forums. Except Japan and Korea they are cool.

>Except Japan and Korea they are cool

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This is a false statement.
The future king of Hosea did not appear for one. Among many other things.

I've fucked a few Asian bitches in my days and kicked it with some pretty cool Asian dudes. I like them a lot better than the other races.

Got news for ya:
He isn't. This is a crises of man by man for man. Our greed and sin led to a globalist system with 0 protections or backups and an overloaded overpopulated planet.

Nature will take its course we dug our own graves.

The four horses of apocalypse are already here:
>Pestilence (Corona)
>Starvation (Locust plague)
>War (Middle East)
>Death (Soon: Yellowstone)


Yellowstone is going to suck.

>666 ID
Well fuck..


The sequence of events doesn't make sense for it to be the biblical end times.

>The future king of Hosea did not appear for one.
no fucking shit. that was the point of my post.
>Among many other things.
like what? literally every fucking thing in revelation is corroborated by multiple secular sources

Elite are using it as a script, ID2020 is their Mark of the Beast.

The future king of Hosea chapter 3 is not Jesus. This is a Roman lie, he rules under Jesus. Read your bible.

>24Then the end will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power. 25For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

>The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
>The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
>The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

The bible story is cyclical. A metaphor for a begin and end cycle to human community. Of course it's playing out. We're just watching it live, cause we're so well connected.

You all forgot greta.She the messenger for the NWO.
She smiles when she saw thousands of people losing their jobs due to this virus.

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ID2020 is the DECOY mark of the beast.

5 Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the Lord and to his blessings in the last days.
this had to do with the repatriation after the babylonian captivity you historically illiterate faggot. your mind is jewed beyond belief

Based and redpilled

You forgot about the sky pepe but he hasn't forgotten about you

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The question is who is the antichrist?.

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The false prophet.

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Ezekiel 33:34 and revelations detail the king as well.

I'm not sure how you aren't understanding this. It's clear as day. God made a promise to King David to raise up one of his blood to be a prince over the earth as the king of king rules from his throne in heaven.

You are just showing your lack of biblical knowledge, preachers have been talking about this for years in the appalachias.

False prophet? Makes predictions about the future, outwardly benign but speaks like a dragon, in her case trying to shame people. Although that could apply to that speckled nerd Gates as well.

I actually wasn't religious until I saw the fallen angels with my own eyes. "Jews" actually had nothing to do whatsoever to do with my belief that religion is real. Jist hard to deny once you see Elohim wth your own eyes.

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>muh mayan calendar
>muh shemitah
happeningfags never change

ayys are demons man, not God. gods yes little g.

>the cookie monster is coming for us all
o no

Take your meds

She is using a crisis to manipulate the masses. Behind her there is handlers

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i am terminally ill, cancer, maybe another year or so but maybe less and I am fucking loving this shit, if i could see a few million go before me, a few million that should have easily outlived me then i'll die with a smile on me face

again - OT "prophecies" (which were written after the fact) deal with OT events.
>You are just showing your lack of biblical knowledge, preachers have been talking about this for years in the appalachias.
my biblical knowledge is equal with that of DD preachers; certainly moreso than appalachian hillbillies - the difference is that i'm not preying on weakminded superstitious faggots for 10% of their paycheck

Today these stupid niggers have internet and boy oh boy. Do they see a connection even in shit.

ezeniel, Hosea and revelations are end times prophecies, not Old Testament.

the book says what it says, I don't care if you believe it I was just pointing out that what you were saying was biblically in accurate. 3 different end times books say God will raise up a new kimg to serve under him and gives him a key to his servant in revelations. Sorry you are ill informed. Learn some humility, when
You are wrong you are wrong.

Agree we live in the last days of this system of things, only a very short while until God removes all wickedness and restores his Kingdom on earth.
There are however many more biblical prophecies coming true right now. Take those from Luke and Matthew about "Wars, strife, famine, earthquake..." all those things at the same time is pretty unique. Of course they have happened in the past, sometimes a few at a time but never before all at once.

