Thank God we have the ability to not feel shame for not following what the herd does, lol.
Hoarders and looters should be shot.
Who are you?
it's just a flu brah. more people killed themselves this month than there will ever die from corona chan.
i got a better one More jewish people got killed in ww2 than will die from corona.
probably because the vast majority of people don't have anything to worry about. if you're old or sick or have a compromised immune system then it's YOUR responsibility to stay home and self-isolate, not the other 98% of the population.
Tits or GTFO
That's what the national guard are for.
>staying in your pen because the state tells you
are they literally demanding that people not even go out into wide, open spaces? how the fuck can you get the virus that way? is it being aerosoled?
Ever heard of darwinism? Even without the whole research it is quite obvious. Cultural-economical reasons are the most retarded excuses imaginable for being a subhuman. The whole darwinism theory makes niggers be lesser than the white man on every genetic level possible. Darwins fucking brother invented the eugenics. Life forms adapt to all living conditions, be it fair or rough. Niggers simply haven't evolved to use majority of their brains, because all resources for survival were there in Africa. They don't need to think about winter, seasons and agriculture one of the most fucking basic things you can do. I could go live in a fucking forest and survive on mushrooms for years and yet these faggots are dying and asking for gibs. Those thinking they deserve any rights are simply NPC's who follow dictated groupthink logic and are no more intelligent than a cat or a dog, whom you can domesticate and use as you please. They are not even worth talking to because you will never change who they are. Then people wonder why the world is such a shitty place... the elite are domesticating world population because it's the best chance for their genetics to survive and it's easy as fuck, in a brutal game of survival, that has evolved beyond simple genetics. Intelligence is a mutation where it no longer requires survival by the fittest rule, where it can survive by leeching off other life forms.
A parasite
fingers crossed for firing order
i just want coronachan to be able to mutate into something far deadly,contagious and hard to indentify, make people drop like flies in the whole world, i wiant people pay for the way they decided to build our civilization among arrogance,superiority complex,ignorance,denial,individualism,egoism,greedy
Come on my dear universe and world give your blessing to corona-chan
Government doesn’t tell me what to do, boot licking fag
>the sick and elderly are 2% of the population
>if young people get infected they can't infect their older family members at home
American education offers me free keks every fucking time
If you get it, there is about a 20% chance you will need critical care. You most likely won't die, but it would be something I would rather avoid if I can.
> You're putting OTHER PEOPLE AT RISK.
> Let's completely shut down the entire economy, which people depend on to survive.
The dissonance between these two simultaneously-held ideas is maddening to me
If that's how you feel, maybe you should go live in the woods like a dirty monkey. Stupid monkey.
Land whale shut up,you obviously have no clue its just a matter of time until we get erased
Let boomers die jesus christ
I try to not turn into a complete human-hating angry idiot, but Jesus fucking Christ, the amount of "It's ok bruh, muh flu", "No problem to gather around for a party, we're friends", "Travelling to Italy was completely ok, bro, my vacation is ruined" is off the charts.
What shit hole retard state are you from?
>Let's completely shut down the entire economy
>elected officials enact an illogical policy that won’t work
>people don’t follow it
>elected officials blame the people for the policy not working
*tips fedora*
>Reddit spacing
>All caps
>Silli cat giving the middle finger
Drown in vomit Mossad.
Land of the free, bitch.
Yes aerosoled this is perhaps its shining acheivment and a knock-on of the mycoplasmic payload
Now is a great time to hike your local national park. Just don't use the toilets.
Good. Fuck destroying the entire nation because 4% of boomers might die.
Only normal faggots would listen to the government, so now that all the normal faggts are staying at home, Im more inclined to go out
And? Why should someone who isn't at risk change their entire life because fatties and smokers might die?
it's true, americans are so goddamn irresponsible and selfish and ignorant. fucking retards in my town still shaking hands like faggots.
i'm going to the office to enjoy the free food and you can't stop me
I probably wouldn't follow it either if everything wasn't cancelled/closed. I'm not some faggot who goes hiking so all I can do is dick around at home.
ooh you're a good goy
The crazy thing is, that 50%+ of US citizens are as healthy as a 90 year old Italian granny that smokes. On top of this you have the worst public healthcare imaginable, even China is better. Not even FEMA can save your asses.
