1. Chinks
2. Niggers
3. Cabbage Eaters (Russians)
Who else? Yeah don't think I forgot about you Russian faggots. You're 1 step away from spreading your own plague to white people.
1. Chinks
2. Niggers
3. Cabbage Eaters (Russians)
Who else? Yeah don't think I forgot about you Russian faggots. You're 1 step away from spreading your own plague to white people.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Meme flag nigger
>Yeah don't think I forgot about you Russian faggots
Russians are far better than spics and sandniggers, faggot.
how are the cabbages this year?
Reveal your geolocation memeflag faggot
If niggers had access to tech we'd see real horrors. The subhuman list is and will always be:
>Fat white people
why, planning to throw empty vodka bottles at me, cabbage breath?
>REEE i hate votka unt cabage
Did your Russian uncle forced you to drink cabbage vodka?
Memeflag off judeomongoloid.
look the cabbage hoarder is angry
subhuman confirmed. come on monkey, dance.
The snow nigger seethe is real.
Nice try memeflag jew
im surprised that these rage monkey cabbage eaters are the angry ones instead of the niggers or chinks.
oh right the cabbage headed people only live on the internet, they dont go outside. subhumans.
At least Jews aren't cabbage eating subhumans.
Calm down jew calm down. You use memeflag to hide your israel geolocation?
1 Jews
HAHAHAHHAH dont you know street shitter afghany shitbags dont know how to use the internet.
you truly are a subhuman species
If you like jews so much why don't you marry them you fucking muttoid.
It's fucking hilarious. They aren't even denying they're subhuman just attacking the memeflag because their cabbage brains can't come up with anything clever.
We are not denying because it's obvious. Maybe not for amerimutts
not surprising. eating cabbages only isnt healthy. theyre probably starving and have low IQ
>Be Russian
>Be descendant of mongol rape babies
>Calls actual humans mutts
t. Cabbage Eater
What the point of casting pearls before pigs?
Good to know you actually accept your subhuman status.
russian girls are literally born and bred for Albanian phallus
4. OP
Casting pearls before pigs? Only a cabbage brain Russian would give pearls to a pig. Typically you make jewelery out of them.
i revealed my flag, why back down now cabbage head?
the entire world thinks russians are a joke
thanks for dancing, monkey brain
We are not subhumans. Americans are so dumb that they cant understand the only subhumans are americans
1) chinks
2) chinks
3) chinks
4) chinks
5) chinks
What a cretin.
So if the only subhumans are Americans then niggers, jews, and spics are not subhuman?
seems eating too much cabbage turns your brain into one too
>Mere hoaxes vs the fact that amurimutts actually used to breed with indigenous americans, the pure mongoloids, only 150 years ago.
Whatever you say slantey.
a fucking leaf
fuck off jaques
I ain't clicking that shit. I don't want to be exposed to cabbage eater propaganda.
They are 1/3 subhumans because americans are niggers+jews+spics
God you people are fucking batshit
Over a third of Russians have mongoloid DNA. Meanwhile, less than .1% of Americans have indigenous DNA. Also, let us not forget that the Native Americans are not subhuman like you.
holy fuck thats the first time i hear jaques. thats hilarious
at least im not a cabbage breath or bat breath
Russians mad.
Ahh so now there fractionals concerning subhumanism?
literally nothing he says makes any sense. hes cabbage brained. hes climbing up the subhuman list, he might beat niggers.
Did you just mentioned my cabbage you double nigger?
>literally the three groups of people that have completely conquered COVID-19
Whites have inferior genetics. Your three list of subhumans is actually top 3 list of most powerful races on the planet--and whites aren't among them. Sucks to suck, whitoid.
>Over a third of Russians
They're natives you fucking cretine, natives living in seized territory freely, not like genocidal mongoloid such as yourself would understand this but still.
This is what the typical Russian looks like.
why vpn to america and not australia you chink faggot?
I wonder what the average American looks like.
not like a common vegetable... say.. a cabbage... otherwise you guys might invade and eat them all alive
Here's a better one. The is an actual human in the background for comparison to the cabbage eating russian.
Yeah, you're just moose fucker.
It is you, mongoloid russian pig
shut the fuck up mutt before i tell these cabbage hungry russians where you live and that you have a basement filled with cabbages.
>pic of turkmen/tajik/uzbek soldier
Wanna see american?
There is literally nothing wrong with eating cabbage
top kek
why so mad? and what's that fixation with cabbage?
why are you here? how do you even have internet you street shitter
1. Americans
2. Jews
3. Niggers
4. Chinks
Russians are pretty based actually
canadian calls someone monkey
top kek
please use the correct term "amerimutts"
also chinks rank higher than niggers since niggers at least have souls and serve a purpose for whites
1. Jews
2. Chinks
3. Homosexuals
I wish all of the leftist ramblings about Trump were real and he was a Russian-backed white supremacist neo nazi klansman who wants to murder all illegals and expel jews. If he was half that man I would support him
Go back to your third world shithole, we don't want you here.
>the whitoid cries out in pain as he is struck because he's a pansy faggot
I wonder why hohol judeomongoloids always form diasporas overseas like some tribal aborigines, sense of collectivism?
You just look at that pic, it's a literal der untermensch.
actual. fucking. chings
holy fuck from three separate countries too. they really are taking over the world.
yo cabbage head, why you being a chink in a cabbage world? at least be a chink in a proper country like america or canada. faggot
>a fucking leaf calls someone chink
Lmaoing my arse off.