Have anyone else noticed this? Me as well as many of my friends have gotten a sudden surge in tinder matches. What causes women to lower their standards in times of crisis such as these?
Why are women's standard dropping?
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this, these slags are out of work and need someone to mooch off of
I was going to try this for science but I'm permanently banned from tinder for harassing roasties
Din horkarl.
Sluts gonna slut
"Women are the nigger of the world"
>implying women are sociopaths who only care about themselves
ok incels
Hvad kan jeg sige ;D
youd better not be a chink, cuz this is nigger-tier retarded
death anxiety causes people to want to fuck like crazy. reason why medical, emergency, and military workers are always huge sluts. you ever want to get some ez pussy, go hit up some nurses
>was a PUA
>went from fuckin several women a week to ignoring them and blocking them
>the amount of effort i put into PUA would make an ordinary man break in half
Yeah some used-up pussy isn't really worth changing every single aspect of your life.
Interesting thought. Wouldn't take my chances with the nurses atm though
Most of them have meme jobs — bar tenders, promoters, “influencers,” whatever. Now they’re off work, the bars and clubs have closed, they’re bored. They flock to dating apps in a desperate bid for Chad’s attention. Without their weekly supply of cock they’ve begun to grow mad. Wait another week and these sluts will all be making house calls to Chads and even Brads to get a proper dicking in their soggy fuckholes. But betas will still beta, and incels will still incel.
Enjoy your Elliot Rodgers.
What's so difficult about being a PUA? Talking whilst not being autistic?
Damn I feel bad for you dude
Succinctly put user
Fuck off simp
I fried my brain chasing them. You do all the work while they run around happily around like puppies fucking Chads along the way
>these sluts will all be making house calls to Chads and even Brads to get a proper dicking in their soggy fuckholes
Could you repulsive incels just stay over at ?
He was half jew. The people known for being genetically neurotic.
No. Go worship at m’lady’s feet elsewhere nerd. AWALT and you know it.
while I've got a couple "legit" matches, most of my matches are just scams/bots.
Granted, I'm older, and I'm married (wife doesn't care that I'm looking for pussy - she has a super low sex drive), so that probably turns away potential-matches, but I also basically just put that I'm looking for stoner girls for get stoned and have sex. Plus I'm old.
Still, I trudge on!
So true except I've met asians like the one on the right lol all women are psycho by now
>cute children like their dad
lmao nice cope, every hapa looks like a chink
i don't speak the language of your pitiful people.
Women are parasites. They're looking for hosts to leech off.
Good to hear my friend. Do you write that you're married? That would be a pretty big red flag.
Fear + need for protection + not working
he's not wrong though, why would you feel bad
t. pic related
The wall
if you had shitty upbringing with no good male role models, you essentially have reprogram your whole mind.
for too many people, just switching their normal daily routines is too much effort let alone a complete and total redo of everything in your life.
Broke up with a gf few days ago because of chinkflu and her lack of resolve to do anything about it or care.
Last night some roastie I met months ago texts me pic related asking when she could come over.
Then tells me she legit has corona.
I’m done with chicks for awhile. Maybe fire up the old tinder machine to see just how far their standards are dropping..
How is it possible for you chin/lower jaw to be far back
Simp trend
>Dont be simps bois doesn't matter how ugly or fat you are.
Damn what’s up with her nipples are they really big or something?
Go home, Tenda. Your dad was a kike, just like Elliot's.
The last one I dated I had to do this. It’s an impossible task. Look for the red flags, if they are there..move on.
Super small tits but Hershey kiss nips
This x100. Im the ex-pua guy. Women are a game. You need to learn to play it. Also i was raised with a beta as a dad (which is worse that single mother alone)
>asian "virgin"
>chases you down
>fucks you 30 min after meeting (no dating no flowers no shit)
Imagine the number of dicks she had before you. Chink-holes have no standards, anyone white or rather non asian will do.
>muh traditional virgin chink-hole.
Really????? How deluded you are?
I've fucked 10 girls in 5 weeks from dating apps, but that's pretty standard for me
Protip: all women are like the right column. There's no escape.
It is probably one of the reasons.
> Lost their job, need $
> Sitting at home during quarantines as singles, boring.
> Need a man to protect them during these crisis times
Honestly, there are no other reasonable reasons.
Chad is no longer a safe bet. They need bucks. Pump and dump lads.
Damn I love me some small titties
Tinder matches are easy especially if you live in a big city. As long as you aren't a disgusting looking creature, you'll get matches.
Now report back with how many of those girls you've met and fucked.
You should see some of the genetics out there.
>But betas will still beta, and incels will still incel.
As God has intended. All is right with the world.
Imagine being such a simp you become a pua instead of just stealing sex the honorable way.
Chink-hole probably thinks he's handsome.
I think it’s more that a bunch have been sent home and are bored now that the workplace isn’t their husband or they got laid off and need to eat...
Or just all 3
I’m more of an ass guy, she def has a nice one. Tired of small boobies tb h.
My wife says you're probably a faggot. She readily admits that financial security is a huge perk for most women.
Height, OP? This is very vital.
Stop. Pull yourself together, man.
Based women don't lie to themselves.
More like the 5th column
Its like this, the weak link nreaks (feminism) when times are tough. Stop putting pussy on a pedestal and they'll cleave to male standards.
PUA is for literal autists who can't pick up on social cues so they need to totally deconstruct the human psyche just to get their dick wet
there are couple possible reasons
>you became adult therefor more attractive to women
>better guys sit at homes with families right now
>we just crossed peak of feminism and women are starting to change their mating/behaviour patters because they are finnaly crashing with reality
>pretty much point 3: they safe space bubble just popped and they are getting scared
this guy loves posting his tinder on every board he possibly can
I’ll give you boys some insight because we’re family, you see, we Chads told our girls to meet up with betas and scout their supplies for the coming boogaloo. I’ve got a dozen Simply Go Minis lined up for looting.
