BREAKING: Merkel in quarantine after having contact with an infected

Just in, Merkel has been locked into her home just now because of her potential status as a Covid-19 infected. Her test results will be prioritized!

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Some actual good news for once

>(probably) getting infected by your doctor
well that sucks i guess


I really hope she will be fine. After all she is the leader of the "free world"


Wow what a racist, getting tested before every African in Germany gets their tests.

Burn the witch!

This chick is the real "Iron Lady". I doubt something as puny as a virus can touch her.

She’s old and weak and obese, she is a risk-1 patient.

rolling for truth, i hope she has it

Rand Paul is fugged too.


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Who would take her place if she dies?


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Merkel is the greatest leader of the western world this century, change my mind

oh no how terrible

>Who would take her place if she dies?
Nobody, Germany would be a leaderless state, the military would probably take over.



Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz, SPD


Checked and worrypilled

Would be a nice change

Diverrsity is herrrr strrrenght


Now we just need to cleanse with fire to remove the communist contamination.

Germany needs a new chancellor. East German trash out.

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Your mind is not important enough for somebody to want to change it you faggot german

Only way for the SPD to get a chancellor in the next decades. Oh the irony if this happens...

Oh, wait, the Doctor who was infected that she got near was giving her a vaccine.
What vaccine was she getting?!
The Krauts have a vaccine?

It’s an experimental vaccine, we have only given it to VIPs and rich people. The problem is, it takes a while until it gets people immune, so Merkel could have the virus from the good doc.

I think your hero Stalin might be putting you on a list right about now.



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How is your ecofascist government going Austribro?

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Pneumococcus vaccine against possible secondary infection during pneumonia.

Experimental vaccines are developed around the world they aren't available because they have to be mass produced and tested for safety. However the elites have no problem skipping all those steps if they really want to.


>German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in quarantine after a doctor who gave her a vaccine tests positive for coronavirus

Please Corona chan kill this witch of Europe. Traitor to her race and people.

Don't let her die she must suffer for decades

Yo, Corona-chan; take Merkel off my Christmas card list.

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True Ecofascist are ethno nationalists basically pure National Socialists of the Himmlerist belief system.

Protect your blood and your soil. The rest of the world can burn in hellfire for all you care.

She was supposed to get that Pneumococcus vaccine at the start of the Winter season like all other older people. I wonder why she would have skipped it.

The german bitch caused massive damage to Italy

Remember when Merkel was having those fits in public?

Now this?


Tree times in a row matching numbers and she is kill!

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyaaaaasssssss Let the paaaain floooowwwww!

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We are keeping our facade up. What was strange tho is that after two days of lockdown they started messaging Durchhalteparolen

>I wonder why

(((why))) indeed

Calling Kek, you know what to do

Heads, will roll.

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My thoughts. They can use this virus to take her out. History will have her killed by a virus that was a bio weapon starting ww3 rather by being old

Finally good news

Let KSK do their job now


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Rolling for her agonising death

Merkel isn't infected. She's just bugging out.

Should not her body welcome all bacteria and viruses that need refuge?

She was at a local supermarket (REWE) kek

To a DUMB in Israel?

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based corona-chan

checked, bitch has been shaking like a leaf in the wind for months.

If I remember correctly, she got 2 Haciendas in Southern America. Uruguay and Paraguay.

Yeah, but they were built in the early 1940s by her father and don't meet her specific security needs. Plus all of his friends want to visit and she is scared fo contamination.

When was the last big get together of EU heads?
Is uncontrollable shaking a pre-existing condition?

no, she hasn’t. She is our deer leader.

>deer leader
Is that why she stag-gers so much?

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shes probably patient zero

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She is.

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ROLLO for positive test