This bitch is fucking crazy

This bitch is fucking crazy.

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Other urls found in this thread:,

Yummy a fingolian

adrenochrome face

wait what the fuck

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To the MOD that is moving threads.
This is as political as we will get right now.
Yas Forums was designed for this subject matter.
Just because you got an approval on your application last week dont mean you know how to run shit, retard

Why is she a chink now? Was she always a chink? Is this the mendela effect, or sumfin?

She has always been a massively subversive figurehead pushing the degeneracy of young girls.

um... Kim? is that you?

>Madonna is batshit insane.
>water is wet
More news at 9.

She looks like a bleached gook.


Plastic surgery

What the fuck. People give her money

how do you have North Korea flag?

>Doesn't know
They are the only reason this place is lit and not filled with BLACKED porn when they are online,
Say thanks to the Yennies ! they are good...

Wait... wasn't internet in NK blocked for everybody except Kim family?

>she does not let go of the knobs
>chinese virus is the EQUALIZER

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Who's the cunt in the picture?

W-welcome? I think...

she's right. they are all going down together. goodbye evil fucks

what the cunt is up with her face?

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Why is this granny a bald chink now?

had so many surgeries she looks like she's wearing a beyonce mask

>doesnt know
*tng* *tng* *tng*
sir you have no idea who we are

What a drama queen

adrenochrome withdrawals are not so nice.

see every celebrity who is aging horrifically during the quarantine.

"Politically Incorrect" could be anything that the normies may find controversial . Not just senators and congress sucking each other off. So you will find lots of odd ideas here.

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What happened to her face wtf


>After years of following the rules and lurking, Great leader Kim has now decided we are ready.
Welcome Greatest Leader.

I didn't even recognize that this was madonna. It looks like a happa e-thot with facial paralysis.


>she does not let go of the knobs
>chinese virus is the EQUALIZER

Based and Plinkettpilled

Handcuff on left (Right in pic) wrist?

Face lifts pull skin tight in the face looks freakish.

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No it wasn’t, this is a b tier thread.

All you have is a poorly worded statement without discussion.

This shit is just drowning legit /Pol discussion.

Hi Kim

that’s a death mask r right?


Best Korea, my 185th flag.
Thanks, Kim.

Attached: Capture.png (1136x661, 91.31K)

Welcome great leader!!!

Oh boy, you can watch the Sseth video. Nice.

Include me in the screencap :)

Best Kim.

or perhaps that is not madonna but an actor and they are no even trying to get one that looks like her because no one even questions it since everything is supposed to be on lockdown

Wanna play some CS GO?

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>A drugged out old ho sitting in a bathtub trying to form a thought
So deep

christ she's had a bit of work done to her face recently, hardly recognised her

I still don't think she's met Molly yet.

Our countries are the same, but you have better music, less commercials and supreme leadership.


>there’s something wrong with your face

Welcome to pol fren from best Korea!

I didn't get why u guys think that NK is so bad, even u never went to NK. U just accept what the media said, u know not all media talk with honest sometimes they too much. No matter in what country is, all the media is like that because of rating and sometime media do that because of goverment force.I didn't get why u
??? I am not KIM, we could jail you for it
Wow you're faster then the covid-19
He has more importent things to do, I am learning English here
Allah wackybar

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imagine doing this at 60

put me in the screencap you faggots

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so many redditors in here now freaking out over a guy using a VPN. Go back to your home.

>This bitch is fucking crazy.
fried fish calling for false flag event didn't qorked for her...poor witch is hungry

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We are all equal now. None of us can rape chillens anymore.

Boo fucking hooo, bitch.


So many abuses since childhood.

She's got a typewriter in this video,, just like Tom Hanks.

Is she mongoloid?

Have a screencap inside a screencap

Attached: I wish I was funny.png (923x224, 88.98K)


stretch yo face nigga

She's had an Asianoplasty

>holy fucking what

Hi kim, really like the ethnostate you have going on in your country.

bye bye witch

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>Allah wackybar
north korean banter, who could have thought

>I am not KIM, we could jail you for it
Sorry, Say Hi for me.

Welcome leader of best korea!

You guys still have snow?

Wait what the fuck?

How's the weather in Pyongwang?

Why she rook Asian now?

Is it withdrawal? Or just lack of makeup?

Notice me senpai

Thanks, Kim! Very cool.

> #becreative

These people haven't been creative in years. Would they even know how. Sam Smith is crying like the big faggot he is because he's completely lost.

You speak engrish very werr. Wercome to /por/ resbian rady rover.

I don't think NK is bad, in fact I would want a nation just like yours, I don't want to move there because I don't want to pollute your race, since whites and asians should be separated.

supreme leader, our bodies are ready

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Her puppet strings being chopped soon or what? Like was her video at eurovision last year not enough to please Saturn?

