This guy right here is doing his part and taking a stand. What are YOU doing Yas Forums?
True acts of heroism
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Woah. We just got Blown The Fuck Out!
Forget Chinese restaurants. There should be no Chinese people in America, as was intended.
You can tell he's a thinker because he's pointing at his own head.
I've been making all my own meals for almost 2 years now
Saves money
I get the micro and macro nutrients I need, in a calculated manner
Bitches think it's hot
Tastes better
Someone tweet the hug a chinese video at him that Italy did. Look at where "going your part to cou ther these racist assholes" got Italy.
Oh wow, fighting racism by adding to our obesity epidemic. That's not even real chinese. Bet this fat faggot can't even name a single one of the 8 regional cuisines of china. What a midwest white trash simpleton.
Fuck, that looks delicious
Is there anything more armchair than eating greasy fast food and pretending it's to combat racism?
That looks like a frozen meal from the supermarket.
>coof coof
>I express my political ideologies by consoooming foreign product
>upboat pls
My local chink takeouts have already shut down. They're not even doing delivery, it's like they just vanished. What do they know that we don't Yas Forums?
that's pretty much a white-pill way of life, good on you user, I hate eating out :)
no american has ever been racist about delicious food
I hate niggers more then anything in the world yet I love fried chicken, watermelon and grape soda
I can't stand chinese restaurants. They always employ chinese people who can barely speak a lick of english.
You come to America, you learn to talk like an American.
wow first you hate on them and then take their food
this shit is $4.99 at walmart, there is enough sauce in the box to coat all the chicken, 1 cup of rice and carrots.
I succulent chinese meal for around $6.50
>trusting chinks to make your food
Fuck that.
Fucking nigger cattle.
If his chinese restaurants are anything like here in Mississippi then the Asians up front are Vietnamese and the cooks in the back are all wetbacks.
pick one
Someone should point out to him China/Chinese is a geographic reference.
Order chinese food to his house @ 2611 N oakland Ave milwaukee
>Eating 3000 calories of deep fried carbs that in no way resembles real Chinese food.
You sure showed us, Fatass.
Holy shit the smugness and retardation of this post is media was a mistake
It's Okay to be Poor.
That doesn't even look good. looks like he got the cheapest take-out in the area.
Remember when those fat women baked a cake to resist Trump? Like that, but without the excuse that fat women are brainless.
I had Chinese on Thursday. It was delicious.
Who is he anyway? And he's bound to get metoo'd soon. Male leftys are all hiding something serious.
Thays because he just wanted the picture to virtue signal and the food hit the trash after it was taken.
Food is always better if you prepare it yourself. Restaurants are for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. They're just entertainment. You don't need very much entertainment at all.
Pussy. Take a stand by eating authentic Chinese cuisine!
Big if true
He is a fucking creep. Supposedly he beat his pregnant exwife before she left him. He is a fat cuck and another man is fucking his exwife and raising his daughter while he plays with star wars toys and crys on twitter.
"Saves money"
*posts pic of Whole Paycheck spices*
yyyNO, not really...
Science fiction author for Tor. He writes bad Douglas Adams knockoff "cleverness" where the bad guy is a orange alien named Fonald Plump.
He's pretty much obsessed with virtual signaling Twitter shit like this and posts about 200 times a day.
That looks hilariously bad lmao. Why are chinks so bad at everything?
very based
That is bad Chinese food. Unfortunately, all my favorite places are sitdown focused.
No name brand poor pleb fag spotted
I see you know your Judo well.
>ordering super americanize "Chinese" dishes, that are usually Japanese ingredients, made by flips and beans.
yup, fighting racism.
>stuff on top of rice
Not everything is cultural you american idiots. It's not like China has a monopoly on rice.
Go eat "Greek" yogurt like the fags that you are
But he's doing the chink eyes in his profile pic. I'm confused now.
Gtfo back to redshit you stupid piece of shit.
>one of China's 8 regional cuisines
Anything that walks, flys, crawls or swims. Especially cat and dog.
