Trump could have prevented all of this by taking it seriously from the beginning. But instead he downplayed the threat for weeks.
Trump could have prevented all of this by taking it seriously from the beginning...
Go away China fag
>Trump tries to act in January
>Democrats claim he's trying to distract from impeachment
>some court full of Jews blocks whatever action is taken against disease
he couldn't have prevented it, but it could have been a lot less worse than it is now.
Scapegoat: China
Scapegoat: Jews
Scapegoat: Democrats
Couldn't have been prevented, but he's fucked for 2020
“Trumps doing a terrible job with Coronavirus”
Countries with higher COVID deaths per capita than the USA:
-S. Korea
-The Vatican
- and many more
Absolute retard
No words
Ok China fag go coof on your neighbor
I voted for Hillary but supporting trump unless she runs again
Monday morning quarterbacking.
>>some court full of Jews blocks whatever action is taken against disease
Lol cope. What court orders blocked him?
Scapegoat: Chinese
Conservatives are supposed to take responsibility. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
bro-tip: just as per private health care sector's interest, I wouldn't be surprised if they slid a check into his pocket for the service
Chinks Lied
People Died
Sucking Trump's dick doesn't make you immune.
Trump is leading the world. Stop fear monger
What do they all have in common?
Hi ShareBlue maggots
Conservative priority 1: Blame someone. Don't wait until after the crisis is over, do it now.
This will help somehow.
Lies and fear mongers
Push enter more plebbit
thank you glorious CCP
Scapegoat list of anons:
Maybe we can somehow fit trannies onto the list.
It's a hoax virus
Trump says VT is lying about US Army origin of CV19 in Wuhan, we say he is “Full of Shit”
In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world. The US team did so badly that they were called “Onions Sauce Soldiers” by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of the US team.
He could have prevented this by closing the borders in 2017 and mass producing factories in the homeland.
>muh lies
>muh fear mongering
When Maddow says Trump lies, you demand an explanation, but now you just throw out the same bullshit
So he did exactly what Winnie the Pooh did, except Trump didn't suppress information and lie to WHO
What exactly is a lie user?
>at least we're better than a communist dictatorship
>yeah, that makes me feel pretty good
>China monitors all 1bn+ citizens with its network
>Can't keep eyes on a couple hundred burgers
We were told that a communist dictatorship could better handle this for months but instead they covered it up and let it spread, chink shill
Not really. Trumpbux are coming. Economy will be climbing back up by November. Plus Biden is his opponent. I don't see Trump losing.
I don't really understand how people can be so delusional as to refuse to see what a colossal fuck-up this is. The same has been happening in the UK. Barely over a week ago, the UK government's coronavirus strategy was to let the virus go rampant in the country, even though in the confirmed and closed cases, there is currently a 13% mortality rate.
Apparently, that's an acceptable loss of life to try to get a slight economic edge on the rest of the countries that are imposing strict lockdowns/self-quarantines.
We don't have incredible industrial sectors that can be mobilized to cover the asses of wildly irresponsible politicians but there is no fucking way we would disrespect the older generations to that degree where I'm from. Hopefully the Americans will be able to churn out enough ventilators by the time they will be needed.
Trump could not have prevented the virus, he could have mitigated its impact and prepared a national response. His only early action, shutting air travel to China, was late but so was every other leader. The problem is he did nothing else to prepare and started downplaying the threat.
Who the fuck told you that?
>Economy will be climbing back up by November
Unfortunately even if true employment is a “lagging indicator”. The economy may be improving but unemployment will remain high.
Both China and who are to blame for downplaying it. Who sucked China's dick hard
Just another (((blackpill propaganda))) thread
Who the fuck is conservative on Yas Forums? You chinks are on full cope mode. Take responsibility for your people being soulless parasitic yellow jews bat eating dog boiling demons you damn faggot
That’s not how it works. Historically people are scared to change leadership in the midst of a crisis. People aren’t going to line up at the polls to replace him with Joe fucking Biden.
So China tried to cover up the outbreak and arrested doctors trying to expose it. You faggots are worse than Qtards
"Orange man bad!"
Chinese have no souls
You're literally background in this adventure
Code written in for our immersive experience
ching chong bing bong
You can add trump to that list and be closer to correct.
But guys the Corona virus is just cover for Trump to arrest Tom Hanks and bring back shiny coin money. Q said so
Get fucked shill. You were going to bitch and moan no matter what choices were made. You don't care about anything other than getting back control of the federal government and the power that it brings to your party. You have zero interest in helping people or making anything better. You only want to complain until you get your way. And even if that happens you will find another made up issue to complain about. You are a plague
That's what Trump was saying too until shit got real.
Name one country that "prevented" this
But it's not real. It's still a fucking hoax.
>Who the fuck is conservative on Yas Forums?
Fascists, far-right, whatever. Same victim mentality.
No he couldn't.
Only way he could have, would've been to institute martial law and jail all the hysteria MSM mouthpieces
lol right, he didnt even have the right information until it was too late, because you can't get a straight story out of the chinks
>implying King Nigger, Woke Hillary, or Nursing Home Joe would have "stopped it"
kys faggot
Write in Tucker Carlson for 2020 if there is an election.
>No he couldn't.
China and Singapore stamped it out hard with a brutal authoritarian police state tactics.
Obama never had to lock down the whole fucking country over H1N1. Because he actually listens to the advice of people who know what the fuck they're talking about instead of Jared Kushner.
Seriously. Everyone that's blaming Trump for everything:
>What specific thing did Trump do that was wrong?
