Blocks corona virus aid

>blocks corona virus aid
>gets infected

Attached: rand-paul-0317201.jpg (1200x1200, 136.42K)

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The free market betrayed him.

He probably will be ok and recover.


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Is he really named after Ayn?


Fuck him.

He was actually blocking the bill until it removed aide to Israel. But of course )(((Yas Forums))) didn’t see that part.

Between him and the Gaetz scare, makes you think they’re targeting people.

They got the coronavirus, they put it in mist form, and if they spray it on you, you get it.

He traded safety for freedom. Now he is free.

t. migapede

No, his name is Randall.
Ron didn’t even like Ayn Rand because she was pro-proxy wars.

Well, if some chinks can try to spread then I wouldn't be surprised if some butthurt politicians started spraying each other.

That's the way it goes for libertarians

>he didn't take the silverpill
smdh tbqh

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You laugh, but he's going to have a mild case and optimal medical care, and then he's going to get in front of the nation and say "This shit isn't so bad, see? Get back to work"

Thank god. May he fucking die. He was against attacking Iran. Karma is a slut.

A responsible person doesn't need aid. He saved up money for an emergency. An irresponsible person needs aid because he was too stupid to save money for an emergency. Why should responsible people have to bail out irresponsible people? It's not fair. Let those who could not properly prepare suffer.


maybe the free market isn't the best way to handle an emergency

Rand was also pro-centralized banking.

>scraps terrorism team gets 911
>scraps pandemic team gets corona

this is a republican karma routine

poltards are best tards

Oh no how’s he gonna handle having a cough for two weeks!?

He has no symptoms right now though.

So he's one of the only few senator who's not a complete piece of shit and of course he's the first one to be infected. This really may be an inside job, let's if any shitbags like Schumer, Lindsay Graham, Warren, or any other blue Jews succumb to the illness.

Thank you Corona-chan!

Find an oven kike

nigger butt sex

its incubation time
theres still hope

He did it on purpose to prove how stupid the hysteria is. Very based.

>So he's one of the only few senator who's not a complete piece of shit and of course he's the first one to be infected. This really may be an inside job
: )

Attached: Rand Paul on his blocking military aid to Israel We can’t be doing it forever.png (443x468, 212.14K)

lmao you have no idea what's going on

Too many MiGgers here

>no symptoms
>I got tested and I have it


Poor basterds. No wonder you have such high sucide rate. Your women are miserable. lol

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Why do we keep sending shit to Israel tho

A war against Iran will be a loss for the attacker. Not only do they have a Russian/Chinese equipped army, they have a professional Guerilla army. If your tiny welfare queen country wants to pick a fight you're going to lose, leave the USA out of it.

t. kike

HAHAHAHAHHAHA corona takes no prisoners

one of the last patriots

>blocks sick leave for millions of Americans during a pandemic
>takes sick leave once he is affected.

Attached: 800px-Rand_Paul,_official_portrait,_112th_Congress_alternate.jpg (620x1012, 151.45K)

Because they're our greatest ally. I really hope you aren't implying you're anti-Semitic user.


>France above Italy
Calling BS

he has sick leave as part of his work contract
is asymptomatic etc

Based imho

also based that repubs arent extending unemployment

and his asymptomatic case will give him a LOT Of leverage in blocking gibs, knowing its a nothingburger


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Fuck off kike I hope Iran turns you into a sheet of glass

S. Fuck libertarians.

Paul’s neighbor is finally finishing what he started.

Classic prank

Hopefully he leaves the senate. Rand Paul is a snake.

> Rand Paul is right: We should quadruple employment-based legal immigration

Rand was born a girl and was originally called Ayn

Virus violated the NAP

You're all infected you fucking idiots. The question is; will your fat bodies full of Taco bell and scurvy be able to survive?

Rand will, as will I.

Not every italian is rocco siffredi.
I will defend my country from iran to the last american soldier you basterd !


Rand has a pulmonary pre-condition, dumbass.

>I will defend my country from iran to the last american soldier you basterd


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He got it because he didn't listen to advice and continued traveling, having meetings, etc.

