Chinese hate thread

Chinese hate thread

Attached: 1584830485653.webm (853x480, 2.25M)

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The doggerinos!!

kys boomer

Any dog is worth more than you and all gooks combined. Does "Mans best friend" mean fuck all anymore?!

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I think perhaps 30 megatons for peking, a nice head start. Crikey, i hate chinks.

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>dumb animal that only cares about eating and shitting

k boomer

you are evil. kys.

Yes, Chinese peasants are barbaric. What else is new?

Edgelord faggot or Chong LAPRIST.

you probably eat pigs who are more intelligent/social than dogs


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Chinese love thread

take your whataboutism 3rd grade argument back.

people must think you're hilllllllllllllllllllllarious IRL

why do jannies keep deleting these threads?

Who gives a fuck about some fucking mutt?

that's not whataboutism


I get that some people eat all kinds of animals, but for fucks sake at least give it a clean death.


Every white man of outstanding character does.

Killing a pig with one shot of nail is same as torturing dog for 30 minutes
kys chinknigger

>be 2020
>have bathrooms like these all over China
>can’t figure out why diseases are spread

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>the symbol of nu male cuck relationships everywhere
>the reason white couples don't have kids anymore
Fuck it, let 'em rot. I'm glad they're doing this and I hope the dog meat industry continues to expand not just in China but throughout the world. I would happily contribute to this industry if I knew of a way to do so.

I sincerely hope some retribution is in the cards for Xi Jinping and his merry band of lying snakes.

When my 6 year old asks me why Chinese people are bad

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ok muhammad

Dogs were reviled everywhere in the ancient world, and for good reason.

Attached: press.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

Attached: Chankoro dragging dogs.png (1371x1208, 2.17M)

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Attached: Humane pig dispatching.webm (204x360, 1M)

Attached: Chinese population secret.webm (384x560, 330.94K)

Attached: Chinks arent chinese.png (800x1672, 208.77K)

Attached: China one child policy.webm (720x404, 678.77K)

Chinese here

You guys are amusing.

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Attached: Gook goblin eats chiken.webm (1080x1080, 2.94M)


Attached: Gook eats baby birds.webm (270x360, 2.3M)

Attached: Fucking chankoros and grilling dog alive.webm (960x544, 725.82K)

Attached: Chink dog punch.webm (660x960, 2.08M)

Attached: Chinese takeout.webm (480x288, 2.67M)

Attached: Chinese construction.webm (360x640, 1.78M)

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>Cherrypicking this much
Meanwhile, when white man do the same thing no one gives a shit
Fuck you doublestandards

Attached: Nothing+takes+me+back+to+my+home+in+newfoundland+much+_1ee01fbfc750b225f8303258465d6af3.jpg (610x343, 67.49K)

Attached: chink.webm (1280x720, 951.47K)

You studying here, bro?

Attached: 1579984299025.webm (272x480, 945.15K)

Attached: Chinese dog attack car crash.webm (960x540, 1.98M)

No, I am born here, diaspora so to speak of.

Also a social recluse NEET :^)


The Chinese Virus

Attached: Chinese npc.webm (230x302, 383.47K)

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How do you avoid showing your power level when it comes to China? I fucking hate that abomination of a country and the bug people that live there so kind of hard to resist. Every time I BTFO them online their equivalent of JDIF comes along and rallies the normies with accusations of racism.

Hehe, correct.
Guess, it's no surprise that old gen imageboard users frequent various boards of different imageboards.

me too, I live in USA

Epic. How are you doing?

Muhammad detected

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Usa does the same thing to all the animals we eat you just dont see it on live leak sage gay is op.

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Flood the net with all these videos of how chinks treat dogs and see the west turn against them.

Okayish, but NEETbux is running out...

I haven't done much in the recent months, last year I was rather active in terms of physical activities with mountain hikes, and especially bike riding.

But it's all fate. As my end is near so is the end for the West and the current society and I am lucky I can still witness the fall.


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That’s 100% just factually incorrect.
The Greeks loved dogs.
The Romans loved dogs, so much so that an entire article was written about how to name dogs.
Germania used dogs for hunting
What the fuck are you even on about?

My old retarded peasant relatives used to treat their livestock quite terribly as well back in their days. It's just what uncultured peasants do I guess.

all the people who watch these videos end up saying that the Chinese are infrahuman

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Chink Flu
Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da,Chink Flu
Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Chink Flu
Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Chink Flu
Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Chink Flu
Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Chink Flu
Sha, sha ba da, sha ba da, Chink Flu

Chinese flu from the yellow land
Turn the west forever mad
Taking all the med supply's
Beat chinks until they're on the ground
Beat chinks forever, beat them freely
They fucked forever you and me
Chinese flu from the yellow land
Is everybody in?

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You will never commit suicide and you know it.