OPERATION: What about the Nazi crematoriums. Jewish grandfather edition

I’m having a pretty fun time concern trolling Reddit about these ovens. It’s a great opportunity to fuck with them. Maybe this self quarantine is just making me stir crazy and I’ve found this to be relieving

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Bump have an upboat OP

Bumping own thread

Big sad

oh this is fuckin good. damn user great find

when faggots here ask "why are you on plebbit", this is why. the OC and the opportunity to see a conversation emerge


Coronachans last victim will be the Holocaust


Let's be real, you never leave the house anyway, faggot.

Been bringing this up to everyone i know


Based Hans

that was you wasn't it OP, you're so obvious... try being a little subtle Jesus Christ dude

listen here my granddaughter was a holocaust survivor, she nearly got cremated. The only reason she survived was that she was so thin from starvation that she could crawl through the chimney and escape.

OY VEY the goyim are figuring it out.

Are you getting answers?

Top notch work


>This is peak cleverness for autistic denier Yanks

Kek. Didn't get enough attention in the other thread? Apply yourself m8..

My grandmother survived the opposite way, she was just too fat to fit through the wooden door.

pretty obvious desu
you're only gonna make us laugh with this one
but isnt it what we're on the internet for anyway
still.. if you were less obvious you could achieve greater trolling and lulz
obviously that shitreddit is already abreast of your trolling tho as i know there are hundreds if not thousands of us going at it

Literally shaking

Something similar happened to my grandfather. He managed to slip away from the guards one day during a game of human chess and found a small pipe that led out of the camp. It was too small for an ordinary human to fit through, but when he approached it, he began to shrink until he was small enough to crawl through. When he got out the other end he changed back to normal, I am sure Yahweh himself was behind this miracle.

It's thousands

>human chess
What are your thoughts on Hunters, Ahmed?


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Post seething replies

I don't have a leddit account but I approve this op

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You know there are more Muslims in India than Pakistan’s whole population?

Yes, there are.
>for now :^)

Corona is the new Holocaust.

Think about it...
The last survivors of the Shoah have recently died in the last year or two. So now we need a new horror to beat people over the head.
Just wait until the stories of governments burning people alive start coming out after this is all over. No one will have known that it was happening and everyone will be surprised.
There won't be any physical evidence, just random data from we sites and eyewitness testimony...

This is the new narrative that will take over just as the Holocaust story has lost its power...

Based OP
You go and wake the redditfag gang

Coronachan red-pilling the world!

Based virus is best virus!

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>durr i dont know how the nazis burned jews

Attached: krema cremation 3.png (591x844, 72.89K)

If you install a wooden door on the crematorium you'll be able to upgrade to 7000 a day

Here’s one with a follow up

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>durr how come italy is not burning multiple people per oven like nazi germany did when they were destroying bodies as genocide

Attached: krema 2 body stack 3d.jpg (1920x1080, 660.29K)

Wouldn't creamating in a mass grave be less efficient

Shoving more bodies in one oven doesn't burn those bodies in the same time one would burn

Where are the ash piles?

Attached: bei111hqg -- 0535 -- wja111lrf'.jpg (795x868, 252.75K)

If the Holocaust was real then where’s all the bones? Huh?

Wouldnt stack corpses on a rack take longer?
(((They))) think that a oven burn evertything in 60 minutes, no matter ehat or how

Well I hope Modi goes madman and kills / deports them all. Jai Hind

You realize more bodies doesn’t speed up cremation time, right?

Let me tell you the story how my mothers granddaughter escaped. The nazis where killing the poor inmates with a catapult they built out of jewish bones, they would put them on the catapult and shoot them over a cliff. Luckily my mothers granddaughter had an umbrella so when they flung her over the fence and over the cliff she just opened her umbrella and floated to safety. It only worked because she was as light as a feather from starvation. I know it sounds ridiculous but it is true.

fuck you
you ruined my nofap

you bigot, isn't that picture of the box of wedding bands enough evidence?

this picture makes you look retarded.

Jews are very convincing liars, but lies by their nature are unsound as far as the truth goes.

Lies fall apart under scrutiny; truth does not.

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modern cremators get wet dreams about the efficiency of those magic nazi corpse pyres.

here is the one at madjenek. Sobibor has a similar one but its grassed over

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"In Germany of the 1880's it was possible to cremate a body and the coffin which housed it in 60 to 75 minutes."

Based Germans, able to break the laws of thermodynamics.

It's a representation to illustrate the quantity so even a dumb nigger could understand, you dumb nigger.

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German engineering is just that much more efficient.

Abortions are nazis only the method of killing life is different. They use the attachment of(COC) to devalue life however the value is a necessary requirement to grow into intelligence. This rendering the attachment meaningful instead of meaningless. Human life development goes through a progression however it is what it is. Life. They use science as a tool to kill instead of using law to protect to avoid responsibility and in the end use the sanctuary as a place of death. Liberty’s price is death to human life.

