Anti-neets BTFO

What're you gonna spend your Trumpbux on, Neetbros?

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is it only taxpayers though?

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A motherfucking 7 string bass.

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Nancy Pelosi keeps blocking the stimulus check

She is a piece of shit

This crisis will be over by time checks are issued she is blocking progress.

Those saddles make me hard amigo.

a nintendo switch and chainlink

Who knows it might never happen because Nancy Pelosi is financially well off and insane

She will just keep blocking it

ppl making over 75k dont get it?

fuck this kike nigger.

new plan now.

You have to file taxes, but you don't have to actually pay anything in taxes.

I'll believe it when I receive a check.
Until then it's just politicians playing chicken for public approval and hiding ghastly riders in civic aid.

It should be given to everyone from anchor babies to billionaires ,instead of setting up some bullshit bureaucracy to keep people who don't vote for you from stimulating the economy.

Dependents should get something too. How children are getting $500. This bill is getting more and more broader as of late.

they will twice that by the time you get your money

>g703gx price keeps going up
>should of been bowed up with 60+hr weeks
>should of been able to buy one at a reasonable price by now
>now i can't even buy one with suplementary trumpbux

Our economy is fucking doomed isn't it? Once everyone gets their hands on this funny money we'll all be lucky to buy a happy meal with it.


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I want my free money but I haven't lived in the US for 10 years. How do they know where to send they money? Do they send a check to the last known address? Some nigger is going to get my gibs!

>Noooooo you cant just steal the one last thing that we try to get re-elected with and do it
>We've been in power since JFK was killed, you cant just make 40-70 years look like kikery

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Multistring bass is dope.

>anchor babies
Fuck you spic. Beaners get nothing.

It's gonna be hard to buy luxury items with these checks for a while. You can beat the rush, withdraw from savings, and buy as soon as they pass the bill. But as you said, it's the government and chances you'll get fucked is at least 75%

The fuck, just because I make 150K I don't get bucks? Fuck you I pay more taxes.

>Dependents should get something too.
Should they? They're dependents because somebody's providing support for them. Children aren't getting checks for $500; their parents are getting $500 for having them.

So you want a bunch of broke spics going around stabbing people and taking their shit? That's how cartels get formed.

You still need to have filed taxes. Otherwise they can't know your income. NEETs still BTFO.

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BASED. don't let the wagies see this.

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Isn't this whole thing just a tax rebate given early? Like this isn't enough to make a difference and it isn't even a real gib. If you don't absolutely need the money now don't accept it.

>Blocks your path

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Hahahahaha get fucked Boomer

Now they just got to get it up to 2,000$ a pop. I believe in you democrats!

is this how revolution starts?

Takes three minutes to file taxes if you're a NEET. No W2s or 1099s to add, just type in your name, address, SSN, and some zeroes and you're done.

You can't file taxes electronically on zero income.

Luxury items?
I still have a paycheck luckily. If I get anything it's going into silver, ammo/gun accessories, and liquor in that order.

Yeah you can.

Yes because the government needs them to boost the economy. You need to understand that.

neets unite... i'm tired of not getting gibs

This. By the time NEETs can actually file it'll be too late because they have to do it by mail.

what's the word on when this shit getting dropped? It keeps going back and forth on whether i get it, I go to uni, work full time in summers and part time during school years. Get pell grant, filed my taxes last few years, but make less than 10k yearly. I just want to know whether ima get it or not.

This isn't necessarily about boosting the economy. It's not like people are expected to go out shopping when they get it.

Get fucked NEETs

Still in negotiations. But if it were agreed upon and passed today they're aiming at April 6th as the day payments start getting issued.

Yeah you don’t understand the point of this do you? The point is to give people money so they spend every last cent of it. It’s the only way pur debt based sustem continues to function.

As long as mommy has enough money to buy tendies, NEETs will be fine.

Yes it is moron. They will. The more people are paid the more they buy. Ford figured this out and so will all Americans. It's why raising the minimum wage is actually beneficial to the economy.

she has nothing to do with it now. Its in the senet dingdong and surprisingly enough its the Republicans that want to get the money into everyone hands and The liberals are pissed about it lol

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That’s where you’re wrong, bucko. They expect you will go blow every last cent of it. The absolute worst scenario would be to give everyone TrumpBux and then have then put it in their savings account and have it sit there

Where do you get this idea?

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Laughs in 2A
fuck spics

You literally have no idea how bills work do you

They expect people to spend it on rent, food, bills and shit. In case you haven't noticed, things have pretty much shut down in a lot of places. The government is actively preventing a lot of people from earning money to support themselves, shutting down businesses and telling people to stay inside. When you take away the ability of people to get money, you need to give them money. That's why they're doing it.

Ahe blocked it again today she might introduce her own version on Friday.

Nancy Pelosi is a piece of shit.

What are you going to spend them on. That's what I want to know

They're voting on it now.


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>Will illegals get a payment?
>Will niggers on welfare get a payment?
>Will refugees from Somalia get payments?

These are important questions.

Strong men do not need bailout money from Government. People should have had money saved in the bank for difficult times like this, and if they didn’t then they should suffer, which will only bring them closer to their real master, God.
A communist policy of giving free money to Americans every time the sniffles gets passed around sets a very dangerous precedent, much like food stamps and other gibs have helped facilitate the ruin of Africans in America.
Join the millions of other Conservatives all across the nation by burning your Trump check, and let the controlled-opposition jew know that we see through the facade and that communism in America WILL NOT STAND!
>b-but I would be pissed if everyone got money but me!
You are part of the problem, not the solution.

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Who knew that deep down inside burgers are the real poorfags. I've never seen a group of people get so exited over such a small payday.

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>up to $1200
Read: unless you're a Laquisha with 5 kids from 6 different fathers, you ain't getting fuck-all

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i should get a 2nd guzheng so i can keep practicing pentatonic (ive switched to diatonic strings recently so im not limited to playing ancient chink music)

changing strings is risky and time consuming

also they are really affordable! mine is intermediate level and was only $500 from a store in socal that sells on amazon aswell, free ship too - they are as low as $150 on amazon but those ship from china so its almost as much additional in shipping for such a large instrument (mine is 65 inches, standard size) - but for something so beautiful sounding and handcrafted the prices are amazing, lever harps with 29+ strings are hugely more expensive

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I'm going to spend my money on a one way ticket to wuhan, learn mandarin and marry a cute chinese girl to have babies with.

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Does it hurt being retarded?

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Fuck corporate dems.

>socialism just for the rich

fuck trump based pelosi, shut that shit down.

i cant find anything about "rent reimbursement" ssi tax return thing for ssi people in california - does my state not have this program?

The system we're born into makes it incredibly difficult for normal people to save money. You're out of touch with reality, and analogous to Ivory tower liberals.

raising minimum wage will kill small business and jobs - give the money directly to everyone UBI so there is a larger customer base for all businesses, poverty and degeneracy will evaporate in a generation or less

Means testing is dumb, just give it to everyone. Anyone that pretends they don't want it can donate it or whatever.

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laughs at amerimutts

i'm getting trumpbux

even if you don't like it

Give Trumpbux now
There better not be a minimum income requirement because I reported negative income in 2018

>normal people

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The dem deal is gonna instead be low interest loans from Chuck Schumer's cousin Hershel

>since we killed JFK


You'll never learn how to play that, faggot.

>mfw government is going so hard to not give us back the money they take from us all year

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>tfw already a master of 6 string fretless

shes beautiful thankyou