Attached: EndTimesSigns.png (1278x3185, 394.58K)

me add no dsicord mano me fala mais sobre ai


Jews also agree on this.

Basically the entire religious world apparently is wrong and you are right lmao ok buddy whatever you say, like it or not Mashiach is a part of Isrseli prophecy according to the bible and the God of Israel.

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Who cares if it's the end times or not. If you believe in god pray for your fucking soul and then get on with it, because no matter what, you're meeting your creator at some point and you don't have a say. As for everyone else, business as usual.

>who cares if it's the end times or not

Every true Christian Jew and Muslim on earth

this makes sense. is jesus just a metaphor too?

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im scared.

keep in mind that the OT/NT distinction is an artifical one. The whole bible was inspired by God.
In the past some prophecies had a smaller accomplishment, foreshadowing a bigger one in the future.
The jews being released from Babylon foreshadowed the loyal humans being released from the captivity of sin and death in the future.
Pic related its from Galatians chapter 4

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-22 Galatians 4 — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY.png (1252x1214, 249.75K)

23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.

Pride always comes before the fall with you people. Now that you have cussed me, insulted a nation of people (Appalachia) and been proven to also be wrong I imagine you still won't admit you did not know what you were talking anout.

Imagine actually behaving like this and thinking spectators don't see this for what it is.

I calmly politely provided sources, as you insult and rage like
Some sort of demonic tranny.

I will pray for you Yankee heathen for your nation is possessed by Satan and that is why Babylon will fall. Prepare yourself.

It’s Revelation

Applies to Q more.

I know that, Jesus specifically said think not he came to abolish the old laws of the prophets, he most certainly did not.

I just thought it was easier to just point out where that poster was clearly preaching the opposite of what the bible and God of Israel said.

Thank you brother.

You haven't seen anything yet.

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We have a winner. Qanon pushed all that demonic Kek worship shit. They are trying to trick anons into worshipping fallen angels, not on my watch,

Qanon is a Freemason luciferian operation.

no, he was however foreshadowed by the high-priest in ancient Israel who would approach God with blood to cover up the sins of the people. Pic related: Hebrews 4:14. The book of hebrews was written to the christians in Jerusalem, most of them had been Jews before. It is great at showing the many connections between the so called OT and the NT.

there is no reason to. While times will become very difficult (the bible is quite honest about that) in the end this will lead to the salvation of the just and loyal people and the destruction of the wicked one. Gods original plan - Adam and Eve were to populate all of earth with their perfect, immortal descendents- will come true after all. Read Revelation 21 verses 3 and 4: No more death nor suffering nor diseases.

good to know. It is sometimes difficult to follow those online discussions.

fffff, forgot the picture

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Revelations takes place over many decades. It's not the short time frame most popularized. The next event is the 5 trumpets, which is one event. Apophis asteroid will hit the earth in April 2029. While not an extinction level event, the world will definitely suffer greatly. Stay off the west coast during that time.

I am a serious Christian my brother. Make no mistake I mean business when it come to my faith.

We will not be the soft half serious religion of previous generations, anyone who walks with us will be very serious Christians with the Faith's strength similar to that of the Muslims, unbreakable for we wear the armor of our God the most high.

When my God says no to multicultural and the Babel and says no to heathens in our nations and LGBT, they will not walk into my church. My Lord has spoken.

Make no mistake heathens, the time is approaching our Lord will gather our children from ALL the nations and we WILL have a nation of our own.

Satan can rage all he wants about him being equal to God with his "equality".

There is no equality, for the Lord is the most high. Bow down to my God or face his judgement. This is a message for all lurkers.

dont ignore you fucking retard

what if those events had already been taking place for decades?
Also: wtf is the apophis asteroid?

>no to heathens in our nations and LGBT, they will not walk into my church. My Lord has spoken.

Thank you brother. You are welcome with me any time.