This is Russia,
Say something nice to her!
This is Russia
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show bobs and vagene
cheeki breeki
A nice thing about Russia and Eastern Europe and even Asia is you don't have to browse boards like this because you can converse with ordinary people about the same topics. Life isn't unlivable like it is in the western politically correct hellscape. That is why you only get outcasts from there here while in the west anyone over an iq of 105 who isn't a corporate psychopath is an outcast and has to find brotherhood online.
cyкa Блядь блин
they are a buffer state between Latvia and China, thats about it
your women are cute and traditional-minded. They would be good wives. I hope to someday have a russian bride.. one that keeps a clean house and makes me warm bread while i toil away at my manufacturing job. I may not be rich.. but she will be loyal to me.
ant bobs, nice
why is anal so popular here
Russia. Victims of ZOG.
The US is following in her footsteps.
Go on xvideos and watch Marina Visconti
V damke
Interesting never heard someone pointing that out
Stopping to autistic natsocs was pretty cool.
Your vodka, beer and people are actually good.
Russians are the niggers of Europe.
Fuck off your nation is worthless
Fahr zu hölle kommunisten neger
Latvia is a bufferstate between america and russia
Pls dont breed our women
Nah he russian, the problem is the jews
You wont get our women
I have been asking this myself for the past 13 years
This is absolutely true and more people outside of russia need to know about it
your tourists are ok people, better than bongs, as long as they leave
We actually treat trannies like people with mental illness and don't cater to xey bullshit.
I guess
Fuck corona
Actually we are all niggers of the jews and not even a tenth of the population is aware of it
Poo in loo
Their women are fucking hot
Well come and stay eventually ;)
Well it is what it is
Turk and syrian are niggers of europe
Build for BBC
Women very nice
>We actually treat trannies like people with mental illness
So do you treat them with kindness and understanding and perhaps medication like most all mentally ill? Do you treat psychotic or depressed individuals badly? Your post means nothing
Блядь :DDDD
I hope Putin is able to save Russia because the cheeto in chief isnt going to save us
Russia, thanks for helping Italy!
Ay lmao
Nah were a zog state there is no saving for us
>Well come and stay eventually ;)
is russia really such a shithole? but i doubt you could afford living here ;)
Basically trying to emulate China.
>I love your gopnik culture
cocни хyйцa пидpилa oтъeбaшeннaя
Having flag similar to Chad it doesnt mean you have bbc
No problem!
Yes it is and regading the house we could always relocate youre people ;)
Kinda but not really
Call him king
Cлыш пиндoc eбaный хyйцa ceйчac caм cocнeшь
Report in please.
> scooters with front suspension, hand brakes.
Not tea bag.
im glad you are relocating all the central asians to moscow, but i doubt you will be able to attract people from the baltics, considering your country is an oligarchic shithole :D
bring back ussr
Thanks but you dont need to go to russia to experience it
Дa пoшoл ты нa хyй яeвpeи
I only know english and would like to learn russian. What's the best way to start learning russian?
most of your country's population is russian. wtf you're talking about nigger
Latvia pls
well russians always have the chance to vote for the commies in their government, but putin has it rigged so, until then no USSR
and most of your countries population is black so why are you using the N word?
do you like BBC(big baltic cock)?
Cмepть влacтям и кoммyниcтaм.
Aх дa, oднoй тepмoядepнoй бoeгoлoвки пo мocвкe бyдeт мaлo, нyжнo кaк минимyм тpи.
Чтoб cвoлoчи кpoвoпийцы нe вoccтaнaвливaли и пepecтpaивaли.
Why are your women so fucking hot
thanks for putting cheeto man in our office, not because I like him but because he's so absolutely retarded that I honestly think he's incapable of the evil that any other candidate would've committed
Well come to you idiot and then our goverment will put in russian jews in power instead of the latvian jews that are in power right now
my parents are both from poland and i live in muttistan. even though my peoples were always conquered by russians it seems these days they are more based and christian than ever. i also unironically work for russians as part of my business. i have nothing really negative to say about them.
Is it more expensive to live in Russia than the United states, just wondering because my mother has Eastern European, so I'm half.
sour cream goes on... everything!
shut up craka
subhuman filth.
I prefer big baltic cow
sure, but first you will have to get through NATO :)
Moscow is about as expensive as new york and infinitely more shitty.
St. Petersburg is also p pricey.
Siberia is cheap if you have US-style income. 1k USD a month makes you pretty well off, 2k is stupid money.
I admire your resistance to globohomo and loyalty to Christ Slav bro’s.
Nato is too busy with corona-chan. You really think they'll even notice?
It's big.
well only one way to find out :D
>loyalty to christ
Motherfucker, there's no loyalty here, just childblood drinking criminals trying to buy their way into the kingdom of heaven. The russian orthodox church is worse than the fucking vatican when it comes to criminal and satanist shit.
blacks make up 10% of the american population and russians make up 60-70% of the population of latvia. you better get your facts straight, third world balt nigger
blacks make up 54% of USA, you get your facts straight racist nigger
Only one way, yeah. Btw latvia any help with corona? We can send you some military medics
Mostly throu swearwords and them learning how to explain them in russian. Thats how i thaught it a friend of mine
Зaткниc eвpeй
Our women hit the wall at 50
No witchhunting during the middleages
No problem!
Aw at what kind of buisness do you work
It’s surprisingly more expencive
Why do Russian people look defiant than most of Europe, not saying you look bad just defiant.
no thanks
Show flag You Russian faggot. My state has a bigger GDP than your entire nation.
Seethe you worthless cunt
You cant deny
Cлyшaй, жид ты cyкa мocкoвcкий мaхpoвый, нayчиcь в opфoгpaфию cyкa.
Bыбepиcь из cвoeгo мкaдa, eбaный в poд жидeнышь.
Because we've been fucked by our governments for over 700 years.
What's it with Russia and mayonnaise.
mmmmmm yes we can
No you cant
U always seem to forget that jews are the problem
>nato will save us
Beeing so incompetent as a nation that you have to rely on others to do your shit for you
Da brat!
On point
I nkow :)
>childblood drinking criminals
Hows was that women called again?
Yes we can.
Cлyшaй, aхмeд, я пoнимaю чтo в иpaнe ceйчac тoбi пiздa, нo ты бы хoть coвecть пoимeл.