Hold on, do people actually flush their toilet paper? lmao

Hold on, do people actually flush their toilet paper? lmao

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In civilised countries, this is actually possible without much problem.
The issue in the US is that your shit is too fat due to people eating and being too fat.

No, the issue is that 80% of our piping infrastructure is shit. Rich fags can afford to flush TP, but not the majority of us people here making under $25K. The pipes are literally old as shit itself.

You are idiots. The issue is the wipes and paper towels being flushed, not the TP. Only Mexicans and similar shitskins don't flush toilet paper.

What fucking Third world part of the country are you from?
Here in the ghetto of South San Diego you can flush toilet paper no problem.

the entire point of toilet paper is to flush it
what, do you just leave shit wipes in the corner?

any country that can not flush TP is a SHITHOLE

No, tissue paper is fine. It's dumb fucking retarded people who are throwing other items in the toilet. Other paper products like paper towels and baby wipes do not dissolve. They collect material and form giant clogs.

he's trolling

You guys don't flush your TP? What kind of savage doesn't flush TP?

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I was in Belgium last year and had three toilets back up in public places. Someone mentioned it was common because the infrastructure was so bad.

They are literally talking about people flushing paper towels and Clorox wipes you nigger retard. You’re not supposed to flush those

Because it clogs the pipes leading to the sewer. I've tried it before, the plumber always gets mad at me for flushing it.

Go back to Mexico

Plumbers are holding press conferences?

Smell of fake news/clickbait

Are you retarded? I refuse to believe you live in the US and think this.

No, but they've been asking plumbers on their take of the current crisis.

what do you do with it then?

I've lived 28 years in this country and never had any issues flushing just pure shit piss and toilet paper

This nigga from Baltimore, bet it.

send to slovakia to be sold as snack

Very nice. Keep flushing those baby wipes and paper towels so I can price gouge you even more to unclog your pipes. If only people knew how cheap it is to rent a snake or jet instead of calling a plumber.

Put it in a bag and immediately take it to the nearby dumpster.

Yes you stupid wetback. We have a thing called indoor plumbing in America so we don’t throw shit paper on the floor like they do in Mexico.

this is why you need to go back

Latin America in general doesnt flush TP, you wouldnt beleve the variety of scented trash bags and poo paper. Smells like you're wiping your ass with old ladies

Because we don't want our houses smelling like shit thats why we flush

>Be white
>Hoard TP
>An invention that destroys forests to clean their butt
>Butt still not clean though
>Clog up toilet with TP
>Strain pipes
>Cause more unnecessary problems
Why can't white people into water?

>We have a thing called indoor plumbing in America
Wrong, see

>taking the bait

Toilet paper breaks down unlike paper towels and other paper products. Put a sheet of toilet paper in water for a day and see what happens. Only old septic systems and small pipes can't handle toilet paper. You're not in Somalia anymore.

>t. street shitter

what Kind of nigger Tier sewage System do you have ?
sounds like youre one step away from just shitting on the streets

Look at my flag, I flush my TP.
I can't imagine what other people do.

Americans. Pah. Even too stupid to service a toilet.

we dont have the Indian Tier immunity System to get clean with cow piss

>Hold on, do people actually flush their toilet paper? lmao

for 38 years, user. never had a clog i couldn't immediately fix.

>what Kind of nigger Tier sewage System do you have ?
It's pretty bad where I live, but others ITT live in better places with better plumbing.

Based poo knows how to poo.

>doesnt flush his toilet paper

lmao what kind of shitskin are you?? obviously vpn

Why would they clean with their drinking water, man? Think before you post!

>Shits on street
>Properly discards his used toilet paper inside
I couldnt resist

>for 38 years, user. never had a clog i couldn't immediately fix.
Lucky you. I've had the plumber come 5 times to my apartment, scolding me for flushing TP.

Fucking kek, enjoy the poopy smell from your waste basket. Chicano subhuman.