Maybe it just doesn't work. It worth a try, and as President Trump says- what the hell do you have to lose! But if it a mass death event anyway, let me fucking go on as I choose. I will say it again, if all the world values human life so much, as the seemingly do right at this moment, there should never be another war, no war weapons ever built again, every germ warfare item destroyed all over the world, and abortion should be outlawed completely across the globe. But if not, open the doors.
this. It's a free country and if you want to infringe on MY RIGHTS you're a communist nigger
They keep blaming millennials, but it's the zoomers on spring break everyone is mad at.
That is true. Can't get sick if no one is around. I may go out for a jog tomorrow but not sure if normalfags are still cheeky and do the same.
If you're at home then you can't possibly be hurt by us going outside
Good. Freedom of assembly assholes.
yes please keep going out americans, spread it, you can surpass us you can make it
people in the developed world dont tend to live in households with 3 or 4 generations.
haha outside goes brrrr
Well, Germany is disciplined and stays home. Power balance shifting. USA will crumble and the German Reich will rise from the ashes of modernity. Check em.
user, you're retarded.
It's boomers
Erased from existence???
It's boring at home all the time
Hahahahaha murca is so fucked. I can't wait to watch this shitshow.
well we do and we are developed world. Its just that mediterreneans care about family values
Jean Des Claquettes
Allée des Dames 5,
75016 Paris
i just wanna die
I'm going out to rent a hooker, they're offering half off all services due to a lack of johns
Reeee how dare people not let their rights be trampled on because 2% of those infected may die
>probably because the vast majority of people don't have anything to worry about.
White people are IMMUNE to COVID-19, remember?
Good. Let them die.
Just let the virus this thin the herd. The people who are losing their minds because they are being asked to sit on a couch and read a book are mentally ill.
If you're staying in it's better that others don't. Herd immunity only thing that will actually stop this.
Even in an economic point of view, going to live alone is the stupidest shit ever.
All world wealth is built on families.
breh I ain't gonna stay home because of a weak ass less than 1% disease. I have one life, and I'm gonna live it. Fuck this shitty "crisis" plus my immune system is a sick cunt who btfos anything
I'll do what I want statist faggot. Not that I'm going outside though. The Sun is a psyop.
>In the winter seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17, an estimated average of 5,290,000 ILI cases occurred in Italy, corresponding to an incidence of 9%.
>More than 68,000 deaths attributable to flu epidemics were estimated in the study period.
>Italy showed a higher influenza attributable excess mortality compared to other European countries. especially in the elderly.
>Nearly 4 million people in Italy sought treatment for the flu in recent weeks, the highest number of cases since 2004.
>There were some 832,000 flu patients between January 8-14th, according to the National Health Institute’s virus monitoring service, making a total of 3,883,000 cases since September 2017.
>“The spread of the influenza virus this year is very intense, higher even than the pandemic of 2009-10 and comparable only to the 2004-5 season,” said Antonino Bella, one of the institute’s specialists in infectious disease.
>But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.
>“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
stfu panic cuck
you've been brainwashed by satanic globalist pedos
Because everyone will wind up getting it anyway.
>isn't at risk
literal 20 year olds dying in china and even US now and you guys keep meming this, everybody is at risk from this virus retard
uncivilized westerners once again proved that we slavs are superior
Who are you kidding. I just came back from a run, there's a zillion people walking outside due to the sun. They also don't distance themselves I had to keep zigzagging between the coofers. That's why Angela just declared a ban on having more than 2 people meeting outside, finally maybe Germans will behave!
Make me nigger.
Is it the hispanics and blacks? Because if I had to guess it would be the hispanics and blacks.