I can't understand what makes a man, hate another man

help me understand
people are people
so why should it be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


dogs are dogs

golden retrievers arent like pit bulls

That somebody would post this sort of faggotry.

when someone does something you don't like you can forgive them
when someone does something you don't like every single day you start to get annoyed

>depeche mode
how to spot a gay

>I can't understand what makes a man, hate another man
Go ask a Palestinian why he hates the jews.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 7 rolls per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 694 rolls a week. Over 2580 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it

I hate most people because I was raped as a kid


hate comes from fear

imagine another man raping and killing your mom.
There ya go.

Yeah, it's hilarious how shallow human rights rhetoric can get.
It only makes sense if you are religious, secular moral duties are a spook

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we have flawed DNA/genetics

Being unethical
Being Untrustworthy
The list goes on and on, the world would be much much better without the ones with the traits I mentioned and this is not a wish this is a goal

Fear is birthed from superiority

it's obvious you hate though I've done nothing wrong
I've never even met so what could I have done?

If you don't hate those who hate the ones you love, you're not a man.

thread theme:

A victim of collision on the open sea
Nobody ever said that life was free
Sank, swam, go down with the ship
But use your freedom of choice
I'll say it again in the land of the free
Use your freedom of choice
Your freedom of choice
In ancient Rome
There was a poem
About a dog
Who found two bones
He picked at one
He licked the other
He went in circles
He dropped dead
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom of choice!
Then if you got it you don't want it
Seems to be the rule of thumb
Don't be tricked by what you see
You got two ways to go
I'll say it again in the land of the free
Use your freedom of choice
Freedom of choice
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom of choice
In ancient Rome
There was a poem
About a dog
Who found two bones
He picked at one
He licked the other
He went in circles
He dropped dead
Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom from choice
Is what you want

Username checks out

I like this song

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That’s the most faggot romanticized bullshit I’ve read all day.
Hate doesn’t come from fear. I Fucking hate faggots, but I can most assuredly say I do no fear them.

5. Anger is a reminder of hidden hatred, that is to say, remembrance of wrongs. Anger is a desire for the injury of the one who has provoked you. Irascibility is the untimely blazing up of the heart.
Bitterness is a movement of displeasure seated in the soul. Peevishness is a changeable movement of one’s disposition and disorder of soul.
6. As with the appearance of light, darkness retreats, so at the fragrance of humility all anger and bitterness vanishes.


Pain. Will you return it? I’ll say it again. Pain.

OP has either never been hurt, seen someone close hurt, or has been so beaten, he can't see aggression as anything but negative.

Kill Mother Fucking Depche Mode

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>i can't understand basic human emotion
checks out

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oh god damnit

some people are people and some people are niggers

Is this bait?

And the list goes on until infinity. This planet is heaven turned into hell by humanity.

let me see you make decisions without your television

>I can't understand what makes a man, hate another man

Attached: chad vs fag.webm (408x720, 2.95M)

People are people so why should it be?
Go out and buy the whole supply of fucking tp

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> I can’t understand what makes a man, hate another man

The video is Yas Forums related desu

okay fag

Go ask any race why he hates the jews.

You're from the UAE. You literally live in the amusement park version of an actual country

my first (you)

op is probably a d&c shill fyi
sometimes they run in packs, op posts some innocent enough question, and then the d&c comments come sliding in seemingly as an organic response. classic technique really


shut your dirty mouth

Ideologies, values, tranditions, honor, way of life


Make me, earthquake nigger

i'm with you on this one user, hating another human is just poisoning your mind. i suggest love, compassion, and understanding instead

is all bitches

dey do da shit for the bitches


First there were plants and herbivores. They got along just fine.
Then carnivores showed up and ruined the whole thing.
Herbivores evolved to be afraid all the time.
Carnivores evolved to outsmart herbivores and be ruthless.
We evolved from these beasts, the flight from fear that we inherited from the prey animals, and the chase of pleasure that we got from the predators.
To be a good man you must learn to keep both in check, to not be ruled by fear or desire, but to act through love instead.

What can change the nature of a man?



It's in our genes.

Nearly 4 billion years of life on earth based off of natural selection. Survival of the fittest, adapt or die. Aggression or die. Kill or die. I wish that wasn't the case, but that's just how things are, and how things will be for some time - perhaps until we achieve singularity or true transhumanism (if ever,) but even then, it's probably unlikely. Simple as that.

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I hate you for making this retarded post.



You fear them weighing down and creating chaos within the society.


This thread is proof that less than 5% of Yas Forums users are over the age of 30.

Its not the entire humanity tho, I still believe it's fixable

based kurd.

I also enjoy Depeche Mode. But I am a woman.