He has a job that's considered "non-essential" during this crisis

>He has a job that's considered "non-essential" during this crisis.

Congratulations you're useless to society.

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I guess students are useless to society.

>I'm a student

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They unironically are, Leaf.

I'm a factory foreman and I'm expected to go into work by my employer still. There is no change in my schedule, no shutdown or even reduced hours all because the guy running the show wants money trickling into his jew pocket. Does this make me useful to society, Yank?

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Woah. I hadn't thought of that. Makes me hope I have to go to work.

>>Congratulations you're useless to society.

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Most of em are. Most of them will get fake degrees, and fall into irreparable debt.

Are jannies considered useless? Unironically speaking

Or maybe you are expected to come in because if you don't, the company will lose disgusting amounts of money, resulting in massive layoffs because he can't afford to pay his workers to not work for months.

who else is going to staff the retail and restaurant industry? teenagers? kek

Enjoy your ban, tripleaf.

Students are a drain on society. If you’re not running a business by 20, basically you were neglected and miseducated.

finally working in infrastructure IT pays off

absolutely utterly based

I'm considered essential because apparently is oh so important women are able to file for divorce and Protection From Abuse. Government work is ass, a flat bony ass

Think trips are special? Check out these god tier singles

Can’t wait for this to end so we can stop worshiping shelf stackers and nurses.

This response gave me a boner

Work as a cna. No no job for me

Hell I just got back on at a warehouse and they refuse to close since we stock hospitals

Sorry anons

Allow me to call you on your bullshit thread OP
I have a life essential job
It's security guard for a tech company that works for banks.. because the banks must get their credit cards and tech from us.
>That's a life essential job
I'm not gonna say what I do *isn't* that important, but it's really not. I love my job, I get paid decently, it's super comfy, I'm great at it and I'm not gonna be replaced/automated ever. But it's really a security guard position. No one looks up to that lol.
Delete your garbage ass thread

>Job is considered “essential” so I have to keep coming in
>Spend at least five hours a day shitposting on Yas Forums or watching anime


Jannies are mission critical
Without Jans this place would be reddit

you can't even do anything right can you?


90% of jobs are pointless bullshit

>god-tier singles
>gets dublets
>off by one from quads
>this fucking guy

That's a lot of mental gymnastics to glorify a CEO who comes in to work for two hours on only tuesday and thursday then proceeds to complain he works too much and we don't produce enough despite the fact how the factory makes billions more profit by every year because of our toil. Maybe if he wasn't spending 50 million forints on trips to the Bahamas and Ibiza whimsically, he wouldn't always have to tighten his own belt. God, I fucking hate bootlicks like you. Did I mention that he and his whole family are jewish?

>Peasant cannon fodder think they’re important

Yes my friend you are hero
Now go with those tiny thin dust masks into the virus fireline

>why aren't you doctor yet!


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Okay this is epic

>Tfw stock shelves at a grocery store for a living
Good to know I'm more useful than the majority of people

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Well, yeah.

Have you tried having a conversation with these college kids? It’s nothing but meme-speak and shitty grammar. It’s fucking embarrassing honestly, every generation is getting dumber.

>job isn’t essential but we’re still expected to come in against government orders
Fuck the semiconductor industry


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If you’re not a key worker you’re just a passenger. Simple as.

Yeah you actually are

Not untrue. How the stuck up have fallen.

It already is reddit

As a laid off chef. I still have skills to pay my survival Bill's in the coming year from hell. Good thing I live on isolated riverside farm country too. Praying

I like that image, saved.

based post, my property.

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This pandemic is necessary for a lot of people to realize that no matter what they do in life, the people around them don't give a shit about them. Lots of boomers who got removed from their job AND told to cough money while they were working all their life JUST to do the shit they always wanted to do as oldfags

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being a janny is not a job, cause you make money from job

No job is “essential”
Nows the time to abolish work.
Strike April 1st. no rent. no work.

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>imagine being non-essential

Feels good being essential, fuck all of you non-essentials.

Friendly reminder, if you work in a corporate office and aren't an accountant you're a leech with a play pretend job
Don't worry skilled labor bros in the field, your paychecks won't be late

Working is a spook

They are, why do you think so many want socialism?

every job is non essential apart from farming

Thanks bro we'll keep the world moving while all these non-essentials realize the world doesn't need them

Yes. There is absolutely no need to go to college in the year 2020. You have access to all the world's knowledge for free and you can learn anything without wasting 4 years of your live.

They do it for free

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Jannies play an essential role in supporting the hotpocket industry.

This is unironically true

The great thing about all of this is a lot of businesses will fail because people will question why they even did commerce with them as they were able to get along just fine without their service.

Who /workingremotely/ here?

Everything you have is brought to you be truck drivers. Get the fuck out of the fast lane. I've got miles to burn and civilization to save.

you're like a waitress. you move things from a warehouse to a shelf. societal tradition is the only thing stopping people from going warehouse to shopping bag, and we have shit like costco blurring the line already

Companies will also invest a great deal into automation and AI now and those who do not will fail.

Look at him an laugh..

he is a non-essential slave


>his country says that his job is essential but his paycheck clearly doesn't reflect it
Yes, slave away and risk contracting kung flu while I work from home.

I give no fuarks.. still called off work because I'm not a slave

"You have to come into work" bitch Trump said stay home

What if everyone finds out we don't need retail or restaurants?