Oh I know. I guess their one saving grace is that surgery is readily available to fix it.
Ah I see. The fuck is with the moustache bellybutton piercing thing though.
When big daddy gubment isn't there to cuck you, there is a chance.
They. are. Afraid......
Are u dumb? People are just using the app more cos they are bored at home u fucking moron
Did you change your display picture?
I had very little luck on tinder, until I had one of my lady friends take a picture for me. I’ve always hated selfies, they feel so awkward. But after I had my lady friend take a pic for me, I started getting 5-10 matches a day.
The niggers they usually let coom STDs all inside them are broke.
>ok incels
Standard woman's response.
have noticed something similar, my guess is they realise how much they need a man and that their current boyfriend (the state) can't provide for them
>kept my job
>working from home
>dress in old and ratty clothes and pretend to be poor
>roasties ignore me
This is not the time to advertise your wealth for females.
thats REALLY cool bro ;D
A few, but I actually met my first girlfriend on there
the recession has begun
I'm 5'10
>What causes women to lower their standards in times of crisis such as these?
imagine how low standards will be when rahowa hits phase 2
It really doesn't take too much these days
White women are more nigger like, as the stats show. The best women are asian women, they are superior to any other type of women.
Statistics say that Asian Tiger Women are the superior women, and that black, white and latina women are inferior.
Lowest rate of STDs AW-WW-LW-BW
Highest marriage rate AW-WW-LW-BW
Lowest divorce rate AW-LW-WW-BW
Lowest rate of single motherhood AW-WW-LW-BW
Lowest rate of obesity AW-WW-LW-BW
Highest level of income AW-WW-LW-BW
Highest IQ AW-WW-LW-BW
Highest SAT scores AW-WW-LW-BW
Highest level of education AW-WW-LW-BW
Lowest teen pregnancy rate AW-WW-LW-BW
Submissiveness AW-LW-WW-BW (anecdotal)
Lowest rate of fornication AW-LW-WW-BW
The data is amazing and as you can see, the higher the IQ, the better the stats, with asian women leading the pack. Higher IQ in women leads to:
Lower rate of STDs
Higher marriage rate
Lower divorce rate
Lower rate of single motherhood
Lower rate of obesity
Higher level of income
Higher level of education
Higher SAT scores
Lower teen pregnancy rate
Less rebellious (nigger like) behavior, more pro-family values.
Lower rate of fornication
She does have a piercing I have no idea what the moustache is about or if it’s real.
It’s OGRE.
Americanization ruins most things. Look at every second generation that's immigrated here. They're a mess compared to their parents.
That's what happens when you eat soft processed food
Guys what if it’s like because more girls are on their phones because of the quarantines. Imagine that crazy possibility?
I've rarely seen surgery turn out good to be honest
I’m fat and got over 700 matches on tinder a few years ago, some hot ones too. It’s easy.
try standard non-socially reject
i'm doing quite okay actually
There are still millions of betas ready to give them everything they have even if she talks to them upfront about the guy(s) she's actually fucking. They would feel privileged to suck Tyrones cum out of her disease ridden cunt, but most of them won't even get that far.
lmao who cares
>having value
Satanet' du svømmer squ i tøser kammerat, har 2 matches efter 3 måneder
>t-they like me! Girls n-never play men for $
Cope on faggot
I haven't noticed any change
I got 48 matches in the past week. I changed my profile to be Happening specific, posting my food, supplies and guns. The pics of me are meme pics from Halloween and me looking like a complete asshole.
This whole thing has made me realize how pathetic and needy people are when shit hits the fan. I’m talking with a dozen chicks, and only one of them I really want to fuck. In fact, as I get older, I’m finding it’s more fun to fuck with people than actually fuck with them. Since I can’t meet these cunts at shitty places like Denny’s or Starbucks, I’m going to invite as many as I can to my house at the same day/time and see what happens lol. A harem of happening roasters.
Women are worse than sociopaths. They’re more like a faggot little bitch guy who suddenly got power and abuses it
Sounds like a good time. Fuck would that be funny to see. Should stream it
Har fundet ud af det 100% handler om billederne. Fik ingen matches før jeg fik taget nogle ordentlige.
After you buddy.
No you didn't, and no you won't faggot
You're the one who asked fag, no one cares about your shit for brains slutty matches
Would probably give it a try if I wasn't looking like crap since there's only 3 dudes are at work and no customers.
Also gave me inspiration to do it myself
And do you meet them? Many women give you a like so they share their instagram to you and so they gain hundreds of followers.
In time of Crysis women want to fuck whoever.
My uncle tells me in the 99 (when Serbia was being bombed) it was ULTRA FUCKING easy to hook up.
Comments like these reek of an enormous lack of experience with females as a whole. But don't let me inturrupt your cope, pal!
They have more time on their hands right now. They are bored, and women love to talk. Also, they are worried. Have you heard the term “any port in a storm?” Regardless, do your best to capitalize on this situation.
Women are getting way less attention, they can't go out.
How would this dude fold laundry
I was under the impression that Christianity was taboo or forbidden in Asian culture, and instead they are forced to worship the government.
>16 posts by this coping incel
Have sex
Cope incel loser
I suddenly had two single mothers contacting me for a date. It's painfully obvious that the stronk independent woman meme stops being fun when the harsh reality finally sets in that their feminist pipe dream is just that. They're going to have so much fun when the immigrants start prowling the streets unchecked.
>Why are women's standard dropping?
They aren't. You're just getting hotter, king
You must be a Boomer
>t. incel