What exactly happens in a depression after the market crashes? Does money become worthless? Do prices rise?
What exactly happens in a depression after the market crashes? Does money become worthless? Do prices rise?
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no job no money everything is cheap toilet paper is the new currency.
The price of big black cocks go through the roof and your average white woman will be eternal sex slave to the superior black race. Hehe
Please cut me as 200gram paper, and man do for me a big price I used to buy here meat forrr a loonnngg time and you gaaveee me a fixed price over this prime stake
Stop glowing lol
holy fuck can you stop, fucking degenerate
He is a shill, and an ugly mutt too
Oh shit Kim, what up boi?
you'll get yours too
Calm down Mr. Lansky
you will wish you owned real currency like gold and silver
Well a shitload of rich people go broke, the businesses they own follow, the maximum number of available jobs contracts as a result, and theres less juice flowing to keep everyone going. This might be different because about 25 million Americans will be dead before it's over, if not more. (My personal calculation based on official data)
Social credit system will be implemented.
or bitcoin?
>Does money become worthless?
>Do prices rise?
Depressions are generally deflationary in nature, as nobody is spending any money. Dollar value increases, making it more expensive to pay employees, unemployement increases. One of the main reasons we left the gold standard since gold-backed currencies aren't as elastic; but ancap retards whine about it anyways.
Money won't matter where we are headed,
Youll be wearing your bed sheets for clothing with some crocs you stole from the hospital,
You'll be eating bark bread
Kim? The hell are you doing here?
Kim, is that you?
Have sex
first post bum-pilled post
What happens is that the ultra-low prices of commodities (oil, gas, raw materials) radically lowers input costs for manufacturers, which provides a powerful stimulus to the economy.
I believe that 1. people run on the banks 2. banks call in their loans. 3.no one can pay and the banks seize all the property. 4.?
you get deflation which is good for those who saved up
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 17 rolls per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 1,547 rolls a week. Over 6,188 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Nice VPN
nothing to those behind it
Prices will rise and unemployment will rise. It's called stagflation
bullshit, I ran out of it and I just use the ole water bucket and hand method.
DEFLATION..... You could buy a house for $10,000
read: the grapes of wrath?
17? Only 17? Has it been 4, 5 days?
The price of commodities are negligible compared to the cost of labor, which skyrockets during a depression
The gold standard had virtues as well.
You know like not being able to print trillions for your crony buddies and transfer the wealth of entire generations into their pockets twice in a decade.
Yes mAh man, and I hope u alredy bought some miners too
We don't know, because we've never had this type of crisis. Last Depression was overproduction crisis, which caused deflation. Last recession was financialized, and caused only low interest rates but neither big inflation nor deflation. Recession in 70's otoh was a price shock and saw massive inflation.
Right now we're having both a cutting of demand and supply - factories are shuttered and workers are not receiving income. If the factories stay closed while workers get cheques, we should see some inflation if the demand becomes bigger than supply (everyone buys new gaming rigs or whatever). However if the NEETbux only go to rent and utilities, it will have no effects on demand for scarce goods.
We just can't tell until it happens. Even the certainty of uncertainty being bad for investment is not a given, since interest rates are zero and so we can choose to invest again on a dime if need be.
Not worthless but devalued. value increases in real usable items like Water, Food,shelter,transportation, essentials medicine clothing. after back-stocks are depleted prices will rise.
Fortunately central banks are just printing trillions of currency so that will solve the toilet paper problem
Mutt's law.
Based Saddam
the strong will form gangs and take what they need using force.
there will be no "trade."
The cost do to things increases and profits are generally lower. Starting a new business becomes more difficult and already-established business have to start firing people (or lowered wage/hours).
This board is full of retards. I guess since nobody takes this shit serious then I’ll reply with what I know. I’m not going to sit here and say I’m 100% correct or anything but I’ve studied the Jewish stock exchange history as it predates modernity. I also trade a lot.
What ends up happening is twofold terrors.
First understand that the price for a cartridge of milk is still worth 13 cents. As time went on inflation caused the cartridge of milk to cost 2.30 of higher as of right now. This is caused by the Federal Reserve printing money that isn’t backed by gold. The standard dollar used to be backed with an equivalent amount of gold per dollar. When the Federal Reserve was created by Jews it allowed the system to be unbacked by gold and backed by the consumer’s supply and demand. So what happens during a modern dilemma? It’s a market crash bigger than anyone’s ever seen.
1. The currency becomes worthless as the Fed Res has no choice but to print 500%(or more) money. This leads to inflation on everyday products which companies cannot match the printing of the reserves. In short: our shit becomes devalued while companies raise prices.
2. Worldwide tourism and ALL recreational endeavors are banned. This alone right now has caused the hospitality industry to be bankrupt. A single month of no money - the Fed Res cannot save every company or bail them out. This is the biggest job loss in history with no ability to recover.
3. Our militaries around the world will be cut from employment to cut costs. This causes a dissolution of loyalty to a government and a much easier time for people to go AWOL.
4. If it’s TLDR then read this. The world’s greatest nations will be in freefall - for a time. It could be several years before any nation is fully able to control their population. We are looking at the end of one way of centralized banking and returning to a gold backed system.
