When will this retarded moron boomer get the boomer remover virus? I can't stand him anymore
When will this retarded moron boomer get the boomer remover virus? I can't stand him anymore
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nice flag. what is it like knowing your future is a pile of ash
Is he right though?
He's extremely right, and everyone hates him because he pisses off both the anxiety riddled #flattenthecurve snowflakes and the happening neets on Yas Forums
>is he right
No. Almost all cases of the flu you can sit out at home with this you can't. It's a much more severe infection with a lot higher rate of people needing to be on ventilators. Even "mild" cases of this include 103° fever and pneumonia. This is 10x deadlier than the flu.
If you piss everybody with a reasonable opinion it usually means you are right.
Who goes to the hospital for the flu
Also they don't go in 2 months and take up emergency beds you retard
Then why are most covid patients being sent home to sweat it out sweaty
He’s not wrong
Never. The cure has already been discovered.
There are up to 800K hospitalisations per flu season (this is within 8-12 weeks).
He's right
t. cnn
Flu has an extremely small hospitalization rate. Covid19 is 15-20 percent hospitalization.
because the hospitals are already full
this is why the death rate is so high
Yes he is. CDC anticipates Corona will infect the majority of the population over the next few years. Severe cases require respirator and like 7% of cases are severe. Our only hope now is to slow down the infection rate so the hospitals don't get overwhelmed. He's ergot flat earth tier iq.
A lot of people are dumb.
Our ICUs are running at 75% already before this happened. This is adding overflow that wasn't there before thus leading to the crisis.
>the death rate is so high
(((bill mitchell)))
>Going to hospital for the flu
But you still have regular fly + all the diseases/cases you would have without the virus.
That's how it goes over capacity.
It's not like all other diseases cease to be.....
No he is wrong. His is counting a larger period of time and entirely spread across the hospital system. Corona is new and being contained, so in the few areas where it is hitting there are far more cases per hospital. Also, not very many people are hospitalised by the flu compared to corona.
All that said, there is definitely something suspicious and the entire thing seems to have been planned
>You’re the 1%
No one responds to the only sane reply in this thread.
Bill doesn't understand because he makes a post, immediately closes it afterwords, sits there and congratulates himself about how he's smarter than everyone else and it's the entirety of the world that's overreacting. He then farts out another thought and posts it on twitter before taking a nap, not bothering to read any of the comments telling him why he's a retard, nor looking at any real information about the virus and how it spreads and why it's dangerous. Because if he did, his precious boomer ego would be shattered, and the lifelong pride of always being right and never being wrong would dissipate, and make him realize he's in actuality, a fucking retard.
I can’t fathom being this much of a faggot happoooner
that's because currently those who need treatment are getting it. 99 percent of healthy people with coronavirus will survive if hospitals are available, maybe 90-95 percent without. This will raise the overall death rate substantially
>how can a hospital handle large number of patients over a long time, but not handle a large number of patients in a short amount of time
>its fake
What moron can‘t understand that all other illnesses and accidents don‘t stop just because there‘s covid? This virus is ADDITIONAL to everything else that‘s going on. That’s why the health care system is collapsing. Holy shit he‘s stupid.
Of course. 99% of those who have died have been 70+. Do you realize how many old people have another illness? By the time you're 70 you have on average, atleast 2 preexisting conditions.
>Handling 670,000 cases with a proper cure over the course of a year is the same thing as handling 670,000 with no cure at all over the course of a month
Maher is right, report in
boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/249590688#bottom
relative works for cdc he says everyone already has it but it doesn't "activate" until you drink nigger cum.
based leaf, checked and keked
Autism doesn't weak my immune system, d-does it?
That is 8.7% using the highest hospitalizations with lowest infections. Corona is 20-30%, pic related.
What this doesn't tell you is that one of those "other illnesses" is high blood pressure, something 60% of all italians of the age of 18 has (and 75% of all ameriburgers).
Right and its here for good. Even if it was only as bad as h1n1 it would be a catastrophe. H1n1 came out in like 2011 and has infected an estimated a billion. everytime a new virus appears it's a huge deal.
We don't see all cases. If we miss 10X, then it's much lower. If we miss 5x, it's still lower than the flu. We know 50-75% have ZERO symptom.
