Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Diese eklige weiße Mehrheitsgesellschaft Edition

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basiert & neufadengepillt

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Linkspresse und Asylmafia schreien auch mitten in einer Pandemie nach offenen Grenzen für islamische Orkhorden.

>good game
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion
> muh oblivion gate quests are fun
lel no

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>not playing ESO

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you have unironic shit taste.

>it looks infected
KEK. I only opt for rowing as an alternative to treadmill fags.
Some of the products have a warning on them, on the website, but it only applies to California. lol.

morrowind looks based from what ive seen. Im still on a kenshi trip tho. may even get outer worlds because its from the fucking new vegas devs!!

with a rowing machine you can do many different exercises for different muscle groups. its really good read a little into it

>not playing kenshi or mount and blade

>new vegas devs!!
fallout 2 > fallout new vegas > fallout 1 > ... > piece of shit games like call of duty > fallout 4 > fallout 3

>>not playing ESO
SO LET ME GUESS... IS IT LIKE WORLD OF WARCRAFT? I remember MMO times from Ultima Online which was based af

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Viel Glück damit.

>Rezession durch Coronavirus
>Deutscher Wirtschaft droht heftiger Einbruch
Die Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute blicken pessimistisch in die Zukunft. Sie prognostizieren eine Rezession – mit Konjunktureinbrüchen von bis zu !!!!!!!!!!!! neun Prozent.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laugh about the Californians, they deserve it in most regards but I wouldn't joke about health damaging substances. You have that bag in your room leaving all the substances it contains over time in the air.

Kann das jemand bestätigen?

a man of great taste. cheers

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I might Play good old half life today.

we need more games were you can enslave lawless marauders after kicking there ass.

>Sie prognostizieren eine Rezession – mit
we are in a recession for years now.
All started with the diesel panic bullshit

So I will have to hold out on the barbells, because you know you're in a Based American house if it has a garage, a military vet male head of house, and there's a fridge in the garage they use for beer only. We only have a carport and dad's too much of a pussy to turn it into a garage. Then I could have stored my home gym inside the garage, but for now it's in my bedroom. Which, is fine too, but we should have a garage.
Will do. Thanks.
punching bag is only good in a garage, read above. We only have a carport and some meth head stole our $400 floor jack from it last year, so I mean, I'm not putting my gym stuff there.

I also like rimworld and the prison labor mod makes prisoners finally useful besides recruiting. gives you that slave owner feeling

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Have seen some vids were they do this. Videos weren't from Germany but its likely happening here as well


good taste

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9 more days, lad. Bannerlord time.

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>mount and blade
I play with dickplomacy and once actually fapped when some bandits raped one of my female companions while my leader had to watch lel

noted already, it seemed so grindy to me

>how you can become an intern at Telvannis in Morrowind

>noted already, it seemed so grindy to me
dude buy it right now

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>fapped when some bandits raped one of my female companions
Degenerate, but understandable. Dickplomacy pretty gud.

Any lawfag here?
If it is not sentenced if you try to break free from prison, as you are restricted and it is a basic instinct to flee that, why do they fine people for breaking quarantine? Or, better question: Why does this break that other thing of freedom-seeking?

It´s action based combat.
You don´t have 6gorillion skills from which you only use nein, you actually just have nein that you always use.
GFX is pretty much on par with normal Oblivion.
There´s also a PVP area, but not really comparable with old UO clusterfuck PVP.

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Jewtube just suggested this to me
>Corona-Update: Veranlasst Merkel bundesweite Ausgangsbeschränkungen? Pressestatement um 17.30 Uhr

Over the last few weeks I got more and more state media videos in my feed. Don't know why because I never watch anything in German or MSM in general. Jewtube became fucking annoying

So what can we expect m*rkel to announce next?

fingers cross that she starts shaking

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>So what can we expect m*rkel to announce next?
I would say 30 minutes of nothing. You have to give her that she has a talent to talk while not giving any info

Don't think that they will play the anthem

>It´s action based combat.

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They 'asked' youtube to change the algo away from aluhut-stuff. Sadly.
It is so amusing how the different timed news are for different audiences, now it is for the geronto-voter-gen, the next one will be for the boomer-there-is-only-wageslaving-my-kid-cohort and after that for the mixed-late-shift-crowd.

kek, niggers in american prisons have to work full time jobs for $10/month. how it should be.

>PVP area
PVP is minmax these days, not really enjoyable, as
>old UO clusterfuck PVP,
for instance, has been.

>You don´t have 6gorillion skills from which you only use nein
hated how SWTOR was so poorly designed by simply copypasting WoW.

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Propaganda, just like all those 'info boxes' whenever you watch a video.

Reminds me on some other german leader...

>the elder shits

nigger with low taste

Imagine hating someone just because of the color of their skin.


Wenn man 50 Jahre damit verbringt jedes traditionelle/patriarchale Konstrukt, dass der Gesellschaft Stabilität verleiht, dekonstruiert, dann ist das eben das Resultat.

>of the color of their skin
Man those Italians are shit!

I mostly watch self reliant videos or bushcraft or other non political shit like 40k lore videos.
Now its filled with msm media. I do NOT want to watch CNN or FOX (except when its happening).

excuse me?