All the suggested solutions have been terrible.
>More faulty tests with over 40% false positives!
>Everyone should panic!
>Call Trump a racist!
Fuck the media and their Chinese propaganda.
Bernie lost. Get over it.
>because you can't get a straight story out of the chinks
Yeah ok kikeberg, keep telling yourself that. I knew it was bad back in February.
>Where is the lie?
>waiting until March 18th to take seriously
Trump announced restricted travel from China and Europe prior to this date. He delivered an Oval Office address to nation about the virus prior to this date. He took things seriously prior to this date, so there is a lie.
>Everyone that's blaming Trump for everything:
Yeah the guy who's president of the world's super power is getting blamed!
My patties are getting bloody! Oh my, why are people attacking someone with no power!
The news media could have prevented it.
Why not blame the sun?
The sun has way more power!
Crawl up your own ass, yank.
He's going to be fine.
>Why not blame the sun?
I could blame the big bang for giving birth to everything, but let's focus on the here and now my friend.
a serious government would have nationalized all industry during this crisis and began working on testing kits, ctc scans, hospital beds, face masks, toilet paper, and other goods needed to fight this.
The problem is Trump is a capitalist, he is literally an owner of capital. He doesn't want to threaten his billions and the interests of his other billionare friends.
We're just on a diff timeline than them. It's gonna get much worse here.
>Trump announced restricted travel from China and Europe prior to this date
Fucking when. You just say he did but offer no proof
Not convincing chang. I'm sorry for you that this post is the last thing you see before the bullet is put through your head for your failure. Worry not, another bug will replace you.
Trump weeks ago
Trump now
How do you know the "official numbers" (wherever you got those fucking "numbers" from) when almost zero Americans got tested?
When I was 8 I shit my pants.
If I would have heeded the warning signs I could have prevented it.
Do you really believe they plateau'd at 80k?
After they destroyed knowledge of it for a month?
I have a bridge to sell you
Trump did not restricted travel in January to every nation on earth. He could have stopped this, but didn't.
All of your fellow shills
>a serious government would have nationalized all industry during this crisis and began working on testing kits, ctc scans, hospital beds, face masks, toilet paper, and other goods needed to fight this.
Have you not been paying attention? These things have been done
They would have just said he was racist and called for his impeachment, which they already were at the same time, then would have said Trump was causing a panic. Then when it broke out would have just said he caused it. There was nothing that could be done.
>Do you really believe they plateau'd at 80k?
Yes because China has a national socialist government that benefits the people and not the globalists. They can build hospitals in a week. In US, we have 1 million hospital beds, 30 years ago we had 1.5 million hospital beds.
>Have you not been paying attention? These things have been done
oh iam laffin
m8 our death toll is in the single digits
>Trump should destroy Capitalism.
Fucking kill yourself.
>trust intelligence community
Trust the same guys that orchestrated a coup, twice?
Besides. What are you suggesting? Panic earlier?
>trust WHO
all industry has not be nationalized to produce the tools needed to fight this.
Trump is just getting his buddies on the fed to bail out big industries that are failing. Zero take over by government.
Yeah but that would mean he would've had to close the borders and that's just not American. We're a nation of immigrants.
you dumb cunt, Trump DID take it seriously, but the treasonous Dems decided that their peach mints were more important.
Coroavirus will kill capitalism, it's time to end it boomer. We need a socialism mixed with nationalism
Can one of you liberal shills please tell me how Trump could have prevented this? Every major country is dealing with this right now. And Trump has acted in ways to help early on (banning Travel from China then Europe).
I see failures within our supply chains and at the CDC with regard to testing. And I get that Trump is the President. But he couldn't have independently thought in January 'oh, we should loosen testing regulations AND get private companies to produce more masks AND force hospitals and the national stockpile to stock masks' back in January. Nobody had that kind of foresight.
>Trump DID take it seriously, but the treasonous Dems decided that their peach mints were more important.
boomer get the fuck off my board. he called it a hoax a week ago.
>Can one of you liberal shills please tell me how Trump could have prevented this?
more name calls. He could have shut down our borders day one and shoot anyone coming in.
>listen to the WHO that lied to placate the CCP about human to human transmission
fuck off and die
Smart anons like this are outnumbered by grug tier retards believing in the hoax.
>per capita than the USA
>per capita than the USA
>per capita than the USA
>per capita than the USA
>per capita than the USA
>per capita than the USA
> We’re going down, not up.We’re going very substantiallydown, not up.”
>As they get better, we takethem off the list, so that we’regoing to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could beat just one or two people overthe next short period of time.
>benefits the people and not the globalists.
>lets other nations exploit their people for pennies like a pimp does to whores
>Virus comes from China
>They censor literally anything and everything they don't like
>This includes viruses (as if that would work)
>Kill whistleblowers so they don't state unpleasant facts
>Virus gets out of control, but China insists they've got it under control
>Enough of us believe them so administration doesn't consider it anything
>28 days later, 15 mil phone users found to be deactivated
>Already too late
>China spends last few days trying to do damage control by not even testing for the fucking virus anymore and claiming no new cases
>We should have listened
>We're all going to get this anyways
I mean really though, we're all going to get this at this point anyways. There's no way we can escape it forever. Even for a few more weeks or days.
>China is doing great by treating people like slaves.
>Maybe we should do that?
Too bad there are long lines at the guns store, so you can't just kill yourself right this minute.
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>He could have shut down our borders day one and shoot anyone coming in.
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