What is wrong with these fucking creeps? I didn't really care about this whole celeb pedo ring but these tweets are getting totally out of hand lmao WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE EVEN DOING?
You have to listen to this crazy bitch
What is wrong with these fucking creeps? I didn't really care about this whole celeb pedo ring but these tweets are getting totally out of hand lmao WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE EVEN DOING?
You have to listen to this crazy bitch
Other urls found in this thread:
They haven't been able to access their supply of aborted infant blood, so their youthful appearance is rapidly deteriorating, driving them mad.
There was an Adrenochrome lab in Wuhan but it was tainted by covid19 adn the supply has dried up since both china and murica are in lockdown mode
get the fame
go insane
they havent raped any children in 3 days, they're losing their minds.
fpbp /thread
She doesn't look like herself anymore, face injected with fat? swollen?
The bitch was always ugly but now holy fuck. Kill it with fire
>mfw she starts bottling stinky vag bath water
Holy shit the sky is like.... Blue and shit.
Previous thread was gone but I had this under copypasta;
>That's the thing about covid19, doesn't care how rich/famous/funny/smart you are, where you live, how old you are, what amazing stories you can tell.
None of the contacts you have, the influence you hold or the excuses you'll use will convince them of your innocence
>It's the great equalizer, what's terrible about it is what's great about it, what's terrible about it is that it has made us all equal, what's great about it is that it has made us all equal
Your influence/rank doesn't matter, they are all aware of this and therefor are showing solidarity with their fellow pedo's but at the same time they're only as strong as their weakest link
>Like I used to say about the inhuman nature behind ? (sounds like she says it all but can't make it out) we're all in the same boat and if the ship goes down we're all going down
They will not spare you if you decide to sing or talk.
Alternative guess:
Snitches get stitches
Anyone willing to take a shot?
I think they create a persona for themselves and then the persona slowly starts taking over their regular life until they become more the persona than their actual selves, and the persona they create lays bare all their projections about their own inadequacies and shortcomings. It becomes like a cartoon of who they really wanted to be when they were young.
Imagine if you were a 60 year old woman like Madonna and you had to live your life as a cartoon character that you dreamed up of who you wanted to be back when you were like 15.
Imagine the STDs floating in that bathwater as she waxes on about china virus
>We are all equals
>Salt-water bathtub with rose petals and a harp playing in the background.
LMFAO this bitch isn't even in the same universe as the average human.
She made herself look like a chink.
What are you talking about? I've heard other people say this...
I always believed in pedogate - but not the satanic/adremochrome side of the story.
But all of these creepy celeb tweets are beginning to make me wonder. This shit is definitely getting weird.
and now with the quarantine they have to actually just be themselves without any opportunity to assume their persona.
i never get celebrities, they live in a big mansion, they have pool, probably years worth of supplies, gym, the best internet and other commodities. they can live in there without worries but instead they act like they live in prison
>makes a coffee table book about sex
>hides her disgusting body with milky water
Really makes you think
>There is no cure for this thing I could die from it just like you and I am Madonna. Im somebody
>Its the great equalizer guys I could die just like you plebs
Is she trying to make her face like an asian to attract all the covid19 china boys?
Ok, how do I get Adrenochrome?
This. By the video alone how is that even her? I was like, 'Is madonna donating bathtub time to her wuhanese maid or something?"
>they act like they live in prison
you sure they're acting?
natural beauty
Also btw the opening to the eurovision 2019 song of her dark ballet song features a bit that IS NOT PRESENT in the actual song itself after the bit in the song where has the monologue part in her song
Eurovision bit:
>Not everyone is coming to the future
People gon' die
>Not everyone is learning from the past
Shoutout to JFK's assasination, possibly even Lincoln, maybe any older cases, are there older cases that can be linked to this?