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Yet the quantity claimed is not even possible within the given time-frame.

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its almost like there are blueprints for this from the war?

Attached: krema 1 chimney.gif (640x284, 135.39K)

My neighbor is a 9 Years old jewish kid and i'm pretty sure he's an holocaust survivor as well
80 years later and i'm still wondering where do many survivors keep coming from?
also why people is so stupid to not know that will be mathematically little probably to have more survivors everyday in the next years?

I'm looking to know what will be the case in 2030-2040

The stadium in the picture is waay too big. That makes the pic fucking bad. There is better material to drop the truth

the timeframe puts it close.

but ya. Its possible. Especially if you add in the open air burning that took place at the camp

40+ ovens running 24/7 for about a year an a half could cremate hundreds of thousands of people. You incorporate burn pits that are seen from both the ground and the air , and you can easily reach the 1.2 million estimated dead at the camp.

I always ask deniers where the 400k jews from hungary went in the summer of 1944. they cant seem to ever answer

Attached: krema Auschwitz_II_aerial_photograph_23_August identified killing sites.jpg (2258x2687, 1.3M)

oh no a real blueprint.
Why would you bury the chimney?

My grandfather used the skull of his dad (my great-grandfather) who was killed in a gas chamber to dig an escape tunnel when he was supposed to be thrown in the gas chamber himself the very next day

Not at all. The human body can be used as fuel. Woman are particularly better as kindling you anti semite.

Nice. Have a bump my friend

>Mostly water
>Good for fuel
I know you are joking but people are really this dumb.

I thought it was fake

now we are moving on to "w-why tho"

what a sad touching story, this is why I think the descendants of holocaust survivors deserve reparations, the psychological damage done by the nazis too the descendants has to be addressed.

imagine the smell

Superb 4D trolling. Take notes kids, this is a professional

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See >>Small chimney
>>Millions claimed
>>Short time-frame
Bro, do you even science????

That chimney would have to be operating at temperatures equal to the surface of the sun with a high speed conveyor slinging bodies into it while somehow evaporating the ashes.

Attached: fbj111aki -- 3635 -- duf111knv'.jpg (704x527, 72.95K)

>1800 degree oven
>water boils at 212
>body loses almost all water content within minutes
>after water is gone you basically have a chunk of fucking wood


Only the really fat ones. Which also defies the holohoax numbers because the supposed victims were described as literally skin and bones.

>the oven would have to be hotter then the sun

>high speed conveyor belt
They had hundreds of slaves moving the bodies in every facility. Why would they need conveyer belts? the crematorium room had a rail system in krema 2/3

why would you gas people if you could throw them off a cliff or just starve them?
Gassing seems such an inefficient way not very German.
Better yet if you want to kill them with poison why not just inject them?
If I would want to kill many people I have captured quick and cost efficiently I would inject them with some cheap poison.
But I would love to hear your idea to why constructing a gassing is the better method?

125 thousand abortions daily 50 million a year. Minimum. The value we place on life and survival in law sets the standard for society and equative equality or reciprocal protection mechanisms for all life creation including those without a voice to defend oneself from harm as the mother has and is used to promote death or abortions. Equative equality to a vulnerable entity as nature designed in the process of natural selection. Picture highlights form.

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>The most effective way was eventually found to be giant pyres on iron grills. The method involved building alternating layers of corpses and firewood on railway tracks. After the pyre burned down, remaining bone fragments could be crushed by pounding with heavy dowels or in a grinding machine and then re-buried in pits.

Can someone please animate this?

Retard, why would you put the ashes in the seats of the stadium? That's why it's a retarded p picture

Nice OpSec nigger.

>defies the holohoax numbers

the pictures of skinny jews are from labor camp people photographed at liberation.

People who went into the ovens came straight off a train and were just a few hours/days ago living their lives.

Jewish blood is like gasoline

Attached: jew blood gasoline.jpg (553x495, 172.04K)

>I always ask deniers where the 400k jews from hungary went in the summer of 1944.
To hell user.

Thank you leaf, I did not know that about jews.
Now I realize it was easy to burn 8gorillian jews in a year.

>why would you gas people if you could throw them off a cliff or just starve them?
Why not just chuck them into wood chippers?
Wood chippers hauled behind a dump truck, throw the jews into the wood chipper and spray the jew goo into the back of the truck.
Then you have some very nice fertilizer or pig feed that could be disposed of anywhere they chose.
From and efficiency standpoint that would have been the best option. Portable wood chippers where around back then.

Attached: wood chipper.gif (320x180, 1.36M)

>why wouldnt you throw them off a cliff
Which cliff? what would you do with the bodies?

>gassing seems very inefficient.
you are retarded and have not thought about it

>"i would inject them with cheap poison"
Who is going to personally inject 1.2 million people at a camp with poison? how about , i dunno, putting them in a room and making them breath the poison? seems like a MORE EFFICIENT way to do it huh retard?

Kek have they noticed yet?