Pagan thread

Paganism is the worship of the land which we inhabit and its biodiversity. As such a nation that inhabits a land is nothing more than an extension of the ecology of this land. We seek to live in harmony with nature and reject internationalism, globalism, corporatism. We want to preserve the ecology and our nations, come FIRST. Not profits of corporations. Our people hail from the forest and to the forest we shall return.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Our people
Fuck you krautnigger.

>Muh nature!

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Oh look it's this shit again
>When your holy book is asterix and obelix comics

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>Anglos don't understand the value of the forest

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yeah And you think your a monkey to lol

I'm a proud atheist and I've fucked so many LARPing neopagan cringethots it's unbelievable. Pic related is me. I only have a 4 inch dick but it doesn't matter, Wiccan thots and Alesiterwhores are all over me.

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Heil Odin. Fuck kikes, fuck Abrahamists, fuck semites, fuck atheists

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>Paganism is the worship of the land
You mean neopaganism

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said the Christshit, fucking kek

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>Christian bad
>Posts Catholic pope

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>muh not real christianity
every christian denomination is the same cancer.

you're posting quotes which didn't relate to reality. it was always the christshits that gave jews so much power like money lending privilages.

but i guess that wasn't real christianity right?

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Why are you in this thread if you aren’t pagan?

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calling yourself pagan is like a chinese guy calling himself a proud chink or a homo calling himself a faggot.

pagan = pejorative term. get it through your skull

call yourself a native faith worshipper, follower of asatru if you're nordic, rodnoverist if you're slavic etc.

Yes, it definitively was not orthodox Christianity. Christianity is defined by a sacred text, and that text is anti usury.
The difference here is I can point to groups that are real Christians now and in the past, can you point to a single active practice of real paganism as you define it? It's overwhelmingly comped by homo leftist larpers. Even the online figurehead of paganism doesn't actually engage in theism.

I like to discuss religiom, and Im helping to sustain the thread from sliding off the board

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>christianity is defined by a sacred text
you mean the text that was stolen from sumerian and vedic religion by jewish magi?

they stole everything including the names of most important characters, numerology, names etc.

Abraham = Brahman

Adam = Adamu

they corrupted tree of life and replaced it with sefirot. but you probably don't even know what it is because christians aren't allowed to study the occult. you are supposed to be slaves

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europe turns away from faith raided by foreigners pagan governments letting them in by the thousands trying to sink white nations.pagans subverting white nations since forever almost as if we are the resistance.99% of world are pagans

kabbalah allah degenerate fallen world blah blah blah

baal bell liberty bell

>can you point to a single active practice of real paganism as you define it?

the more decentralized the religious institutions are, the better. just like it was in the ancient world.

I didn't say centralization. My tradition practices autonomy of the local church.
I'm asking if anyone at all visibly practices your idea of paganism.

they didnt steal anything.
you could same argue that nords stolen their gods from slavs, romans from greeks and you are just making idiot out of yourself
and you make idiot out of yourself by being mentally stuck in anquity and balming anyone who went forward for stealing becaue he didnt fully abandon his roots


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Everyone knows current Pope is a fraud. It's hilarious you don't even know that and think posting a pic of him is somehow a good comeback.


Jesus Christ Christcucks are such insecure pussies fuck off you dying off losers

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Yeah that guy definitely sums up the New Testament. Good one..holy shit kys



daily reminder pagans suffer from manlet syndrome and have female tendecies

that guy sums up the kikestian

i'm a member of polish native church. the church started a fundraising recently for a slavic temple to be built in warsaw.
there are also 100k+ members on the facebook group, more and more people are interested in returning to their own roots.

>your idea of paganism
all native faiths are about blood and soil. if you're a racist christian then you're a larper, as according to your stolen book there is no jew nor greek as you're all equal in christ

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>haha you're this fat man
That's literally the mechanisms progressive-libshits use. Go die in a hole.

Are Greco-Roman pagans allowed here?

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Work towards self-sufficiency even if you are suburban. Rabbits are very quiet and are good for a backyard meat operation. This can be your first step along with your garden. I'm growing sunflowers, radishes, tomatos, cowpeas, corn, blackberries, carrots, collard greens, broccoli, milo, millet, peppers, and potatoes and squash/pumpkin. You should also add flowers for pollinators and aesthetics like borage, coreopsis, buckwheat, basil, zinnias, marigolds, and other native plants to your area.