>Not everyone can come into the future (while pointing at audiance)
You bitches gon' die
>Not everyone that's here is gonna last
You bitches gon' die
Again I'm just making guesses but at this point it's boviously all coded lingo
Second opinions highly appreciated
Memeflags can go suck a dick
Yuo. Its more than obvious now. Also spread more of this so normies wake up.
It's just what she said. Typical jew-speak. Talk and talk and talk and say absolutely nothing.
Same with me. I dialed into Ellen's creepy shit first and then decided to check out the rest that other people were mentioning. Matthew mcconaughey's cryptic tweet about the witness room.
the prison is an absence of genuine interpersonal interaction.
Fucking faggot jannies /bant/ed the best Korea poster
>what's terrible about it is that's its made us all equal in many ways
Freudian slip much?
But that's the beauty of it. All these cultists child-fucking scumfucks are realizing that they can die as easily as the plebs they mooch off of. It's a wonderful realization that no, they won't be saved by money if they catch a deadly disease, not just corona.
Their media controllers are quarantined so they're publicly unleashing their batshit insanity
Isn't she in the at-risk oldies demographic by now? Why is she pretending to be Miley Cyrus?
They don't seem to be sick with a respiratory disease you schizo fag.
Who the fuck is filming her?
This is being perpetrated by the Synarchist elite to further the dialectic.
These assholes still need you to participate in the psuedo "elections".
oh look a rich turboslut attention whoring
sick fuck satan's minion
Her music was pretty good though.
Vogue. Strike a pose.
It's not powerful it is ostensibly retarded. She and everyone already knew this, she passes it off as some deep revelation. Retarded.
madonnas whole thing with her new tour is that shes documenting alot and being more personable. its not that shes gotten any weirder, its that shes just posting more often with her new tour.
she was a creep when she was born
She realises her commitment to Moloch worship with the rest of the elites is going to see her burn in hell.
That or just an attention whore who has nothing better to do.
>She and everyone already knew this
I think you're underestimating their hubris
They can't get access to their adrenochrome, they are literally losing their minds.
Poisoning appears deliberate, could be China having a pre-emptive strike.
I mean if she started a modeling agency modeled after her vogue music video, business professional attire, stoic leadership, sex as a tool and not religion.
That's Madonna? Aaaaaaaaahhahahahaha.
why bother sacrificing a 'chicken' to moloch if he's not real? these aren't the sacrificing type of people.
Is this really Madonna? wow. She looks like a chinese boged creature. An abomination.
Why does she look absolutely nothing like Madonna?
if big then true
>we're all going down together
tf you say bitch
I was only pretending to be retarded
You have to torture and mutilate children, and then extract their blood
She's a psycho who destroyed her face with plastic surgery. I like the adrenochrome meme, but after watching these fucking celebs wig out, I'm starting wonder if there's truth to it.
Turns out when you do cocaine and drink for decades and lose help from cosmetics and wardrobe, you look like complete shit as you talk in psychotic drivel.
>You have to listen to this crazy bitch
No, I don't.
Sangs running out of baby blood supply.
So that was Madonna?
Actually watched it now.
>Acting 7/10
>Mental illness 10/10
>You have to listen to this crazy bitch
No I don't. Madonna has been an attention whore since the 80s why are you giving this any oxygen?
Its not blood they extract.
They enter through the eye with a needle and suck out the adrenaline from the gland that secretes it. A kid is kept alive to endure this and psychological terror for as long as possible.
entertainment industry is owned by china lol wtf listen to alex jones y9ou fuckwad
Can an Ausfag who is sleep deprived or someone familiar tell me exactly which Queensland hospital hanks was supposedly staying out. I'm being autistic and trying to piece things together with some info I'm gathering.
patent for adrenochrome expires today
Semi-educated attention whores whose philosophies are in line with angsty 14 year olds, suddenly stuck at home without the entourages and parties. Hardly superspy stuff. Like everything else in their life, their ways of dealing with it MUST BE SEEN BY EVERYONE. And the qtards lap it up.