>1k per day deaths now
>there are still literal retards on Yas Forums who think shutting down the economy was over exaggerated
In a few days we'll be above the higher end of daily flu deaths worldwide.
>1k per day deaths now
>there are still literal retards on Yas Forums who think shutting down the economy was over exaggerated
In a few days we'll be above the higher end of daily flu deaths worldwide.
We could have reached 2k today if it wasn't for Italy's pathetic performance.
>In a few days we'll be above the higher end of daily flu deaths worldwide.
This place was getting crowded anyways.
>1k deaths per day
Those are rookie numbers
Gotta pump those numbers up!
1000k deaths per day would be ideal
Hahahahah. Soon.
Nothingburger. Africans die of starvation and chimping out at much higher rates daily.
africa will pick up the slack and its just began to hit the favelas of brazil.
The higher end of flu deaths is when infection has peaked through a population. The coronavirus is only just getting started.
I hope it gets worse just so you can eat shit
Its absolute nothingburger. More people a day die from tram accidents
>In a few days we'll be above the higher end of daily flu deaths worldwide.
> Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.
Not quite right faggot! Wake me up when we have passed 5% of the yearly flu deaths.
Which country is losing 1000 a day? Italy?
shut up you piece of shit, it's just a sexed up flu, you take some paracetamol and adrenochrome, drink it up with some bleach and you get up healthy next day
>up there somewhere in the clouds
Nobody gives a fuck about dead boomers and weaklings. Stop worrying faggot there are 7 billion people on earth and only a extremely fraction of that got the chink virus.
>based and hydroxychloroquined coofer
Also garlic
vodka in the morning chacha in the evening and you wake up healthy as fuck
>14k deaths
>0.0001% of world population
>Not even as high as normal flu
italy is already on a downwards trend so its basicly over for them (at least to peak the new cases)
they will obviously lose a shit load of people more
now usa with their retarded way of thinking about healthcare is gonna create the biggest bubble the world has ever seen and collapse when the people wont have the money to pay
Also hot milk with butter
Just heard on the news that hospitals are not picking up older people any more in Italy, and they are dying in their homes instead and those are not counted in the statistics.
The amount of people who will die from the economic collapse will dwarf this worldwide number
20,000 from the flu in 2017 in France. Nothing fucking burger.
ok vladimir
40% of America is obese, and therefore high-risk
it ain't gonna be no 1% fatality rate here
>On donne de l'hydroxychloroquine à raison de 600 mg par jour pendant dix jours (sous forme de Plaquenil, le nom du médicament, NDLR) sous la forme de comprimés administrés trois fois par jour. Et de l'azithromycine à 250 mg à raison de deux fois le premier jour puis une fois par jour pendant cinq jours.
hydroxychloroquine 600mg/day during 10 days + 500mg of azithromycine the first day then 250mg during 5 days. Cured in 6 days. Less than $10.
>vodka in the morning chacha in the evening
>you wake up
Any day now..
Is anyone know how they treat it in Italy ?
Who the fuck is going to count deaths in Brazil and Africa? They could already be losing hundreds of thousands and we'd never fucking know. As usual the West needs to pick up the fucking slack.
>1 post by this id
They treat the infected with 3 large portions of spaghetti per day. The elderly gets extra carbonara sauce.
My grandfather died in his home, quite suddenly too, he didn't spend years travelling back and forth from his house to the hospital or slowly wither away at a nursing home. One day he was quite fresh and the next he was dead. Pretty good death to be honest. People mourned him instead of being relieved that it was finally over.
So I just read a danish article that refers to an italian study. The average age of 2500 dead of the coronavirus in Italy was 79,5 years old. The average age in Denmark is 80 and for men it's 79. Mostly men get infected in Denmark. In Denmark they keep telling us we don't want to see italian circumstances in Denmark. We literally closed Denmark down to stop old people from dying who statistically already lived longer then the average dane. What a fucking joke.
If you have an extremely dry forrest, it's best to start the forrest fire yourself then to wait for nature to do it, because nature will only make it worse. If you have a lot of snow on a mountain, it's best to start the avalanche yourself, then wait for nature to do it.
People do both of these things, starts forrest fires and starts avalanches preemptively so you have small forrest fires and avalanches,rather then to wait for nature solving it more violently,
If you have a healthcare system that insists on keeping every single old fuck alive as long as possible at every cost. Then it's just a matter of time before nature comes in with a harmless but novel virus that kills all the old fucks. If most of these old fucks had died 2 years earlier rather then be kept alive through a government funded healthcare system, you wouldn't have such a mortality rate in Italy which have one of the oldest populations in the world.
try harder panic fag!
15000 in France alone died of the heatwave in 2003.
This whole “let’s literally shut down the world economy”for months on end is either the biggest overreaction ever or there’s something far more sinister at play that we have yet to understand.
Whoa there, stabbing yourself in the neck is way more lethal.
The odds of having another bubonic plague and dying from it are 1 in 30 million. Good luck.
