not a single other person besides me in this supermarket
and staff

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where? none of my local supermarkets ahve anything anymore. Need supplies, give location.

In Los Angeles there are up to hour long waits just to get into supermarkets.

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HOLY SHIT that ALDI was in the news because a customer shit and piss on everything! They had the Wulungchink flu

which aldi?

Oh you fucking bitch, I haven't wiped my arse for a week now!!!

obviously photoshopped. everyone knows there is no toilet paper at any store anywhere in the western world

there's your precious communism... now wallow in it.

aldi down souf mates
asked the staff and theyre saying its the same story all over

b-bu-bu-but pole it was teh end of da WORRLDDDDD!

Oh the humanity!

nice cgi, fed. KYS

>shitty little corner shop showing shitty products
its got bog roll I will give you that. make sure you stock up so you clean up after all that shit you talk

>aldi corner shop
ok lad

I haven’t seen any in two weeks, but went out yesterday to a Walmart neighborhood market by our military base away from the bigger part of the city and they had a half pallet of Angel Soft packs in the aisle, I grabbed only one pack, cuz I’m not a chink nigger. Hope others got the one pack they need before the hoards find it.

Seriously, we need all the money we can get now. The NOK is worth NOTHING. Norway is BROKE
Only the oil and weapons can save us, but roastie politicians won't go down that path.

Post the in-store prices, leaf seems like a lifetime ago.

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Well, then stock up while you can. I tried to buy milk for a week now without success. Then tried to order some milk online and it's out of stock for 4 weeks. Fucking sucks m8.

Depends where you go lad, I was in Aldi up norf and there were people queueing from 9am, bog roll and tinned cans were gone within the first half hour of opening.

all scottish salmon here lad

where are you, I'm in a multicultural shithole and there's tons of empty shelves and people here.

Nice, can't wait for all those doomer boomers to stay inside here too, so I can browse all those stuff on sale at a comfy pace. I maybe will be able to score some beef. Normalfags are gonna go insane in a few weeks lol.


This is going to define whether you're in a hot zone or not. If the shelves are empty, it's because they diverted product to the hot zones.

FUUUUCKKK!!!!!!!! Buy some oil then?? plz?? I haven't got much else, sorry.


You all are fucking idiots for stacking up on shit. I hope you bought it in your credit card and are paying 30%+ interest. Fuck you.

markets are going to throw food

On the brightside, us non-retards will be buying essential goods for pennies on the dollar by next week. Stores will practically be giving away toilet paper.

same here yesterday
people bought food for a month a week ago, now nobody needs to go to the store.

Where in Bongland is this I must go get it

Just go tomorrow and get those H-Milch. Milk was actually the only thing I had no trouble getting.

Kek, look at this oilnigger desperation

Do you have those clorox wipes? Thats what i miss most

lmao if the fresh produce, ready meals and fresh meat are in the same aisle, you're not in a supermarket, you're in a corner shop being run by a supermarket company.
The whole shop you posted is probably no larger than 2000 square feet, probably inner-city or town center. That's not a supermarket you daft cunt.

Aldi looks like a food pantry or soup kitchen to me. Such awful products, super overprocessed garbage-tier gut filler. Awful.

Aparently there is no end to the horror

Sorry mate borders closed, EU is on your side

>Just suck a refugee cock to fill up your proteine levels

Is th-that, poopie paper? My parents used to tell me about this stuff all the time, really crazy seeing it with my own eyes.

It's fine
I went to a giant supermarket in North London yesterday lunchtime to buy a chicken and it was dead in there. No loo roll or pasta but everything else in stock. Lady on the checkout said they'd all been queueing in the morning and it had been a nightmare, and that everyone else coming in later had just had a nice relaxing shop and bought 99 per cent what they wanted anyway.

wtf are these, lol

It's the rapture, and you were left behind

EEEwww, who does that? They gonna riot soon though. Some already did. Good thing, I have not seen one in months.

I'm on Seatthell's east side. I got cabin fever and went out yesterday, every grocery store was fully stocked. At best buy I had to wait to be escorted in to buy only what I came for. The streets were empty like super nigger ball Sunday, a rarity in Seattle any time of day.

prob cuz pic related is 10/10 in bong land

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Eventually people are going to buy up so much they fill their fridges and pantries. The panic buying can't go on forever.

ok, I admit theres only 7 checkouts and I dont live in london, supermarket theory btfo.
the staff telling me the scenes are the same all over the south west, ie full shelves, also bs right?


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You can still see the actual last roll at the Smithsonian, on Archie Bunker's recliner.

Just waiting for Merkel to declare the new emergency guidelines XD

Would bang the short one, the rest look like men.

unironically the only thing keeping the supply-chain going is people not buying the supplies they'll need in a few weeks.
Those staying at home now will go out in a few days and hoard the exact same shit.
Repeat enough times and the problems they're already having will double, resulting in nood enough trucks, empty stores etc etc.
Its all hanging on a thread and nobody seems to notice.

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Anybody know a good website for ammunition? I can't find any 7.62×39.

My job has me working at home so instead of actually working I've been going to Target every morning when they open and grab a case of TP. Just head there at 7:30a and you'll be good.

Only rural and suburban retards get groceries and toilet paper. City people all form bolshevik bread lines.

I guarantee you those people have not stocked up and blew their gib money on drugs. They gonna go crazy. City cucks are double fucked.

>Rutte: "Stop hoarding, there is no need, don't be retarded"

Also Rutte:

>Rutte: "We may consider a lockdown"

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>There's enough
>Please don't buy too much though

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i-it’s beautiful I-I’m crying literolly
my girlfriend needs dem rolls co’ords naow

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your pension is now secure

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It's just a matter of stocking the shelves, no one has the employees to keep everything full and nice looking.