No achktualy it has a death rate of 80% & those who live will be permanently disabled with honeycomb lungs...

No achktualy it has a death rate of 80% & those who live will be permanently disabled with honeycomb lungs, also it takes over your immune system & turns it into coronavirus, also it goes into your spinal fluid & gives you aids.

t. every fucking mouthbreather (woman) on Facebook when I criticize the lockdown.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Built for BBC

they can breath with their noses if they have full mouths.

It is indeed a strange time in which to live

imagine being locked in a room with those 4 girls and they start to force you to sniff their panties, but it escalates pretty fast and they start pulling their panties to the side and pissing all over you, and in your mouth

UUMMMM ACTUALLY he made a statement about WOMEN so his picture of WOMEN is not totally irrelevant. God I'm so fucking sick of people not understanding other people's post. For real, we need to effectively communicate in this time of need and people like you are shitposting making fun of your fellow man. This is a crisis and we all need to come together, similar to what Trump said. It's all gonna be okay I promise just please stop making fun of other people's post okay?????

go to your room

great blog post user

All frenchmen are gaylords.

I heard that your testicles fall off if you catch coronavirus while whistling

People deserve to be mocked and criticized relentlessly

For me it's the other way around, their arguments is mostly "noooooo my economerino not my kikie wikie billionaires not my boutique cute dresses"


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I could beat all of these girls in a fist fight

Don’t look at me. Immodest harlot.

degenerate fuck off scum

They're trannies

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psh that's nothing, I would DESTROY them in MTG with a mono-blue counter Jace/Dream Trawler draw control deck.

with her body type she is fit for bbc.


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Gay meme

that's a boy

No. Pol is a complete satirical site. No posts here are ever reflective of reality and by no means are even believed by the posters themselves. Today on this site i posted as a jew a black and as a tranny. Being anonymous means that i can say anything protected up to Brandenburg vs ohio. Amrrica is the greatest country on earth because various ideals can be discussed without fear of prosecution allowing the free spread of ideals and solutions. Also all canadians especially OP should get the rope. Thank you and enjoy your sunday and your constitutionally protected rights.

"I was an Olympian weight lifter, age 21, until I got COVID-19 & now I will breathe through a machine for the rest of my life. Please stay home."

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Is line them all up and smash them one thrust at a time, starting with the one at the end. With any luck I’d get through one thrust of each before I coom

So tiny

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nick type post

It was prom night. I arrived at Penny's doorstep only to meet her father with tears in his eyes. "Penny got COVID-19 last night cause she touched her face in public. Her funeral is this Sunday..." he winced. I left the flowers on the lawn & slowly sat in my Plymouth alone. Guess that's what they mean when they say GLOBAL PANDEMIC.
Please stay home.

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pic obviously not related, huh chink micropenis?

Doctors were selling cigarettes a few years ago. They also were chopping out people's brains & electrocuting them.

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1.5 of those grills have anus mouth. Disturbing.

Yeah, and as soon as they stopped people went full LGBTPQ+. Really makes you think...

Fuck you Mr. Iamnotarealcountrybecausei'mstillafuckingdominionofthereptilianqueen.
Go the fuck back to your blog/instagram or whatever your vanity is requiring to expand.

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qrd about this coffee thing?

Or imagine just fucking them?

you mean literal tranny? Or just discord-tier cumdumpster?

That’s such a perfectly archetypal girl group. You have the queen bee, the hot one, the whore, and the DUFF.

It's the largest source of antioxidants in the American diet.

>leafs rustling

Now they're chopping off children's cocks.

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He's from Quebec. Highly probability of HIV. I'm social distancing from him even online.

>dietary antioxidants
gigantic meme

thanks for the statement; looking for an explanation. Also, I posted earlier in this thread, mouthbreather.

Low T Frenchman.
Talk to the hand.

>it has a death rate of 80% & those who live will be permanently disabled with honeycomb lungs, also it takes over your immune system & turns it into coronavirus, also it goes into your spinal fluid & gives you aids
I see anons posting that shit here though

is this an AI generated post?

>I see anons retards here too
no way

You're retarded

i agree

yes, but still


I could destroy them mentally if I dated each one. I have my wife crying her eyes out daily

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> God I'm so fucking sick of people not understanding other people's post.

This is Yas Forums, where reading comprehension stopped working around 2012.

I know. It's pretty faggy

>in the American diet
that doesn't says much

we're in the age where we can see that official doctors give out different advice

we're in the age where non-white doctors should be killed on sight

This ask them for figures on how common much less average damage is she we have thousands of people who had it got better and are fine

No figure exists

White women are revolting