Old nerd here. I am confident that the Internet as we know it will be gone after this, or at the very least it will be surveilled like never before.
I have a pre-Patriot Act PC set up just for The Happening. A circa-2000 Micron Millennia S1854 identical to pic related, but mine has dual 1Ghz Pentium 3s, 2 120GB hard drives and 768 of RAM, the maximum allowed by the MB.
It can probably run Tails like molasses and I have no clue how developed the TOR network even is at this point, but I'm excited that my teenage dream of communicating with other geeks and social refuse using a parallel Internet in the midst of Armageddon is coming closer.
Has anyone here thought of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
i use ubuntu.
im just draw pics in krita
You should kys.
Take your meds, schizo.
Well, funny you mention it. I'm building a peer to peer internet. An internet that can't be taken off line. It's called PiedPiper. My name is Wayne Lambright, I'm coping the idea from the HBO TV series 'Silicon Valley" why? It's a good idea and they did the marketing for me.
>like molasses
try it, you might be in for a pleasant surprise
not sure how trustworthy tails is; don't know anything about it.
t. g4 fag. can't openbsd because openfirmware (what SUNs and Macs had for BIOS) must be upgraded; can't do because is production machine. ubuntu server feels totally at fine, uses 100MB of 1000, rest is "buffers" (cached blocks). happy as a clam with it, programming like it's 1972 since 2009. GUI is overrated, but can only speak for myself.
Are the hard drives ssd?
mine is from 2003, MB allows max 4Gb RAM
stay seething glowie
That's badass, kudos man.
when they order intel to send a valid signed command to brick the motherboard, there will be no more computers
Are you by chance the same guy who runs the "Ex-Liberals" Meetup group in NYC? Either way you are the biggest faggot on this board
Wont even ask for access. Godspeed internet user.
Mechanical, but hardly used. Up until not too long ago I used this machine to rip vynils because it has a nice soundcard but decided to store it.
Bruh, take all my energy. Good luck.
I got this PC from a thrift store for $10. Its old and slow but can run mint and play youtube videos just fine.
I already bricked it in 2002 when I tried to flash the BIOS on the Tyan MB and failed. I had to buy an identical board that had bulging caps and transplant the ROM chip myself.
isn't there that other version of tcp/ip or the internet? It never caught on but has maintained a cult following so to speak.
If the Internet is gone then how are you going to access Tor? Also if it's heavily surveilled, won't your ISP know you're using it and be able to block it?
Are mesh networks going to be practical soon? What about decentralizing the web and moving it to the blockchain? Once they take Yas Forums down the old internet will basically be gone.
You know Tor was developed by the U.S. gov right?
I don't know.
I used TOR about 6 years ago to buy shrooms on Silk Road and it worked fine, having (((Google))) for ISP and all.
Dude if you care about your privacy so much why are you even posting on Yas Forums lol
Yes, as most techs we use.
Bro, why not just grow them. Spores are legal, and all the supplies can be had for under $100. You can get a pound dry weight from a single tub if you do even moderately well.
I'm not talking about privacy, I'm talking about full-on T2 scenario where you are forced to create a parallel network in order to organize militias under the (((radar)))
It's running W2K SP4
tor is fucking glowing nigger
navy made it and kikes took over long ago
Noob here, is a pre-patriot act PC actually safer than what we have now? and how?
What device do you plan on using for transmission? Ive had similar ideas, what do I read first, where do I start? Please answer
saw this the other day
I see (I overlooked the part where you said you want to run Tails on it).
Have an old setup running Windows 98 (SE). I find that the older DOS based Windows runs a lot faster than NT based Windows (2000, XP, etc) on the old hardware. Still do a lot of stuff on it (including Yas Forums), so if you're reading, please consider supporting Windows 95/98 if you can.
>you are forced to create a parallel network
then look for tcp over radio
EVERY CPU manufactured after the Patriot Act runs a subset of instructions and a backdoor to the NSA and other glow agencies.