CEO of racism on suicide watch
>i must virtue signal for attention online
Virtue signalling aside, who really cares if someone bought chinese food?
I had Chinese takeout last night but just because I wanted it not because I needed to make some gay political statement.
>What do they know that we don't Yas Forums?
That their kind is finished and all need to go back to their hive in china.
Man that quick ordered Chinese food is literally the worst food you can eat.
You think what they serve you is what they eat?
You ignorant fucking idiots.
Nobody is going there anymore so the owner just closes everything until this blows over as paying his employees wages and keeping the place open just isn’t worth it anymore, they are doing the same thing here.
>$3.19 for organic onion powder vs $2.69 for chinese sawdust
kys fagget
Niggers didn't invent fried chicken and grape soda, you fucking mong.
I doubt that's Chinese takeout. Those egg rolls look like the frozen store-bought shit sold at Walmart.
shut the FUCK up, Commie -- you either post the AnCap flag, or none at all, scum -- you understand me, bud?
that looks disgusting
I need to buy baby corn
fat cuck
I have a Chinese cookbook and an Internet connection, you can go home now.
And yeah, anybody who buying this greasy takeout shit is a rube to begin with. Where do you think they get the vegetables and meat? From bags in the freezer just like you can get at Walmart.
Chinks are the cheapest fucking people on Earth. They're not picking snow peas out at the organic farmers market every morning or using fresh meat. They're taking it out of the freezer and soaking it in salty sauce and sugar glaze so you'll buy it for 800% markup, dummy. That's why they all start those restaurants when they wash up on shore: great margins.
ugh gross, I cant Imagine eating chinese food before 2020 let alone now
I had store brand ravioli last night. Thinking of you, my Italian brothers.
Kek. Take a well deserved (You)
Thank you for your contribution.
You have earned 1 whole internet.
>I do the easiest thing possible for my ideology
That's about right
is it that same guy that made the cringe tweets about watching Marvel movies, Harry Potter and told the kids to fight the adults?
Honestly that looks homemade. That looks exactly like the stir fry and frozen spring rolls I make at home, and nothing like Chinese food I get from a restaurant.
Can't even virtue signal honestly.
Pathetic if true.
>What are YOU doing Yas Forums?
posting chinks burning dogs alive on twitter
>t. Can't afford $30 in spices every few months
Post skin color
Chinese is all the same crap anyway, all the restaurants get their food premade from one of two suppliers. If you want Oriental made to order, you don't get Chinese.
wow raycis
how dare you eat something just because you like it instead of virtue signalling
The only way to tell if it's authentic chinese is if they have a bunch of children working there because free labor. This place near my house had an 8-yr-old taking orders and processing payments. If I stayed there long enough, I bet he'd go out back and have a smoke break.
A chink sneezed in your food. You're done. It's over.
We're gonna have ssso much fun carving-up Anatolia, bitch. Forcing your haji refuse into Greece is an act of WAR! Prepare!
>What are YOU doing Yas Forums?
Not getting sick
thank you for your service
That's a frozen dinner.
Yo, using pink salt won't get you that pink taco
Considering most of the Chinese people working these restaurants are Mexicans now and non English speaking Asians that clearly travel back home often, this isn't very smart. Staying safe isn't racist. Attacking Chinese people is racist. Just stay away from them like normal white people have been doing. The blacks are going to make it tough for any Asian including non Chinese
wtf is that?? it's like eating pineapple pizza to support Italy. fucking degenerate poser. WHERE IS THE BAT??
Man i could really go for some chow mein, general tso's chicken, and a couple of egg rolls
But I'm not retarded enough to risk my health for virtue signalling, and i can make my own food
Funny because this isn't Chinese food, it's just canned garbage with Chinese names made for stupid white people.
So eating this shit basically makes you a racist too...
This guy's knows what's up. It's Chinese food in name only. China is a big country; many types of cuisines available, just like the US.
Racism is finished.
also if the entire place reeks of onion and the menu has an untranslated section where you can order chicken feet
rook tasty