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what an idiot
>There were four chief colleges of priests in ancient Rome, the most illustrious of which was that of the pontifices.[2] The others were those of the augures, the quindecimviri sacris faciundis, and the epulones.[5] The same person could be a member of more than one of these groups.[2] Including the pontifex maximus, who was president of the college, there were originally three[5] or five[2] pontifices, but the number increased over the centuries, finally becoming 16 under Julius Caesar.[2][5] By the third century B.C., the pontiffs had assumed control of the state religious system.[5]

>During the Kingdom of Roman history, the pontiffs were primarily concilia (advisers) of the kings, but after the expulsion of the last Roman King in 510 BC, the College of Pontiffs became religious advisers to the Roman Senate. As the most important of the four priestly colleges, the college of pontiffs’ duties involved advising the senate on issues pertaining to the gods, the supervision of the calendar and thus the supervision of ceremonies with their specific rituals, and the appeasement of the gods upon the appearance of prodigies.

>Membership in the various colleges of priests, including the College of Pontiffs, was usually an honor offered to members of politically powerful or wealthy families. Membership was for life, except for the Vestal Virgins whose term was 30 years. In the early Republic, only patricians could become priests. However, the Lex Ogulnia in 300 BC granted the right to become pontifices and augures to plebeians. Nevertheless, even in the late Republic it was still believed that the auspices ultimately resided with patrician magistrates, and certain ancient priesthoods: the Dialis, Martialis and Quirinalis flamines, and the college of the Salii were never opened to the plebeians.[5]

very low iq post janusz

you fail to understand the difference between syncretism here
>you could same argue that nords stolen their gods from slavs, romans from greeks
and manipulation and stealing

european native faith is based on vedic religion which branched off from sumerian religion thousands of years ago.
that's why our gods are similar to the hindu gods. as hinduism also branched off vedism.

>balming anyone who went forward for stealing becaue he didnt fully abandon his roots
blablabla, you're an idiot, blablabla - your "argumentation"
go back to licking nigger's feet janusz. come back when you read few things

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>according to your stolen book there is no jew nor greek as you're all equal in christ
Learn basic hermeneutics
That's a soteriological statement, not a denial of race

>polish native church
I'm willing to admit that I've been corrected if you do have a genuine religious practice, but is this just a link to a fundraiser page?

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Jesus Christ, Firstborn of the Allfather, brother to the sun and moon, mantled on the tree to descend into the underworld and vanquish Satan the Oathbreaker, betrayer of the heavenly warband.

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>comparing inqusition, catholic church which mass murdered thousands of people for slight deviation from doctrine to pontifex maximus which was mainly an advising institution that overseered religious ceremonies
as i said low iq. and we were talking about slavic polytheism anyway

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amerimutt talking?

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>The church is a religious association based on the principles of democracy. It declares an attitude of generous tolerance and objection to racism, Nazism and intolerance of other creeds, backgrounds and nationalities

There is no racism in truth im not letting pagans pull me down with them

how do i get into paganism? my ancestors hail from Britain so i suppose i'd want to deal with their gods before (((Romans))) brainwashed them into worshiping a jewish sky wizard.

>Learn basic hermeneutics
fucking kek this is the problem with you christshits. you will always use the "you'RE iNtErPreTaTION IS wRoNG!!1!!" argument when you face the reality
so what makes you think that jesus wasn't just a symbol for example?