Read this personalliberty.com
They are also trying to remove the link I sent you so save it while you can. It threatens our government because of its accuracy.
>you will wish you owned real currency like gold and silver
Have fun getting BTFO'd by fake silver coins when every nigger realizes they don't have "real currency"
Your reddit spacing is showing you fucking faggot.
Me a slav? Check flag again you fucking mutt.
Yeah I am a shit skin now suck my dick fatso.
I think will be fine this time around as long as we have the internets
>cartridge of milk
You are not from the USA. Show real flag, VPN kike.
how the fuck?
Are you fucking serious?
Are people too young to remember 2008 now old enough to post here? Jesus fucking christ, get out newfags!
Better to be a half sand nigger than some cucked amerifat who lets some Tyrone nail his wife.
Very based, Kim.
Yeah I’m a kike for trying to help your retarded asses. At least read One Year in Hell link I put. If shows point from point what’s going to happen in every country just as Bosnia did. Everyone needs guns and ammunition or you’re pretty much screwed. You cannot survive with supplies alone.
Ultra rare but is it fo real?
He said real shit. Not your internet collectible.
Shit that you can hold in your hand. Shit that has value because it's useful, and of limited supply.
Not made up digits on the internet.
Bitcoin idiots are fucking dumb. Your gambling with other idiots when you buy into bitcoin.
Mutt's law, the only true thing in the universe.
>the cost of labor, which skyrockets during a depression
Why would the cost of labor skyrocket when everyone is out of work and desperate? Hint: it doesn't but does the opposite, that's how supply and demand work.
>a cartridge of milk
>They are also trying to remove the link I sent you
No one is removing your shitty link retard
What? Check out that FLAG!
Imagine falling for the old jew VPN trick
non-whites get killed
tik tok, subhumans
the great depression went: crash, brief recovery/stagnant line, depression
I lolled.
You have you imaginary ones, and then you have the real ones with dust bowls and crop failures.
That’s one of the last links left on the web. You all deserve what happens to you. Fucking newfags holy shit. I just threw you pearls with that link.
Save us, Kim. We need the power and wisdom of Juche in these dark times.
what happens there?
Typically all the locals can't find work, so they move to some other place hoping to find work and they still can't find work. Then all they die. Read Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath.
This is what happens
>You want a job?
There is none.
>You need money?
The gov will give it to you in $100,000 checks to buy a loaf a bread.
>You get sick?
Sew yourself into your own body bag.
You'll steal, eat the neighbors dog and then people.
>Want to take care of all of the above?
Join the "peace keeping" security force and subjugate everyone who hasn't gotten to this step yet.
It's not rocket science
the economy:
much economic activity (buying cars, for example) is just grinding to a halt. This will be a severe contraction in the GDP. Everything else follows from that.
Unemployment, Wages:
As economic activity falls, unemployment will rise (no car sales, so fewer car salesmen). Wage growth will stall.
Overall initial impact:
The impact of the above should be DEFLATIONARY. Cash on hand will increase in value, as assets become less valuable. Prices will tend to fall (as, say, people who can't keep up on payments sell their cars or houses).
Monetary Policy
This is where it gets muddy.
As the economy contracts, the government will attempt to fight deflationary forces by printing money. This is to "prop up" prices in housing and assets by making loans cheap (i.e. jewish usury).
I expect a mix of all of the above. Generally there will be bargains (I will buy a cheap car and stocks, for example) but the influence of our government will mitigate some of the gainz to be had.
As usual, connected """people""" will do better.
Maybe, for once the American people will choose to get off this Jewish roller coaster.
the stock market:
As the value of assets plummet, people see much of their savings wiped out
Why are you stuck on cartridge of milk? You stupid newfag! I’m saying the unit price has risen to be what it is today! You fucking zoomer dumbass
Just use watercand soap to clean your ass after you shit. It's more hygienic than toilet paper which spreads shit around..
1. Wash down with a cup of water
2. Soap up your ass
3. Wash off soap
Now youre clean .. no toilet paper needed.
your mom gives blowjobs for 2 rupees
The more you insist I go there the less I want to
Fucking glownigger you're not getting my IP
niggers show up on boats
sup kimbro
trump wants to be cool with you so just help us take out china, stop pointing guns at inferior korea, and we can be buds
War happens
Oh SNAP!! Hahahahaha, good one!
I don’t give a shit you faggot. Bosnian user posted on Yas Forums in 08 because of the recession. I couldn’t give a rats ass if you want to know what he said because only knowledge seekers tend to survive this sort of thing anyway. I was genuinely trying ti help people out. The main thing you NEED though is guns and ammunition.
It's impossible for us to enter into a prolonged depression because we have paper money that can be printed on demand.
The Great Depression only happened because we could spend our way out of it.
Now the thing neither Keynsians nor Anti Keynsians don't understand is that the money we use to support and rebuild the economy just gets siphoned up into the financial sector and corporate treasuries.
This means we now live in a world where we can pump massive amounts of money into the economy, recover from any disaster, without any inflation, but the trade-off is that we empower and enrich the wealthiest.
The policies of the Federal reserve simultaneously save the economy but also produce inequality and extreme concentrated wealth.
The only alternative is poverty for everyone.
Based best Korean