What went wrong?

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New York is just tesing more than all other states combined.
Expected 50k daily end of next week.

Liberal cities

It's all NYC anyway, who cares.

this, it's boring news for now

Democrat hoax!

10k new cases in New York

This. These cases are here already. Its not like the new cases are brand new cases popping up as soon as they are tested.

The red states are probably just as infected, but retarded gvmts aren't testing at the same level.

Young people don't care, and even want to spread it to fuck boomers
Pretty based desu

Macron and the kikes surrounding him.

Because Trump is a very stable genius!

China continued to allow people to leave after November to infect the rest of the world.

Why are US death rates so low

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I mean, would it not be in our economic best interest to test as much as possible? Either; A) the virus is as deadly as nation wide lockdowns would imply, or B) the virus turns out to be a big ol'nothingburger. Option A would galvanize the nation and option B would allow a return to normal. The only bad choice is to not test. It allows rampant speculation and room for hysteria...

Unless those things are what some unseen force wishes to conjure... Then I suppose that not testing would be the best choice for them.

hasidic jews in brooklyn weren't taking it seriously, having large weddings and keeping their schools open, yuge vector of transmission

now wonder Trump moved from New York to Florida a couple of month ago
he knew from the beginning

This will go up heavily over the next days.
In Italy it was the same.

coronachan is just getting warmed up here, wait until the hospitals are buried with fatties in... two weeks

Keep seeing these retarded threads. Number of cases != rate of spread.

USA for the lead!!!!!!!!!!
You had time, you didn't test them soon enough, now they die.

all according to keikaku

>what is a logarithmic representation of acceleration

italy is in better shape believe it or not

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1 more week and USA could become like Italy. They need drastic measurements.

I hope mutts win 1st place on this contest

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Two weeks ago I was told it would be in two weeks.

100 dead is low now? That was high 1 month ago.

I hope they don't do anything lol
de souf gon coof agen lol

the exponential curve is perfectly smooth, no changes

multiplied by 10 every 8 days
pretty brutal

God I hope so

USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1! USA #1!

jesus, the US is fucked

next week the US will be like Spain is today
two weeks from now, they will be like Italy

We are testing more.

If they do nothing then the worst case scenario isn't thousands of dead, but this scenario repeating next year and then virus mutating into deadlier virus.

>two more weeks bro



They are now finally starting large scale testing. The infected number is probably close to a million right now.

Trump could have stopped this by taking it seriously from the beginning. But instead he downplayed the threat for WEEKS.

it was just a nothing burger 2 weeks ago, now have fun

Best case scenario, you mean?

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Only if hospital records were public.

Admission statistics would be a more meaningful metric to follow.

So we'd know where their capacity is, and how close they are to letting old people die.

there is higher chance it mutates to something less deadly than the opposite

On March 18 Italy had 35.7K infected and 2,978 dead. Today the US has 38.1K infected and 396 dead. Doesn’t seem to be the same situation.


>Trump could have stopped this by taking it seriously from the beginning
He's actions says he did take it seriously way before anyone else and was even called xenophobic for it, probably by you.

Probably because of how spread out we are. Most Cases are in NY and so are most deaths, but thousands of cases spread around 50 states in hundreds of different hospitals keeps the death rate low

Retail slave for hardware company in Cleveland Ohio
My store was deemed essential, but we're on reduced hours. We had 1900 transactions throughout the day. I lost count of how many old people and children I saw. Not sure on the numbers, but pretty sure our state doubled in cases over the weekend.

>He's actions says he did take it seriously way before anyone else
lol coof coof shill
corona-chan is coming for you

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US is in a weird situation rn, millions of Americans are unemployed and the ones that are working are forced to due to living from paycheck to paycheck. Unless a nationwide lockdown is set and direct deposits are getting setup from the feds, telling people to stay home won't do shit.

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We are moving into future with constant nose dripping viruses. They should have stopped the flu, now we have this shit too.

Give it a month things will get crazy.

Actually, it's just one. Spain is already fucked. Italy is just in Apocalypse mode rn

Go watch the press conference by the Spanish PM yesterday. That guy is completely lost and broken.

This is a good twitter thread, if you don't want to bother watching it: twitter.com/matthewbennett/status/1241461195548262401

That's unlikely, since it is the least deadly corona virus, but most contagious.

>What went wrong?

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If it happens it happens, I'm almost guaranteed to live. Trump tightened the border and had several well timed moves that flattened the curve more than any other man on the planet, denying this is denying reality

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You just started getting infections, death come couple of days later.
Give'em a week bro

Possibly but it probably has to do with the fact that NY State has an income tax of 7% and NYC has an extra income tax of 2.5% whereas Florida and West Palm Beach do not have any income taxes.

Don't blame this on China, incompetent mutt. You know your fellow low IQ mutts are going outside to party every day.

wait a week

There have been almost as many deaths from the flu as there have been cases of coronavirus in the US this year so far.

> It's a nothingburger
> Best economy EVER
> Can't let anything make ripples in the pond

Does Biden really want to be president now? Will look bad on his image and he might as well die.

They tested too many people, Brazil is probably like that too but we are too poor to test everyone

NYC is a dirty cesspool of disease. Didn't they have the ebola outbreak and staph outbreaks a few years ago?

The US also has 5 times the population of Italy.

This is China's fault

weeks too late lol
weeks he'd spent sucking his thumb
your big nazi daddy couldn't even close the borders on time and now it's lights out for mutts

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Pretty sure the subway is still open

On March 18 Italy had 35.7K infected and 2,978 dead. Today the US has 38.1K infected and 396 dead.

On March 8 Italy had 366 dead and 6387 infected. On March 17 the US had 6411 infected and and 109 dead.

The infected number is pure speculation. The number of deaths should be fairly accurate. How can anyone predict anything with even the slightest certainty.

>The red states are probably just as infected, but retarded gvmts aren't testing at the same level.
Correct. Texas and the South is infected, as testing ramps up the actual state of the nation will come into perspective.

Anyone who believes Biden will be president in November is a retard and should be mocked.