>gf constantly flushes tampons because she is a dumb whore thats retarded and no matter how many times shes told youre not suppose to flush them she still does it
>sewer line gets clogged so often that i had to buy a stolen rooto rooter off craigslist
Fuck vaginas.

You still got a ways to go son

Your butt still has poo particles on it right now. That could give you ass cancer. Even if you scrape it with sandpaper the particles still remain. Water will always prove to be superior

I know that feeling user, it's why I've chosen to stay single forever.

I do like 2,000 ab excercises a day. Been eating powdered complan and powdered cheddar potatoes. Woke up at 4pm (worked out all night again), tried to take a shot and wallop! Compacted turd denser than uranium lodged like a brick and tore off my asshole, I bled like a stick pig, it just stopped bleeding now 90 minutes later. Thank goodness I was ahead of the curve and stockpiled everything including the shit paper I wedged between my cheeks to stop me bleeding to death. And that’s my day so far.

Toilet papers are designed to dissolve in water over time so the sewers in first world countries can deal with them. Paper towels and disinfectant wipes aren't made for this.

There's nothing wrong with flushing toilet paper, the problem is when idiots start flushing wet wipes and kitchen towels which don't break down in the pipes like TP does..

Pics or it didnt happen

Go shit on the street corner, rasheeh.

Agreed, but I was mostly referring to those of us who live in areas with shit piping. No pun intended.

I took a vicious green diarrhea shit the other day in a grocery store bathroom.
The entire bowl was plastered, it looked like someone committed a war crime in it, diarrhea shrapnel grenade.

Didn't flush. Fuck janitors.

Leave it clogged next time and point her to the rooter when she complains.

Fucking iPhone spellcheck is such a pissy liberal mutt.
Why does it ‘correct’ valid words?

He's probably from New Mexico. Remember (reluctantly) being in a gas station restroom there once and seeing a giant turd in the trash can. I mean...

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 24 rolls per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 2,184 rolls a week. Over 8,736 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

lUCKY 38


Use a bidet first and then TP

Make her pay for the plumber, she'll soon learn.

>That could give you ass cancer
>Water will always prove to be superior
you have water in india ???

>Use a bidet fist

Enjoy your ass cancer and anal pus dumbass

I watched some videos on India lately and I'm surprised by how modern some of their buildings look.

>>An invention that destroys forests to clean their butt
Fucking rich bastards with their walnut, teak and ebony toilet paper.
For us plebs it's made from fast growing pine trees that help trap CO2.

why would someone want to do that? bin em

Today learned there are savages out there who actually do not flush toilet paper.

Ive lived in a double wide trailer for over 20 years and flush tp everyday and have only had minor clogs a plunger fixes.

yeah, it is depressing how shitty a lot of our country looks. buildings look like shit. roads are shit.

>Stock up on toilet paper 3000%
>Increase usage of toilet paper by 3000%
No wonder the world thinks Americans are stupid.
Most are.

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>Double wide trailer for over 20 years
Now this I actually believe

We're not unhygienic Mexican nationals so yes.

Enjoy walking in your own shit, Rasheeh.

Shart in the Mart

I don't get the joke

American toilets are puny and you’d think they’d have to be the strongest in the world.

Fags are wiping wrong. You're supposed to take a shit, grab a couple of squares of toilet paper and stick it up in your ass, pushing the shit smeared around your anus back inside. Then the toilet paper is absorbed/turned into shit and you poo it out next bowel movement all ready to be flushed. Plus having a paper cork in your asshole keeps you from blasting out shit particles whenever you fart.

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Found the Mexican...

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All of this thread must be going right over your head Ap00.

Not all toilet paper dissolves. The super thick & soft stuff breaks down extremely slowly.

God damn Amerifat. You clogged THREE toilets?

i hope you guys never get universal healthcare in the US
Having healthy burgers pay for shit like this is just wrong on every level

Jesus Fist