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Zurück in dein Loch du Missgeburt der Hölle.

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so, what games are you into? Supergroßdeutschreichblobbingsimulator?

And the MSM-proped up Greens are at 20%+, fun times ahead.

shudup zoomer
Go play fucking LOTRO or actual WOW.

stop talking your country doesnt even understand the concept of ancestry

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Das Verfaulen, oder das Husten?
Wer hat die Blagen denn erzogen, bzw. die Eltern der Blagen - und sind in die Städte gegangen, haben den Hof verkauft... die Alten die jetzt Schutz beanspruchen waren Ihrer Rede nach immer so hart im Nehmen...

IDK, there's a lot more productive things you can hate about people, feeling icky about a white majority is silly. White people are the minority of the world population, but regardless of any of that, people need to be dealt with by character, not ethnicity.

Arent there a lot of shaky videos from hitler? I Remember some knopp-niveau documentary about pervetin in hitlers aunts dogs nephew or something.

>Missgeburt der Hölle

Attached: Juuust landser Corona boogaloo.jpg (743x743, 122.69K)

Go play Vindictus or even BDO and then try to make such a statement again, you nonce.

why isn't Germany on lockdown like everywhere else?

Die Verräterin ist da.

>BUT IM 10% GERMAN, 10% English, 30% spic, 10% north African and a little bit jewish
Burger have no self awareness. Its almost sad

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>character, not ethnicity
non white detected.

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>falling for the jewish propaganda
user I...

Why don't you let evryone deceide that for themselfes?

silence, plebeian!

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What a disgusting family.
>people need to be dealt with by character
And somehow they aren't? Huh. Interesting. Thanks for the you, now bye.

Well done Germany for being one of the few countries actually reporting corona-virus related deaths properly. When the rest of the world follows we can stop all this madness

'Knopp-Niveau' does not convey the degree how overwhelmingly logical and scientific the great work was? ;)

Jetzt ich verlasse Bühne links.

You’re an embarrassment to my flag, i sincerely wish you nothing but the worst.

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>actually reporting corona-virus related deaths properly
are you high?

its sarcasm

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You fucking nigger, BDO is basically a brawler and I already spent more money on that waifu generator than your mom ever gave you for your kiddie games.

Just because someone dies WITH corona does not mean they die OF corona. Germany is one of the few countries who understands this basic bitch logic.

>it has zero self-awareness skills
>trust me, goys, dis american culture here
>why everybudy bein so mean 2 me now?

One thing they push very agressively in msm-news is perfect new-speak:
Feralism works, because every state follows the bund, and everywhere are the same rules.

I remember when we conquered a territory, we put the face of drump on every fucking flag.
Mods sperged and forced us to remove drumpfs face or get banned


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No, it's really not. You have to be a fucking idiot to think Italy is reporting their deaths correctly

The Diamond Cruise liner, which is by FAR our best source of data on this, showed a 1% death rate. A 1% death rate on a population full of almost entirely boomers

>Stasi 2.0 installiert

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They do, I'm not the authority of anyone. Probably needed to work on phrasing better, but it's just advice on my albeit limited experience and learning.
Well yeah, if you watched the video in OPs link you'll see the person in the cap was complaining about whites. Why? Having her entire identity based around the against white/for white dilemma is unhealthy.

Because they want to use it to COMPLETELY kill of any form of private rights.
The normies especially the roaches and orks will keep hanging out and that´s their excuse.then.

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Still, die Führerin spricht!

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Haha, Merkel wants a 'minimal of two weeks' of that freedom-breaking state.

>entirely boomers
rich boomers with all the media attention.
you forgot that little detail there faggot

Also yes I cheated and put the text into google translate, haven't practiced near enough as I should.

that´s a meme you fucktard
our dead´s all had pre existing illnesses
we are counting the same way as any other country (except chinafucks ofc)

>hurr durr not more than 2 people
>steige in den zug
>alteast 30 people in section
>go to work
>about 200 coworkers in few floors

Yeah fuck you cunt

so you actually are a fucking nigger, OK

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was this inspired by Lovecraft ?

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> Wait at station.
> Train comes. More than 1 Passenger.
> Wait.
> Call Boss: Does not work. Would be illegal.

Journalismus in Deutschland.

>Friedrich Langberg

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Bback when I still played I even saw pepe plastered at the main city gates, good times.

So much. Those Berlin-Journos are brainwashed.

They put public transport in the exceptions.


>kommen Sie zu Fuß dann
>ok, walking 24 Kilometers

Größte Hurenklasse dieses (((Staates))).

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not sure if rich neet or glownigger.

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not a problem. Just wake up a little bit earlier

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Makes much sense. Go into the rolling incubator, wageslave...

>I'm not the authority of anyone
There's your answer, said it yourself. Now bye!

I work but still live with my parents so I have a lot of leftover money.

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Die sollten GENAU JETZT alle den neoliberalen "der freie Markt regelt das jetzt" reißen, mit dem sie die ganzen Jahre für 800€ ins KH geschickt wurden.

Watch this corona truth

why rentcucking when its not necessary

>lot of leftover money
Get home gym equipment, stop playing vydia

We don't like EU-Flags around here.