Cuomo just said the NY quarantine/shelter-and-place will likely be up to 9 months. Is the economy basically screwed? The DOW will sink another 3k points tomorrow, screencap this
Cuomo just said the NY quarantine/shelter-and-place will likely be up to 9 months. Is the economy basically screwed...
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HA HA HA HA. Yeah. believe that. People already are saying fuck it and leaving the house. Did you see the boat docks and hiking trails? No one is doing shit. This is America. People are going to wise up and say no way.
Built for bbc
>fines you $10k for running a business during quarantine
Heh, nothing personnel, serf
Shelter IN place. Why do I have to live in a world so full of retards? Just read the words and think of their meanings. What would shelter AND place mean? Place what motherfucker. This is two actions? Sheltering AND placing?
Now what would shelter IN place mean? Shelter where you are. Stay where you are. Hmmm.
First thing moron mistakes like this tells me is that the poster is a media absorbing faggot. He has heard this term over and over in quick dialogue but never READ it. All of his info comes from the mouths of “influencers”. And he was writing what he thinks he heard with no though to whether his translation made any sense.
I hope either most of you die, or I do in all of this. Because I’m just so tired of the low IQ society this has become.
Cringe and muttpilled
he's just being dire, bars will be open by the end of april
what game is this?
Schiff looks like Arnild Schwarzenegger in Total Recall after he gets exposed to the Martian atmosphere
It means shelter, and place yourself in the shelter. I'm so sick of semantic-cucks like you on this board. You idiots are a diamonds dozen. You aren't special
Grammar nazis may possibly be the most based form of nazi
im sure you will change your tune once the national guard is posted on every street corner
>9months later
>Quarantine lifted
>Run outside directly into the path of a illegal alien who entered the country the night before
>Instant reinfection of the state in a matter of weeks
>This was smarter than force quarantining the high risk group until a vaccine
shelter implies "shelter yourself" you fucking mindless sheep. you are the definition of goyim. just accept everything, even improper grammar.
>Cuomo just said the NY quarantine/shelter-and-place will likely be up to 9 months
So how exactly do they plan to hold elections in NY of shelter in place is going on through Christmas?
Google the walking dead vr
>diamonds dozen
Poe's law
Shut the fuck up with your desperate attempts to hide how stupid you are. Go look it up. There are fucking posters being hung all over the world with the phrase printed on them. Shelter IN place. You dumb motherfucking nigger. Call me a Jew for showing you to be an idiot. What fucking cope!
too many corners, might as well just deputize the corner guys to do it themselves
Look this and share
Where are all the FEMA death camps, coffins and mass graves that Yas Forums has gone about for years?
Surely they would come in handy for this thing?
thanks fren
What game is this?
No. Does house mean "I go into the house"? Shelter is a noun, not a verb. It's a doggy dog world. You better start adapting to these rules and ideas before you get left behind.
I've been waiting for this.
Bud we can't even apply curfews to a single city on a good day
We can't stop the bulk of illegal immigrants entry and no having to watch 300 million citizen at the same time is not going to improve this number somehow
A lockdown in a country who for the last ten years has been coy to admit it but has been playing with open borders
>wise up
lmfao, just imagine all the crying Brooklyn hipsters locked in their closet-sized apartments eating nothing but MREs and canned National Guard water rations for nine fucking months. Urbanites absolutely and irrevocably BTFO
>Implying the man in power during an economic meltdown wants an election
>is the economy screwed?
The burger economy was already fundamentally flawed and headed for collapse even before everything was shut down by Corona Chan. During 2008 we never actually fixed any of the probelms with our shit and simply printed our way out of it. I know we can't do that again because the federal reserve just pumped 1.5 TRILLION dollars into the stock market which only bumped it for half an hour. To put it mildly yes the US economy is fucked and we're headed for a second great depression. Unlike the first great depression however the US isn't this 90% huwite nation state where the average person mostly cares about each other. Good luck trying to get people to work together when they already hate the shit out of each other and they're all running low on supplies since few people are on farms anymore. Once the welfare state collapses we're literally going to have millions and millions of hungry raving retards trying to loot everything on top of a satanic federsl government that wants to throw us all in FEMA camps. Get ready bois we're all camping inside a big igloo soon
The death rate is to low for anyone but a small high risk group and the lockdown won't work on the United States so it tells you this is not about deaths or midigating them but seizings a opertunity out of a actual tragedy
who fucking cares
London simulator
Holy shit... Just what the fuck is wrong with USA making those ultra-violent games and movies?
