Can we stop pretending now that the media has Americas best interest in mind? I mean, they're basically an arm of the Progressive/ Democrat party, we should at least be told as much.
Can we stop pretending now that the media has Americas best interest in mind? I mean...
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wow. maybe those celeb conspiracies are true.
All media is an extension of Chinese propaganda. They are taking their marching orders from their majority shareholders. They need to be destroyed NOW
Hmm, where have I seen this scenario before?
He's justifying it because of the supposed lies Trump is telling, but I don't see it.
she's doing the face!
>preaching to the choir on Republican party circlejerk forum
Ok boomer
They work for the CCP, that much is obvious. Even if they don't, their actions benefit the CCP more than the USA.
The sooner this all falls apart, the better.
Corona was made by the US purely to stop Trump's rallies and crash the economy.
I want to cut its face off.
Look at that dumb whore, what a waste of face!
If someone tied her up and threw her off a bridge in a gunny sack I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
>direct access to viewers with minimal filtering
Oh no the horror!
Can you stop pretending Trump isn't a serial liar? Her suggestion was to stop covering the press conferences live so they could be fact checked.
Who is this dude? Is he famous or something?
>Wants to block the public's access to their nation's leader
>picture saying 'Watch what they do, not what they say'
absolute pottery
She lied about Russia collusion for 3 years, tried to frame our president and now she wants to keep the people from hearing what he has to say.
You'll get what is coming to you. The people are awake.
How long before this hag is shot by firing squad?
>Can you stop pretending Trump isn't a serial liar? Her suggestion was to stop covering the press conferences live so they could be fact checked.
Did they recommend the same for Obama and Bush? And fact checked by whom? The same people that were calling it the Chinese virus just weeks ago, and now call it racist? Go fuck yourself, whore.
Is this Mitt Romney's bastard son?
No it’s Jerry Seinfeld’s cousin
I'm just gonna leave this here
god i want the game to come out HYPE
>Trump goes on national TV to tell everyone about a "super effective" drug against coronavirus, also used to treat malaria
>shit hasn't even been tested properly
she's right
>media has Americas best interest in mind
First and foremost KYS and your family for being so goddamn stupid
The multiple multi billion dollar media corporations have their own best interest in mind you goddamn stupid nigger. Goddamn you niggers are stupid
maddow is just as worthless as all the MAGA freaks
Maddow helps Israel by diverting the blame off Israel to Russia
Meanwhile Trump sucking Israeli cock
Meanwhile they continue to rape our economy and 40 percent of our income....
Trump and Maddow are in the same swamp
Truth. Next they will start backing Iran's claims and blaming Trump for creating the virus.
Trump and Maddow have one think in common: Israel
I don't have a TV and I've been watching President Trump\s presscon on youtube:
Coronavirus Task Force holds White House briefing
1:28:17 Fox News 2020-03-21
White House has their own Youtube Channel, worse comes to worse I'll go to White House's website.
>slovenian jannie is a leftist cocksucking faggot
I’m generally not a fan of Hilary, or Obama, but we all know Hilary lost the election because Israel rigged it against her because she at least had the balls to stand up against Israel’s bullshit... meanwhle MAGA and Q fags fell for Israel’s propoganda machine...
>muh Israel
In the article, it says she wants them to not broadcast them live. If he says something important/truthful, they should play the tape right after. I can't say I disagree with her. He's still pushing "it's just a flu, bro" bullshit. They should just have Pence do all the briefings, he's a lot better at that type of thing.
>Rachel Maddow
I grew up watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, and I think I'm more attracted to women then men, and the big push for Rachel Maddow as intelligent and attractive when I find her to be neither, I tried so hard to like her, was one of the first step towards me being more like Sue-Ann Levy from Toronto Sun.
She's mad that people are watching the press conferences for themselves instead of waiting for the networks to parse and interpret what was said and spin that out to the public. The Peter Kent situation this week is a prime example. They pretended that Trump went off on Kent for asking the president to give a hopeful message to the public when anyone who watched the press conference could see for themselves that Kent accused the president of creating false hope. They don't want you to see that kind of thing yourself.
Kane lives in death, brother.
They hate it because Trumps rising approval percent grows with every update
Ok, are you just now or recently figuring this out?
There should be a law enacted that you can not label yourself as "news" if you have less than 90% factual reporting rating.
0-89% should be labelled "entertainment."
i am pretty sure that constitutes actual treason
>Claiming victimhood this hard
Cry right into my mouth cuckcake
They are all on the CCP's payroll.
a hahah the stretched frown Hahaha
News is what I tell you, says blinking deranged lesbian
These networks are delighted as fuck because finally something bad is happening in the US and they can finally blame orange man for it, even if it's not his fault.
So yeah, they are actually happy people are getting sick and are dying just so they can further their agenda.
>Can we stop pretending now that the media has Americas best interest in mind?
The public approval rating of the media is about 30%, most people don't believe their lies
>even if it's not his fault.
He pretended nothing was happening untill 2 days ago, and did absolutely nothing to contain it.
USA has some of the steepest infections curve thanks to the fact that absolutely nothing was done. This is already a massive failure and it can only get worse
>Maddow wanting to fact check anything
fucking lol
wow... I hope that was devils advocate.. cause that's scummmmmmmy
Whataboutism aside, Trump really represents a new low in American voter apathy and the amount of blatant lying they're willing to tolerate from their president.
>untill 2 days ago
You fags cant help but try and rewrite history before the ink was even dry on what really happened
>reese stop talking about cures and start talking about the end of society so we can keep the hysteria going and destroy the economy
Share this!!!
>implying the big networks would miss out on those eyeballs just to spite orange man.
They work for money and obey like Judas goats. They need to be arrested for impersonating journalists and put in prison for ten years.
what cures? stop blatantly lying to the public
>It's perfectly fine for Trump to lie to the American people, possibly endangering lives.
I'd suck her penis 2bh
tits.... or...... you know the rest.
Disgusting. I want to wear your detached face you sodomite