No fuckin way

Hahahah where can I see him losing his shit?

Kim! Give us the run down on Coronachan? You may be the only trustworthy source right now

>drugs are baaad, mmmkay?

Wadup fat fuck

Yeah, look past the cakeup and the blonde wig obscuring the sides and I can see it.


>Ellen makes post wearing hoodie with art of Madonna ex-bf on it
>Ellen makes Guggenheim museum post
>Guggenheim known for dying on Titanic
>OP links post of Madonna saying, “We are all going down on this ship together.”

Speak more Finish please

Well, well, well, the miracles continue. Michael Jackson went from a black man in to a white woman, and Madonna went from a white woman into an asian woman. But this "if the ship goes down, we all go down with it"... is that a megalomaniacal sociopathic threat to the world? That they'll take us down with them? Their "Samson option"?


Holy shit

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>all these newfags that have never seen a fucking proxy before
Jesus christ, we are overrun.

yes, coalburners are usually crazy bitches

Too many faceliftings. She reminds me of the star trek aliens.

cope is harddddd,mmmcleaf?

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I love you Kim! You are the best! Please nuke China or something while everyone is concerned about coronachan

We are glad to have you here! I wish we had a leader like Kim here. Kim was the first to close borders.

Proxies doesn't work, they're all banned. He said that he was in North Korea.

Women should age gracefully. I would rather a wrinkly old wife than some bogged up balloon face.

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북한은 위대하고이 바이러스가 없으면 방문 할 것입니다. 하나의 연합 된 인종을 가진 나라를 보는 것이 성취입니다. 나는 북한을 전적으로지지한다.

>even best korea is making fun of Sweden


hi mike

so much fucking silicone, holy fuck

I'm talking about Madonna typing while being high as fuck you dumb dago.

>If the ship goes does then we're all going down together

>>Ellen makes post wearing hoodie with art of Madonna ex-bf on it
'art' is a girl screaming AAAA while they remove her face off

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>he said
His flag said
>proxies doesn't work

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Why are Sweden and Switzerland still guarding your border with worst korea?

Guys obviously the Nork poster is using a VPN? I mean, right?

>when hundreds of men have joined together to literally fuck your brains out

Yes, get Kim to nuke China we'll gibs food!

Your highness we've been expecting you.

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Howdy. When they let you out?

>Hahahah where can I see him losing his shit? I tried to tolerate his shit. But I can't anymore. I can't tolerate anyone in Hollywood right now. Maybe Mel Gibson.
Google it. He's everywhere.

North Korea Best Korea.

Welcome based Dear Leader.

>I didn't get why u guys think that NK is so bad,
they developed a bioweapon that targets whites, we took it from them but still

>while being high as fuck
if this was the issue i wouldn't spend my time here

Learn from this and reject consumerism and celebritism, return to your roots, reclaim your pride.

At this point Kim Jong Un is the only reason why the thread is still alive. KEK

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Botox injections have leached into her brain.

Hello Kim, may I come to your country and become an elite member of the inner circle and breed a beautiful korean woman?

Why are they all thanking god? I've seen a number of tweets from celebrittles saying "thank god for" some stupid thing like dogs, gloves, fried fish and shit.

Well, then tell me how to make one work without paying, because I tried to LARP as a canuck last week and it didn't work.

Based Kim, back at shitposting again.

Hello Kim fren

maybe, maybe not
>Allah wackybar
are pretty adorable when you imagine it's some shitposting North Korean

>when hundreds of men have joined together to literally fuck your brains out
There is a good chance she fucked all of the stars on the LA Lakers team back in the mid to late 90's. I wouldn't be surprised if she fucked Magic Johnson too.

Ime munaa, neekeri.

thread mode

Attached: nkorea.jpg (973x648, 309.83K)

I think you've lurked enough. Welcome to Yas Forums.

She's got a whole medical/surgery setup at home. wtf. How often she must do that shit.

Its amazing how short people's memories are. Whoever put this show together for her obviously had a theme related to the virus outbreak. She's basically the figurehead for Illuminati bullshit.

Kim’s gone :(

Kim, when the world is fucking toast, I'ma fly over there to play some 1 on 1 with you and watch some anime, bruh!

I for one welcome our North Koreans buddies here. Let me know if you want us to send you some good medical weed.

>doesnt let go of the knobs
Cant bring herself to release control?
Not washing hands?

north korea is best korea

Jews already trying to subvert. Many such cases.

Love ya Kim


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i was thinking like
shes holding on for dear life or
maybe shes in it to the very end type...
thanks for the response
fucking north korea killed the thread talk

How white are you, we need good spies

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Based Great Leader Kim

is this the 80s madonna madonna?