Fuck you jannies

We weren't finished discussing this coal burner.

Attached: Hempel_Harper003.jpg (300x413, 27.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based. BRO imagine her dad right now. Lord have mercy


Probably doing it to piss off her racist dad or ex-boyfriend.

Can I get a QRD?

He's bragged about her accomplishments and success for years... fucking sad.

What's there to discuss? Let's put bets on when the nigger kills her

toll paid almost in full

She fucks black guys.

Attached: DQLE9tBVAAAQ99S-630x325.jpg (630x325, 45.5K)

Yas Forums coal toll patrol, reporting for duty.

Her nigger NBA playing bf uploaded a video of their jungle love on ig, claiming his account was hacked. Original thread removed by jannies.

Built for black men like me

Fill me in bros the last thread 404d when I jumped in


Attached: 5jxkqg.jpg (596x532, 84.02K)

>"tuck" on shirt
Tranny confirmed
The nigger is a faggot!

Say hi to him on Facebook

And also she was dating some spic/indian. Look how happy she was here, it's said that after this she became a white nationalist. She got pumped and dumped hard by dark cock and it changed her forever.

Attached: lauren.jpg (640x922, 114.66K)

Fuck thats hot.

Someone send the vid to her dad

If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.

Use /bant/ for off-topic and non-political discussions.

What happened with this mutt face burger?

>it's said that after this she became a white nationalist. She got pumped and dumped hard by dark cock and it changed her forever.
This is the most logical explanation, IMO

Fuck off leaf
Go get cucked like your pm

This is at the very heart of the socio-pooitics discussed here.

I think the worst part is the nasty pubes lol

>there are now generals on Yas Forums dedicated to watching wfbm interracial porn

Post this to every one of her family members social media accounts. Shame the whore for what she is

Attached: Jamal Murray 1.jpg (74x129, 3.43K)

They don’t want us asking the real questions
Someone send the vid to her dad

Vid of her fucking her nig bf posted to his ig. He's an nba player so it was kind of huge... and not his dick

Who is this and why should I care? Stacie's fuck niggers, no surprises there.

Maybe in Canada faggot

Gotta love those zoomers!

REMEMBER: Sports are the Gateway to coal-burning

White Men watching Sports on TV is the leading factor in "coal-burning" in America

When a little white girls grows up, noticing that her dad is spending countless hours every weekend on the Couch watching Jamal and DeShawn running up the Field with a ball - instead of the father helping her with her homework and other life skills, she is learning that Jamal and DeShawn's football career must be more important to society than her father's own family, and when she later learns they make $10 Million a year for running up a field.... can you blame her when she goes to her high school on Monday morning and wants to hang around Tyrone and Malik on the school football team, instead of hanging around Billy on the school's Math team and Tennis team??

There is a DIRECT causation and correlation between the rise of Sports TV Channels and Cable Sports channels in the 1980s and 1990s, to coal-burning becoming acceptable in society.

Attached: https___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_180523130412-01-nflers-kneeling-file.jpg (1200x675, 166.61K)

I don't want to hear one more sentence about white birth rates decreasing until somebody explains to me why white girls are perfectly fine with fucking non-white men as long as they are tall and famous

>REMEMBER: Sports are the Gateway to coal-burning
>White Men watching Sports on TV is the leading factor in "coal-burning" in America

Best way to stop Coalburning in America = call up your Cable TV company and CANCEL it, stop giving money to ESPN

Attached: senior group picture.jpg (600x400, 86.92K)

Jannies I am merely a humble spreader of information, no ban pls
Link to coalburner vid:

Built for BBC

Attached: EQjmqMnXkAI7p0E.jpg (940x796, 124.35K)

based and redpilled
lift and don't watch (((sports)))


I would. And I’d finish on her face. Massive load. Coooooom

IR is more prevalent in the United States(especially cuckolding), but nice try sweety.

Man, I don't have the fucking heart. You know he worked his ass off to send her to UK and was proud af when she got accepted/graduated. Sadly, she is going to end up getting beaten and tossed out after he gets tired of her.

So average.

True. Now give me a better picture and I'll do it.

Are her relatives ants?

uh its even the turbo disgusting nigger version

We get it, you watch porn.
Mutts Law never fails.
Women wait at the finish line and fuck who wins. Money is the equivalent of beauty for men.
Fuck Jannies

This is his fault.

Attached: 652.jpg (250x250, 13.64K)


Attached: 1584871650263.jpg (404x500, 35.3K)

Is this Lauren southern or something who gives a shit why did you have me watch some whore suck a turd

not gonna post that low quality bs


Thx i hate it

discord shill team spreading interracial porn on Yas Forums

The more you feed, the more they breed, the more they need.

post the video

>OP thinks modern, degerenate women are troubled about sex tapes.

Attached: YoullNeverRetireHaHa.jpg (640x420, 49.18K)

Well, wheres the video?

Attached: 363-3638815_girl-raising-her-hand-o3o-cartoon-girl-raising.jpg (300x322, 41.64K)

Attached: whioid women.jpg (1523x1362, 172.24K)

Scroll the thread man...

>Women wait at the finish line and fuck who wins
>Money is the equivalent of beauty for men
(X) Doubt. This is about physical fitness and social status not money


Attached: 3BB5E5EF-FBC9-49F5-ADEA-087190DD5266.jpg (750x1324, 561.73K)

Someone repost that picture of her in the Hospital

Q predicted this

Kill yourself yid.

I'll disown my daughters and get on with my life. I will never care for a half-breed.


Some nigball player’s publicly known girlfriend Harper Hempel sucked his dick and the video was posted to faceberg “on accident”. Her family already knows she’s fucking a nigger but OP is a faggot and wants to rub it in by showing her family the depth of their failure which is admittedly hilarious and has my support.

Famous people have money. Am I wrong?

There are like 5 links in this thread to it already retard, scroll

>First and foremost I would like to apologize to my fans. My account has been hacked, currently working on the issue. Thanks
>If you have the video please delete it

>Pootugal Arab rape baby calling anyone else a mutt

I thought my dick was small but it;s the same size as his and no one's roasting him. Gross pubes though. Guess I'm fine.

That dick is tiny

Nigger pubes are fucking disgusting

No, but are you aware of that saying about correlation and causation?
Also, are you familiar with the alpha fucks+beta bucks arrangement?

Fuck you, Kike.


kek my dick is bigger than that