>That's a soteriological statement
it means that we will all be a part of some collective consciousness of souls worshipping a jewish deity for whole eternity

a fate worse than death

ofcourse nigger chimped out because he cant understand anything more complicated than blood and soil
there are reasons why most advanced of european pagans were the first to accept and co-create Christianity.
and all kinds of judaism were based on same beliefs as vedic religions, just old judaism with Christianity especially segregated gods so they wouldnt praise nigger gods.
modern jews praise moloch a nigger god
you want to come back to times when moloch was accepted and ritual child murders for moloch were accepted aswell.
we want to come back to time when those people were burned at public stakes

Last week, I finished the initiation of my holy tree. I put all the runes in the holy tree and walked around it. Doing this has had a tremendous effect on my mental well being. I feel more connected now, more in tune with the gods. They live through me, and I further this connection by reading the Eddas. I can recommend the Eddas to everyone, especially the Völuspá. It tells us of the world as it is today. Also, some weeks ago, I studied the Eddas, and made a small compilation of what I’ve learned from it. The main lessons are these:
1. Life is war, specifically warfare against the enemies of Odin
2. The rewards of war is Walhalla
3. Odin is established primarily as warrior
4. The origin of justice is vengeance
5. Reason is that which makes us survive
6. Treating others is a passage of three stages: at first you must welcome a stranger. Then you must not treat him in a manner you wouldn’t want to be treated. Then, if a stranger is hostile, he must be treated in the same manner he treats you
7. The world is coming to an end. Odin is gathering all His forces for one final war. This war will be against the enemies of Odin, and will result in the death of Odin, His progeny, His enemies and the entire world
8. From this destroyed world, a new world will be reborn. This world will be under the supervision of Odin, Baldr and Höd. This will be a world without evil, and a world in which righteousness shall reign forever.

Those are the lessons I’ve learned from my readings. I feel closer to the gods than ever before. I shall leave you with only this:

‘Cattle dies, relatives die
You yourself must die
I know of something that never dies
The judgement over every dead’

Hail Odin

fuck off to the desert and get lost kike

What a brainwashed kike slave you have to be to follow a Universalist death cult of Semitic origins while mocking European ethnic religions of nature reverence and ancestral worship?

You're all faggots according to The 88 Precepts:

1. Any religion or teaching which denies the Natural Laws of the Universe is false.

7. Religion in its most beneficial form is the symbology of a People and their
culture. A multiracial religion destroys the senses of uniqueness, exclusivity and
value necessary to the survival of a race.

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slavic polytheism accepted thots as long as they didnt whore out in their own village.
there was even saying like "tej to dobrze" about those who were very prominent
Christianity pulled us out of niggerdom and you want to waste it all just because bucnh of jews convinced you its cool through their music industry etc


I respect paganism if it has nothing to do with neo-nazis and the rest of totalitarian fascist bootlicking scum

You don't.
The Pole is right that calling yourself pagan is like calling yourself a christcuck or a chink.
Its not about worshiping idols for the sake of worshiping idols, thats what Christians would want you think.
Pure and simple the modern equivalent would be Naturalist/Environmentalist Nationalism, which is basically what your hillybillys seem to practice already, except substitute Sunday Church with some other activity in nature, like communal morning hunt with the boys from the county and tending the gardens and parks for the girls, or something.
While at some point we had some mythos, they have been, as you said, corrupted and skewed by Christians and their world view.
You could spend time trying to decipher the actual truth and meaning of that lifestyle, or you could go out and live your life.

For example Slavic paganism and Greek paganism are based


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>there are reasons why most advanced of european pagans were the first to accept and co-create Christianity.

>modern jews praise moloch a nigger god
modern jews praise yahweh
moloch is a title for king. phenocians didn't even commit human sacrifice it was a meme made up by romans to justify destruction of carthage


>we want to come back to time when those people were burned at public stakes
fucking lmao. imagine being so fucking stupid that you believe that it was some mystical moloch worshippers getting burnt at stake in europe and not pre-christian priests which had massive knowledge in medicine etc.
they were a threat to the church so they got burnt
now fuck off and lick feet

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i'm just looking for that spiritual connection. i've never found it among white boomers with their CHOSEN PEOPLE.

if you understood the etymology of the word pagan you'd stop using it

worshipping things that are below you is the ultimate primitive retardation. worshipping rocks, trees, animals, etc.. is it in your people's blood? maybe that's why you worship arab and nigger cock and import millions

The one and only king of kings the redeemer is gonna send you pagans to sulfur city

what makes you think that jesus wasn't just a symbol to be interpretated? why do you do interpretate the texts from bible when it suits you?
and when it clearly says that all people believing in christ are EQUAL then you say "muh interpretation, it's only after death" etc. without providing any arguments from the bible itself

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