Neat. I read on an old Maximum PC mag that the power grid can also be used for TCP/IP traffic, akin to how DSL runs on regular phone lines.
oh fuck off wayne you're a schizoposter and i'm surprised these newfags don't already know it
>the power grid can also be used for TCP/IP traffic
yeah that's what powerlines are for.
consumer grade are limited to 300mt or so IIRC, and ofc are limited to your house breakers, but that's because they're meant for it.
>pentium 3 (((intel inside)))
>no mention of airgap
>not temple OS
Nope. Not secure.
No, I'm talking about using the copper wires to transmit data along with electricity, I cannot remember the name of this technology though.
My dream for humanity is a bit torrent like internet, restricting ourselves to the one seed many leech paradigm that is modern web gets sillier the closer one looks.
How can an user assist with your project?
a real champion of a computer
big fan
>using the copper wires to transmit data along with electricity
Ye I think you're talking about this.
You jack it to your power socket, stick a lan cable, do the same with your router, and as long as you're on the same breaker, you are in LAN with the other device.
so... you're talking about ZeroNet
thx bro. It's really bulky and heavy, it even has a DVD decoder card, software does that now lol
boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/249590688#bottom
Not a boomer, but the first PC I used had 2gb ROM and 48mb RAM
Slackware, user
TOR glows from fucking space and you're a fucking retard and have no business presenting yourself as someone who has any expertise whatsoever on cyber security or tech if you use it. Neck yourself.
Wait, will I still be able to use my current PC to jack off to downloaded porn offline? I don't care about society collapsing or whatever I just wanna go out cooming.
I think you're right, whatever happened to this?
I've taken a good look at zeronet, even got a blog up there, there are some concerns I have over how easy it can be to hijack a single page and cause problems for its users, like when 08
chan got all washy
Great potential though, I love zero net
>TOR glows
What doesn't you imbecile?
>he doesn't have tit pics on his Game Boy
Thoughts on I2P and Freenet, use of blockchain etc,.?
>whatever happened to this?
Currently using myself.
Wanted to cut on wifi in my room so I bought this.
Works pretty good, I have 2-3 hiccups a years so I have to unplug and replug, working good overall.
>how easy it can be to hijack a single page and cause problems for its users
Dynamic content is a pain in the ass, but it's fucking awesome for resilience.
yea the internet was fine when it came out and nothing will change. only some niggers will try to destroy it becuase thats all niggers do
>doesn't have a small armada of Amigas
not gonna make it
The internet is not the solution the internet is the problem
Fuck you, underaged shitstain
Get an old think pad and put lirbeboot on it. That said it is made by some autistic tranny so it isn't a win win.
Maybe try buying a pruism laptop. I think they were pretty successful in at least making the IME useless. Try putting BSD, a truly free linux or tails on it.
>Old nerd here. I am confident that the Internet as we know it will be gone after this
nice sub 70 IQ you've got there grandpa
>I'm excited that my teenage dream of communicating with other geeks and social refuse using a parallel Internet in the midst of Armageddon is coming closer.
Is on /pol. 3/10 bait
peer 2 peer? never heard of that please, tell us more
Unironically did this when I was 13 back around 2000/2001, good times with pf tek.
I'm not sure what you are trying to imply when you say you have an older computer. You think they aren't easier to get into or something? You are greatly mistaken.
Also alternative "internets" existed forever (freenet, retroshare, etc). I don't think the "internet" is going to go away. You have satellites in space survialing us at all times.
I think the problem here is that you are part schizo and part tech illiterate. By no means does you having TAILS impress me. Try reconfiguration a load balancer and puppetizing some HAproxy configurations before you think you can "outsmart" big brother. You are fucked because you didn't fight hard enough in the begining. Making fun of Linux user etc.
This is your bed you mad normie, now lie in it.
PII 350MHz reporting in. The vPro/ME architecture began with PIII.
>or at the very least it will be surveilled like never before.
It already is more surveilled than you can imagine