Are they sick in the head or something?
>Cuomo just said the NY quarantine/shelter-and-place will likely be up to 9 months.
Got a link, you LARPing jackass?
>hiking trails
and? It's still okay to go outside even in lockdown states. Hiking is perfectly fine as long as you keep your distance from other people.
Nope, you're wrong. You're just to stupid to understand
So he’s essentially saying China and South Korea are far superior to Jew York? Because it only lasted a couple months in those countries before leveling off. I thought New York City was supposed to be the greatest city in the world?
Looks like when you have a city full of uncooperative niggers and spics, bad things happen. Who knew?!?!
Yeah. It's simple. Shelter and place. I think I've got it.
Thanks. I can't ever unsee now.
diamonds dozen
>newfag doesn't understand poe's law.
(((They))) are using this as an excuse to wreck the economy, and defeat Trump in Nov. Cuomo may well end up being the D nominee at the convention.
>he didn't watch the stream
Spoon feed yourself, baby
Extra point: when does this get serious enough that they start shutting down bridges, shutting down airports, and sealing off NYC?
Hell of a link you got there.
It's got to be more sinister that just ignorance because no one even Trump is talking about how a lockdown in a country bordering a high risk country who will be overwhelmed a few weeks to months behind us is going to work when said border is non existent or fails to stop 90 percent of crossers on a good day
We have been told it is impossible to completely close off a border like Americas southern
Fuck off who cares
2 weeks to a month is all they are going to get
I have so many questions
I'm surprised they haven't closed down non essential travel at all port of entry including bridges.
SeeWould only be for show
Pic is white people in Atlanta practicing social distancing yesterday. Video is black people in Atlanta practicing social distancing last night. Neither group seems to give a fuck.
>work in an essential industry
>excited as fuck to drive around on empty roads
>every mouthbreather is still out
Reeeeee stay inside cunts
National Guard enforcement when
Can we stop pretending that repos are equity? Fed does not buy your visa shares.
You realize if there's no election then Pelosi is going to acting pres right?
It's almost guaranteed 99 percent of the people on the pic have less than 99 percent chance to die and hate boomers
Triage and the unique one sided threat of the virus it has for the very old means there will always be a old person to lose a ventilator to the extreme minority young who would need one much less a hospital bed
Before the shills post about permanent lung damage unless you post a source with figures on how commone much less average it is you are btfo since objectively there are thousands more cases of people home who had it are cured and have no issues
White people enjoying a nice warm day in the park.
Nigs chimping out and breaking laws
No Bank Lobbies Open Monday
No Wire Transfers
Market Crash Cant Even Buy The Dip
Doomtards Were Right AHHHHHHHHHH
Not if she doesn't get reelected.
>no elections
>she keeps her seat
>by law the pres and vice pres have to go
>she moves up
That's not how it works elections can be suspended the house only votes if not a single candidate gets 270 during a regular election
Shelter has both noun and verb form. Any phrase or sentence requires both a noun and a verb. And since place follows IN in this phrase it is in its noun form, obviously making shelter the verb in this phrase. Shelter-sheltered-sheltering verb conjugations. Dumb ass mother fucker you.
The presidential election is always the meeting of the electoral college. If they cannot hold a direct vote to determine electors, then state legislators will select electors and most state legislatures are controlled by Republicans.
So if the election can’t be held, they can still re-elect Trump.
Creatures of the day versus creatures of the night. That's just the way it goes.
You might be correct but I'd rather not die of something normally treatable like appendicitis because the hospitals were full of dying boomers on ventilators.
FEMA camps are end game shit. That only gets rolled out right when the judeo satanic NWO fuckers are about ready to change the world forever
The US army has no hope in hell of containing and maintaining the current world order. The only reason normalfags are staying inside is because of the internet/TV and the fact that we haven't shut everything down for a long time yet. Not only is everybody already pissed off and getting increasingly restless but the US armed forces haven't fought a war on burger soil in fucking forever. They can red team all they want but fighting rice farmers in vietnam was already hard enough now imagine the rice farmers are better equipped and inside your country where all the juicy infrastructure lies. I would be shocked if the second great depression doesn't kick start a second civil war
Cityfags aren't going to take it for 9 months especially once the second great depression kicks in. All the commies will just blame everything on middle class white people and start using the second great depression as an excuse to start throwing people in gulags. Shits gonna explode soon
millions will die from the misery not even from the virus