Also the flu season is 8-12 weeks. It's not during the full year.
>When will this retarded moron boomer get the boomer remover virus?
You tell me, kike. You semites are behind this anyway
Way to be deliberately vague. If 99% don't need to be hospitalized for the flu and 80% for wuflu most people don't need to be hospitalized for either of them but one is an order of magnitude worse l.
Who cares about hospitalization. Everyone is getting hospitalized that test positive. Let’s look at per capita like we do everything else. What is the death rate globally of hospitalized patients flu vs corona?
There is no "cure" for the flu you retard
He's an Ambassador of Israel.
He must have paid for his passport there by now?
Like 99% of humanity.
He’s based triggering cvg incel cucks
670,000 people dont all get the flu at once.
Somebody need to cough on him
We have had 50 years to get this many hospital beds to handle the basic flu every year.
Corona 10x more infectious and 10x deadlier.
So what happens when there are suddenly an extra 100000 patients?
They may be very liberal with the definition of "illness" there.
I want a list of "Underlying Conditions".
Regular flu doesn't require most infected people to be on ventilators that's why.
Yeah but on too of the flu we still have annual Corona viruses like the common cold and others that do cause hundreds of thousands of cases of respritory distress and pneumonia. The cdc tracks flu illnesses and non flu pneumonia separately and we see between 2600 and 3800 non flu pneumonia deaths per month every year. On top of flue admits.
Add another 600,000 for non flu seasonal illnesses as well.
US senator Richard Burr told a private audience that covid19 would be the modern version of Spanish flu. The Media and government are lying to you.
Sorry that 80% number is just wrong. They happen to be biased by testing only severe cases presenting to the hospital. Of course if you have to go in your are likely already looking at hospitalization. If they did random testing I bet you would likely find that 99% of covid infected can self treat.
Yes, the percentages will fall as more cases are discovered. However, it is clear that corona's rate is much higher than flu's. If it infected anywhere near as many people, it would be far more damaging.
Hospitalization matters because there are a limited number of hospital beds, ICU rooms, and equipment such as ventilators. The hospitalization rate is more dangerous than the mortality rate, which is probably overestimated.
yeah and the hospitals are already full
It isn't any deadlier when you look at proper CFR math. If you do flu deaths based only on tested cases it has a CFR of 10%. This is the new media playing with numbers to scare people. The flue also has an estimated 20-50 million case load. Corona will be the same we just can build that number yet.
>Who cares about hospitalization.
the healthcare system you gigantic retard. the reason we're panicking to MUH FLATTENED CURVE is to avoid hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations that will definitely cause thousands of hospital personnel to die, on top of the many, many deaths from people who are in the hospital for other reasons
In your own shithole of a country, per the latest data, covid19 would kill millions if it was left to run its course untreated
jesus christ ameritards are so fucking dense
Like AIDS basically? Sounds like it removes your immune system and you die from other things.
>It isn't any deadlier when you look at proper CFR math.
I think this is making a hilariously good case against the positions all the democrat politicians have, even while they try to blame the flu on trump.
our healthcare system collapses if our OWN citizens go to them en masse, you want to invite the whole fucking third world to come on down your treatment is on the american taxpayer!
>Death rate
We are at nearly 1300 cases with 7 deaths.
well now you have to deal with flu AND covid
are they saying that without a coronavirus infection they would have died anyway at the same time and in the same numbers? lmao
>Drumpf dindu nuffin, other than lie out of his ass, downplay it, and bitched for 2 straight weeks. its not his fault, it's the democrats fault!
Because people are in the hospital for various other things, and 670k are in for the flu and now Covid shit!
My dad died a few years back cause no hospital had fucking beds due to all the old fucks with the flu and booboo's on their knee's so he couldn't receive treatment he needed.
Bill Mitchel needs fuckin raped.
Common cold is a rhinovirus, retard. Misinfo shill or stupid, i cant tell which one you are.
Good job. CNN has deposited 9 cents into your account
>reddit spacing
>poor english
>poor grammar
I guess this it he average Yas Forumsack now
you sound like a filthy goy
>Giving a solid fuck when the thread will get pruned in 15 minutes and replaced by another youtube shill video talking about redpills.