The CDC estimates the flu has only killed 12,000 to 61,000 people in total SINCE 2010.
Stop yanking numbers out of your ass retard, you'll overstretch it for Tyrone.
>Its literally been 3 months and its topped the bottom number of deaths of the normal flu's entire kill count since 2010.
One of the biggest copes I've ever seen. "Its a nothingburger" Nigga the economy is tanking, there's NG in 23 states. There's clearly a response to the virus that we dont see with a flu. It was designed to be a bioweapon. Whether it got out on purpose or on accident is up in the air. How are these retards going to pretend like things arent getting worse? Just passed 30k cases in the US today. NYC will be the global epicenter of the disease when all this is said and done. All major cities will be locked down.
During the spanish flu we saw the same thing. In the first wave the elderly and sick were the ones dying.
In the second wave later that summer, it attack everyone. My guess is that they want to prevent that second thing from happening.
So 1000 a day for rest of year. 300k deaths. Double it 600k. 3k deaths a day now to Dec 31. Still under one million deaths in a year. Pneumonia on average kills three million a year. STOP ALREADY WITH THIS BS 24/7
>A thousand deaths a day globally
Nigger that's a death about every 45 seconds globally.
heart disease kill somebody every 37 seconds in just the United States alone.
if you're going to make up numbers to shitpost please try to make them actually threatening.
If you're one of these contrarian cucks posting about the "nothingburger" i hope you at least have supplies and are just fucking around online. Lmao imagine treating this like its nothing. The government is going to come out of this with more power than ever. The manufacturing shift to this country will be unprecedented. And before any of that happens millions are going to get laid off while theyre told to stay at home.
it's a nothing breakfast burrito
its primarily in italy and iran
also the world population continues to grow
"About 360,000 babies are born each day according to the UN. That's more than 130 million a year."
They've been dying to starvation a lot less over the last twenty years thanks to Bill and Melinda.
Shutting down the economy will lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths. It's already too late.
Fuck the government. I work for the government and am up there on these podiums and I’m sick of it. I want to go drink in a fucking titty bar.
niggers would likely already know about the coronavirus, they would be killing off everyone who even remotely looks sick and burn their corpse before the authorities come to their village.
just two more weeks and oh boy this will really take off!!11!!
There's 150,000 deaths of any cause every day around the world. The only thing that has changed is that you can no longer convince yourself that nothing bad will ever happen to you.
>My guess is that they want to prevent that second thing from happening.
Your guess is wrong. They explicitly explained they are doing this to flatten the curve so that the hospitals don't get flooded. They explained this over and over. They are also telling that there will be a second wave and that the measures they are taking now will not prevent that but only make sure that the hospitals will not get flooded by to many old fucks.
3500 people die every single day in car accidents.
Worldwide, 150,000 people die everyday.An extra thousand or two from this has no statistical significance. It targets people that were more than likely to die this year. We'll just see less deaths in a different column at year end.
Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day.
You’re an idiot
And we're far frm the peak, retard
except probably less now that everyone is staying home LOL!
didn't see that you beat me to it
Pandemics don't grow exponentially endlessly.
Containment severely limits infection.
In fact several countries including italy are reporting less deaths and/or infected than yesterday
Absolute retard. Do you not understand how exponential growth works?
5 million people die every year of pneumonia of any cause (roughly 13,700 a day). (coronavirus causes pneumonia). Currently it's not even a blip on the statistical radar. All this panic is a bunch of pampered, sheltered weaklings looking upon the face of death for the first time in their lives and realizing that they too will die
These people remind me of flat earthers. They think they are smart and can use reason to prove the experts wrong.
>Beaten Ebola that took 2 years in 4 months.
now imagine if they hadnt shut down everything. we would be at 50k deaths per day by now
The world has a limited number of old fucks in nursing homes.
most of the COVID-19 deaths fall under one of those other categories- having acted as a co-morbid factor where literally any virus would have caused the same person to die.
33 % of population dies of this.
makes sense. the elders suck up most of medical resources and end up dying anyways most of the time. it sucks, but hard times call for hard decisions
I bet you bought Bitcoin at 19K if you're posting shit like this.
We are in the end times now aren't we?
Check. Nah. That shit’s been going strong since December
Holy shit! That's 0.0002% of the entire population! Guys, I'm scared. 2/10000th of 1 percent of the population died from it. This is the end, truly.
Sorry, bros, it was a good run. I'm not sure humanity can come back from .0002% of the population dying over the duration of weeks.
First 3 months this 100k infected. Last 12 days we are up to 200k infected. Significant number of caes require hospitalization. I don't know why this is complicated for some people. Our only hope now is to slow the spread down enough that hospitals don't get overwhelmed while we desperately test vaccines.
No it doesn't. The CDC estimates that since October 2019 to March 14 this year there will have been 23000-59000 deaths from the flu in the US alone.
Check. This. Survival of the fittest