China is just unstoppable

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To be fair that’s pretty bad ass I hope it’s true.


quintessential sweatshop race of subhumans
nuke them all

Nice use of the ocean plastic

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They'll need at least 800,000,000 tigers to ground into a powder to get erections.

There are enough acorns to feed the entire world.

Bet this news really makes them regret polluting the shit out of their oceans. If only they could actually make use of that invention in their home waters.

Call me when they have a navy worth a shit

Hehe fuck that. I'm just gonna catch bats and pangolin
>t. Zhang

bats, pangolin, maybe a couple of bugs off the street
throw those in a pot with some gutter oil, and baby you got a stew going

I believe this as much as that NK news piece about how Kim Jong Il discovered fusion power

Stinky disease ridden chinkys pumping out propaganda at a all time high.

This is the worst news ever, now there is no limit to the amount of amoral yellow insectoids that will crawl across this planet


Hope they use that for their asian legionaires in africa.

Imagine in 500 years when the term "africa" will be associated with chinese mineral and oil industry.

Blacks will starve to death or be worked like slaves.

Chinese have no social protection for their own children.
No protection against lead or mercury.

Imagine how bad they will go on blacks.

Full of indian poop and plastic runoff probably since its coastal

I'm a dumbass Amerifat. Why are you all saying this is impossible?
Yes, I'm aware normal rice is grown in freshwater.

Till the Jews stick their fingers in that one and make them go through what America did after 1865.

try plant anything in saltwater


dude seaweed

Why didn't anyone think about an utility for the biggest and esiest to obtain recourse on earth after salt

so, can we stop feeding Africa now and leave it to the chinks?

Not good for farming

are you talking about basedlant green?

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>Nobody asking for a source.

How the fuck do they get rice from water? Sounds like fake news 2bh

Fishfluenza apocalypse soon.
Can't fucking wait.

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You're even dumber than me.

The really disturbing thing is when you think about it the bottom of the ocean is "literally" covered with hag fish and penis fish.

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deenzchads laffin

Hwhyte Peepo be angry dat slanty eyed chinks be fucking up they shit cuz they too lazy to do any actual work

This is what happens when you allow your economy to be controlled by "financial gurus" who value short term profits over long term growth. F

Yep; Chinese century is simply on hold until they overpopulate

Demographics are destiny


When U nut but she rips your bellend off

it's chinese "destiny" to get nuked into the history books

>new sewage fed rice could feed an other 30 billion people!

Obviously but if rice plants had the properties that allowed sea weed to grow in salt water than the rice would be able to as well. Maybe the Chinese figured that shit out through some GMO or selection wizardry shit. There's no fundamental reason it's impossible. Sure you can doubt if they actually did it but, the Chinks are undoubtedly shifty liars, but that's different from it being impossible.

Yeah but will that stop them from eating bats, cats ,dogs, rats, rodents, anything that moves?
Will that also stop them from eating food that moves aka fucking prepare your food properly you subhuman chinkoids

The world will grow to a trillion+. Look at Holland and Signapore. Yes there will some bumps along the way but we'll get there.

It's not a good thing whatsoever.

The CCP has already clamped down on wet markets a bit. Hopefully with the whole world mocking them they'll at least slow down in unhygienic behaviour.

That's a project that's been going on for like 50 years, like that fox domestication in Soviet Russia.

Oh yeah a MONOCROP because those have proven so successful for societies (sarcasm)

You know that wont be the case, I know that wont be the case, the CCP knows that wont be the case
Their entire culture is being a fucking subhuman

It is. Don't assume the modern dysgenic trends will last forever. If anything overpopulation is what will cause the pressure needed to overhaul the greater systems in a positive direction. The world can't support a trillion niggers if you catch my drift.


a country like that
they'll have death panels in 10 years tops

No. Wealthy Chinese already shop at supermarkets. Things are changing over there, there's no need to be so pessimistic.

the ban is permanent

The virgin Canadian may be content to graze acorns, but the chad American dines on pigs raised on acorns.

waow you have suparmarkit in chaina??
chania numba wannn!

get nuked chink subhumans

All of that extra food is going to feed niggers and other subhuman trash that cannot care for themselves.
It's bad.
The trend will continue.

We should be investing as much of our resources as possible into innovations that can keep the show going for longer. Cheap power, easy access to space, efficient recycling of waste, etc.
But yeah I catch your drift.

prove it

Nice use of Varanasi, you filthy semi domesticated nigger.

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>To be fair that’s pretty bad ass I hope it’s true.
Indeed so.
Salt-water is rather brutal; being able to grow rice in it will be good.


OK in all seriousness this is EPIC

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