I'm getting 1933 germany vibe here

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ok Schlomo

ok Goldberg

Well what did you expect to happen?

It always happens this way. The age old Mercanilism vs free trade debate.

Free trade can make you rich, but it causes a host of problems to the locals. And the locals get fed up eventually.

Then one day, for no reason at all, they elect Hitler into power.

Nice. Israel next!

You cant be half pregnant. Either you're a capitalist or not. You cant be a capitalist only when it fits your interests.

It's a good thing she's not in power.

They thought trump was hitler... wait until they get a load of the next guy.

Why do Jews even come here?
To defend Israel?
What for if they're innocent.
Probably because they're not innocent. Skeletons in the closet leak out and they need rapid response is my guess.

We knew this would come..

Attached: Israel will soon have to choose between China and the US.png (472x587, 219.24K)

Says who kike?

I'm ok with this

This Coronavirus shit has sealed the deal for me on China. Fool me once

I meant you

watch me, faggot.

our highest principle is the interest of our blood

National Socialism in Germany started because of a bad economy.

Your fucking master.

>if you criticize the worst extremes of capitalism, you're a commie
Even Adam Smith understood that free trade has limits.
>be a capitalist only when it fits your interests
Yes, exactly. America First.

Niggers and mexicans have ran wild for 30+ years and destroyed every major american city. Let's start there.

Typical backstabbing kikes.
Of course you're going to choose china. That's where the most powerful kikes are.

keep on dreaming

The Jews are 100% a higher threat than the chinks. We really so much on China because of how the Jews have crippled our own infrastructure

dead jews make god smile

Europeans were mercantilists for hundreds of years you fucking retarded kike

What does this have to do with anything? Chinese money didn’t get Americans infected.


Nah cunt i didn't say that to him at all.


Okay sheenie.

We're gonna milk what we can for you and then we're hook up with the chinks. USA is a dead horse. Soon to become brazil 2.0, Israel have her own interests too.

you are in for a surprise, subhuman

Jew makes good thread.

Seriously, maybe he's doing reverse psychology, but 100% good ideas.

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based.... would impregnate. We need more women like this in the world.

Redpilled as fuck


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No one takes the USA seriously anymore.

1/2 your country is demoralized whites who are too fat and/or ill to be a fit cohesive fighting force. Then the other 1/2 is lazy violent niggers and violent territorial hispanics all coordinated by a cabal of Jews and their finger puppets.

America like a dying elephant that erratically swinging its snout desperately grasping at anything before it inevitably falls down.

Attached: Blacked Chiropractor.webm (720x720, 1.29M)

If Israel chooses China do they get diversity and gay media?

History always repeats itself.

It cannot be a coincidence.
It cannot be a coincidence.

Just look at the evidence. Threats of world war, pandemics, degeneracy, a sudden rise in nationalism....

Listen, kid.
Empires will rise again.
The sun will consume its surroundings.
The swamp-dweller will exterminate the south.
The lion will be sacrificed as the eagle screams eleven times.

Chinks are not stupid and easy to manipulate like americans do. I mean, lets get real, Only a dumb group of people like white americans will allow themselves to become a minority in their own country. Pathetic losers, lol

Attached: The US white majority will soon disappear forever - Chicago Reporter.png (553x574, 523.81K)

>sees flag
>sees tactics

A huwhite wamyn who's not hostile to her own country? Good for that unicorn.

Attached: Absolute madwoman .jpg (900x927, 152.81K)

why all these MIGA newsreporter femoids look like stormy daniel?? along side bunch of fox news anchor. is this genetic? or just pandering to the crowd?

Shut the fuck up

I actually agree.

We should just kick the Chinese out all together. They're a subversive fifth column and many of them willingly spy on our countries and infrastructure for Chinese intelligence. They have no interest in enriching us and our children, they are solely here for their own profit and our destruction. Kick them out NOW!

just looked up her pics. literally all her pics look like they are different people. fucking optics and makeups

Ok shekelgruber

>You cant be a capitalist only when it fits your interests.
But you can be white only when it suits your interests...

ah fuck, now everybodys gonna hate chinks instead of jews

i knew this was a jewish scapegoat ploy u fucking sneaky ass kikes you did it again

Not familiar with radical centrism?

>Implying that's a bad thing

No, a couple of sneezy bois head over to israel to give them a taste of black plague 2.0. Just like in Italy. That's why you never trust an enemy.

who do Israelis prefer more as allies? i would think americans by enlarge but thats my guess

What's the DOW at today?

made for bbc

Honestly you people laugh at jewish cremation fables, but you really dont have enough jewish cremation yourselves. The average person cremates 2 jews per minute. If you have a family of 4, that's 76,692 jews a week. Over 306,768 a month. Jew ashes will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

mutt's law

Oh? What are you gonna do? Declare war on them? Cause that worked out so well last time... h-ref.de/feindbilder/juedische-kriegserklaerungen/daily-express-abend.php

Fuck off kyke

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>kick them out
>no Chinese movie funding
Not based. Chinese funding is the only thing that keeps a movie from being a Jewish pozzfest.
>no Chinese political donations


chinks vote predominately leftwing but earn more than whites.

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And just like that time it’s completely justified and necessary

Chinks are snakes. Americans are eagles. Guess who will win

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BBC means big british cock, are you aware of that?

Post scarcity now

>either my definition or not at all
Your people belong in ovens. No exceptions

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