Do you support this?
Do you support this?
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Why did you even make this thread
i support the death of jewmerica and their master Israel
I support a Korean flag flying in occupied Beijing
which one?
China won't even exist next year.
The real one of course, not a communist ripoff cumrag.
American girls are built for serbian cocks
>I support a Korean flag flying in occupied Beijing
I can get behind this. Just give Tibet their independence please.
based mongolian poster
Absolutely not. Unacceptable.
On one hand, it would be funny to see all the ethnic tension and Russians getting a dose of their own medicine.
On the other, the refugee flood and most likely becoming a Chinese satellite would not be worth it.
Of course. Tibet should've been independent decades ago weren't it for chinese oppression and occupation.
Thank God finally a Serb that doesn't lick CCP ass
My dick is hard thinking about it
>implying the bug empire can overtake the ivans
lol, chinks are terrified of russia. it'll never happen.
I support this.
I dont. Fuck mambets.
No, only pic related.
no, i'd rather see america get that land if russia can't keep it
Yes except replace china with England and India with England and Japan with England.
Number of mambets doesn't matter if we solve our own birthrate problem.
Yes. Wo shi zhongua ren, Xi.
>t. bat eater
good mutt
But we dont. Birthrate is a problem, cause we are poor as Africa, but not as stupid as Africa. We just cant fucking afford children.
this ussr 2? yes please
But sage anyway
>cause we are poor as Africa
No, but I won't argue.
>We just cant fucking afford children.
No, but I won't argue.
Chinesenigger found. CCP shill with a vpn
And a ching chong ping ling to you too, Han Chinaman.
Humanity is saved!
die mutt
Why would this even happen? Russia isn't as relevant these days but it has no reason to war with China or cede its status as one of the world powers. China is gonna financially dominate much more of the world soon though definitely, including Europe.
I do not. I do, however, support this.
why not go all the way?
Russia has no claims to Alaska anymore.
I second this
ever heard of nikolaevsk, alaska?
Of course not but it's what is happening.
Russia is nothing but China and Europe's gas station at this point with a dangerous meme army led by drunk cancer patients.
It will once the US implodes. It's not like Canada will argue.
I have not heard of Nikolaevsk, Alaska. However, one tiny city filled with Russians doesn't mean the rest of Alaska is Russian clay.
This is how we'll have to handle china.
>they can't be trusted with the hectares.
Based & redpilled
Death to mutts
Suck my chode, communigger.
Apparently you’ve never heard of Hitler
I would prefer to have a border with china.
But somewhere to the East of the Urals
>Birthrate is a problem, cause we are poor as Africa
Braindead retards like you need to be gassed like kikes in oswencym
Death to libfaggots
Mongol Empire
We have claims even on your moms ass you nigger
Everything will be ours
I support whites uniting and kill all non-whites on a planetary scale
Amount of chink shills in this thread...
Are you the coronachan tranny who modifies song lyrics.
I want China nuked into nonexistence.
I support genocide of han chinks
based af
Based double triangle.
Polish-Chinese border is my biggest wet dream.