Rand Paul has coronavirus

Absolutely based. Please Lord take this libertarian piece of dogshit. Maybe he can go to Canada for treatment again.

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Rand spent his entire life denying millions of people healthcare while shilling for the rich and powerful. Time to pay up and answer for his crimes.



No socialized treatment for you goy!

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>Be libertarian
>Fuck governments and borders and laws and shit
>Pandemic happens
>Literally impossible for most people to make money without spreading disease
>No choice but to stay home
>Would starve to death without government handouts
>If governments weren't urging people to stay home it would have been treated as business as usual and many millions more would be dead
>All borders shut down
>This disease singlehandedly proved libertarianism to be dumb and wrong
>Now the main libertarian figurehead has it
Has any ideology ever been owned this hard?

You think Ron Paul will still call it a hoax

live in ky, it's real. all the news are reporting on it

Yas Forums is now MSM dick suckers because they are afraid of germs. Just lapping up the government/MSM narrative and surrendering all of their civil liberties in the process.

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>surrendering all of their civil liberties in the process.
Nigger no bill of rights have been violated over this and everything that's being done is constitutional right now look up the 10th Amendment and the States Police Power
God lord Yas Forumstards are retarded.

I hate rand.

> Rand Paul is right: We should quadruple employment-based legal immigration

Based. Fuck poor people that are too lazy to get decent jobs that provide health care

Hopefully this ends libertarianism forever

>government forces us to stay
>hurr durr you can't live without government handouts

please return to China

Kentucky is a shithole

Dont like the truth?

Karma is a bitch



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He didn't call it a hoax ever. Just a way for the government to steal more of your civil liberties.

It's God's country you nigger.

So you want millions of innocent people to die then?

Congratulations and welcome to the ideology of Libertarianism.

fpbp, fuck these globalist jews. JFK was the last political candidate that was chad and wanted to return america to the gold and silver standard, Immediately got assassinated and lyndon jew johnson reverted Executive Order 11110 back like the jewish banker he is.

Let's stop for one second and work ourselves through this. We'll use the socratic method.
Question 1. What if this COVID-19 thing is all the worst things they say it is?
Millions of people will die from it. Mainly the elderly. People who do survive will develop antibodies and be immune to this particular strain, and maybe, just maybe over time it will mutate and other strains will develop as well.

doesn't he also block shitreal..seems worth it to like him for that reason

Anyone who wishes ill on another human is a piece of fucking garbage and deserves a painful death. This includes 80% of the people reading this.

I'm sure he will survive
I like how he dresses

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Question 2:
How is that any different than literally any other of the countless cataloged and uncatalogued viruses passing back and forth throughout the micro-ecology of the planet as we speak?
A: It's not. Today it's a strain of coronavirus, maybe it'll be a strain of some other virus that mutates in the future and becomes more deadly. who knows.

if you don't treat him he'll infect other people.

>and deserves a painful death.

Then let's hope for Rand's painful death since he's responsible for tens of thousands of dead Americans each year for denying the kind of government healthcare he himself is enjoying.

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>meme flaggots

Question 3:
What do we do then?
Do we go through all of this every time that happens? Spend our entire lives in bubbles because of things that might kill us?
There's literally no other thing that can be done about it other than accept the inevitability of mortality.

Yeah hardly


With any luck he's already infected some other members of Congress.

Fuck Rancid Paul and his nutcase dad. I hate libertarians so goddamned much.

Literally who

>rand paul
>main libertarian figurehead
nice joke desu. although if it werent for the debt based fiat money system and keynesian economics americans would have savings for a rainy day and not completely shit the bed once something went wrong.

>I wish ill will upon those wish ill will upon others


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Question 4: Not really a question.
fuck you and your nanny state. I don't want it's protection you weak piece of shit. Go wrap yourself in a bubble and let the world move forward.

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He is NOT a libertarian. He's a neocon-lite Republican party drone dipshit.

Fuck him.


(You) are an anti-American kike who wants communism, so don't pretend you're better than a statesman who has fought to expand Health Savings Accounts and fiscal responsibility.

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>Haha this literal medical doctor won't be able to get treatment for flu-like symptoms
you okay, bro?

based glownigger provocateur

People that have a seething hatred of "libertarians" (Rand isn't even one, but alright I guess he is if you hate him sufficiently) are almost without exception complete pieces of shit who want to leech off others while contributing nothing to society.

100% OP is a useless, layabout piece of shit.

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>kentucky is a shithole
>kentucky is god's country
>god is jewish
checks out

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There is no treatment for the Corona virus except for getting hooked up to a ventilator once your lung function has dropped to fatal rates.

>fought to expand Health Savings Accounts and fiscal responsibility.

You mean the tools of the globalists jews to even further impoverish people. you jews are too funny. Maybe america would be in a better place if we didn't have jews like him promoting fractional reserve banking. How can you pay for healthcare if everyone is designed to be in debt? How is that working out for you, jew..

use the fucking catalog you faggot phoneposter niggers

He has spent his life blocking radical liberalism.

Hopefully he was able to infect everybody else at his job ^_^

we need 100 more threads about this. topkek libertarians btfo. Fuck america

This is fucked. Over here they are fining people for socialising. This is totally social engineering and conditioning. Ive heard people getting fined for being outside hanging out and even just doing normal activities. So funny seeing all the idiots and minorities on twitter cry "I just want things to be normal again" You reap what you sow faggots. This part and parcel of open borders and our new western world. All these motherfuckers too are so concerned about this virus but never were concerned about all the diseases open borders brings from all these third worlders. This feels like a 911 moment and everything will change even more. Really makes you think what else is really going on right now.

> complains about debt being caused by jews
> calls attempts to curb national debt are jewish
Classic doublethink.
Fiscal responsibility is what Americans practiced for over a century before FED banksters took over the system.

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This is one of those moments, where you get a lot of questions.... If god is Jewish, did he cut his foreskin, and if so did it drop to earth and became a powerful relic. Is it that they are hiding in this black box (pic related)

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> Over here they are fining people for socialising


I unironically view lolbergs as worse and more delusional than marxists. That’s not to say that I’m not a liberty loving man.

And? That's the point. Rather than being forced to serve an ever-increasing government and do whatever they tell you, a free man has the right to live and die by his own accord.