>70% of deaths are over 70, most with pre-existing conditions
Why are we shutting down the whole planet over this again?
You cannot fucking tell me that there isn't some serious bullshit going on behind the scenes.
70% of deaths are over 70, most with pre-existing conditions
Well that's because AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Blumpf caused this
How dare you question the reaction to this pandemic. Do you want people to die?
There's definitely something else they're not telling us
read this then delete this thread.
There IS some serious bullshit going on behind the scenes.
It's clear that (1) the media ignored this at first, but then decided to run it and attempt to induce panic to try to crash the markets in the hope of getting rid of Trump.
(2) Trump is at least partly using this to get the FED to lower interest rates as they should have done years ago. He's getting a lot more power, too, that clearly he deems valuable enough to let this nonsense continue. He already knows the markets will spring right back because there isn't a socialist nigger crippling industry with over-regulation anymore.
(3) The corporations and big states are using this to get free emergency bailout money.
What I haven't figured out is why Trump is putting up with #3. He must have a plan here or he wouldn't be letting these faggots keep lying about all this.
the people in control, they are all ancient crusty shells of human beings, likely aged 130+ barely alive on baby fetus stem cell therapies and organ transplants, and this virus would absolutely kill them off, and their 110 y/o son and 90 y/o grandson (all of the above died to the public years ago)
so they are scared shitless enough to stop the world and crash every economy, just to make sure this virus disappears.
I saw allot of the deaths in Italy are young people but most other places it's boomers. Makes me wonder why Italy is being hit so hard. Wtf is going on?
yesterday they said 50% of deaths in ny were under 40, so really don’t know what to believe, this really is the holocoof and possibly just as fake
100 million people call in sick at the same time, 25 million people try to go to the hospital at the same time, how hard is it for some of these brainlets to figure out?
hate to inform you but most old people have underlying conditions. literally changes nothing we didn't already know. your body doesn't stay young forever. most men in their 40's have underlying health problems.
a few days ago in italy, only 12 deaths were to healthy people with no pre-existing conditions. thats literally .0005%
you retards call people in their 40s boomers, so by your definition they are boomers, but boomers are in their 60s and 70s
old people die, young people get permanent lung damage you fucking summerfag. pneumonia isn't a minor condition.
There has to be shit going on behind the scenes. They've been lying and downplaying shit from the beginning. Just a few weeks ago Trump said it's no big deal, just the sniffles. Now it's extremely serious. They ain't fucking around.
>only like 10% of our population will die
>if we don't quarantine and shut down our economy the only consequence will be no one working because everyone is sick
nothing burger
The world is exclusively run by boomers and their parents.
>Source: Twitter
I fucking hate you all.
Those numbers are based on the chinks who went full retard at the virus.
you can be young, healthy, and survive, but get scarred lungs from this. That gives you a preexisting condition for when this mutates and we get a 2nd wave of it.
Also if all the hospitals get filled with dying boomers on ventilators, then more young people will start dying too since they won't be able to get treatment.
They're also mostly men who can't wash their hands. Fuck 'em.
The kikes are using his as a push to intsall socialism and we must resist.
Always remember we outnumber them a million to one.
I am more and more concinved quarantening the 60+ generation would have been sufficient.
70% is pretty fucking bad.
10% is a fuckload of people
yeah all those deaths are bad and blah blah blah, but have you thought about the real victims here? that's right, the chinese community, people are being racist against them. please go out and kiss or hug a chinese person, it's the only way to survive this mortal virus called racism.
This. 40% of SARS Patients reported Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, something like 27% we're clinically diagnosed.
This shit will linger. Forever.
the mass hysteria is the only way to make people care about this shit, if they add a single ''but'' to the narrative everyone will just go back to their daily, normal, lives
>serious fuckery going on?
Is it good for us or bad for us?
> they are never going to do anything good for us.
Time. Younger people might spend 6 weeks trying to survive in the ICU while they're giving up on older people quickly when they think there's no hope.
BUT that’s exactly what they’ve done they have let 50% of business and workers to continue and told the other 50% no fun
>I saw allot of the deaths in Italy are young people but most other places it's boomers. Makes me wonder why Italy is being hit so hard. Wtf is going on?
It's rather apparent something else is going on in Italy. I'm leaning towards medical malpractice particularly in regards to needles intubation and all the complications that come from that. As far as I'm concerned they're needlessly sedating then forcefully intubating people who don't need it resulting in in their deaths.
>>only like 10% of our population will die
That would be 33 million people.
Restaurants have money for maybe a few weeks not months. In a month people are going to say "fuck this" and enter at your own risk. There is no way business will survive a prolonged shutdown.
They let business and workers do their shit because we still need services to keep going, and it's not that BAD as the virus hits like a common flu for 80~85% of the cases (God help you if you're in the 15% unlucky group).
This is nothing new. Jews have always massively overburderned the health care system due to their shitty genetics and communal behavior.
Covd-19 is the swan song of the globohomo. An effort to smash Trump's most effective tools - his rallies and the economy.
Iran, China, EU, the DNC, and other global interests own this narrative. All cucked nations and hollywood are on board (Trudeau's wife, Tom Hanks).. Sadly, this just might work.
100 threads like this a day. I'm starting to think deniers and hoaxers are the shills.
Youre on Yas Forums you fucking retard. Why should we buy the liberal media narrative?
Wow 110 people dead in NYC (population 8 billion). Let's shut down the fucking globe.
out of 11000 confirmed cases. that's the real story.
False. Average age of death in Italy is 79.
Damn, that's 1%. They were all boomers with other medical conditions too. We're fucking doomed.
because "death" isn't really the problem, user.
it's the infertility that's the problem.
Boomers are scared of dying.
>.0000001% die from the virus
>Shuts the whole world down
Why are people today so gay?
its so boomers can universally fuck over millennials one more time before they all go on their eternal journey
He doesnt have one. Theyre panic shills. They consider having electricity, water, food and internet to be the happening. Some are LARPers, some intentionally want to spread panic.
Ive been soooo tired and can’t get well.
The old are always the first to die off no shit it's going to skew heavily in that direction in the beginning
it's a pre-print (not peer-reviewed yet), but it's credible; they got in a lot of trouble with the ccp for submitting their work.
they thought it was important enough to risk their lives to share what they found.
death isn't the problem, user, male infertility is the problem.
I know isn’t that like a couple of weekends of homicides in Baltimore and Chicago
stay indoors spreadcel
Fucking gym is closed and gains are fading. Fucking boomers.
70 is the average age of every single politician in the US, hence the panic. If it were killing zoomers only, they wouldn't be doing shit.
I’ve had pneumonia twice, the first time I almost died (I was 13). Is this gonna kill me?
Still not enough. Let's go for 13%.
intubation is the way hospital-acquired pneumonia bacteria infects and kills
24/7 ICU staff rotates and all it takes is a sloppy resident from some shithole and your lungs are fucked
>need urgent treatment for other disease
>sorry bro hospital already at full capacity
>no doctors available
>every ICU contaminated
literal brain worms schizos
Uhhh because its a bioweapon. Lets examine the facts:
>spreads extremely easy
>infects tons of people before the first even knows they are sick
>causes lung and organ failure
>can spread between humans and animals (super rare mutation in nature. Super rare to spread between humans dogs bats and cats are astronomical)
>complete freakouts by goverments worldwide
>survives long time on surfaces
>survives for long time in air
Perfect weapon to destroy human trust in society. A weapon you cannot see hear or touch.
Tell me what you would expect out of a first strike weapon and i would say....coronavirus
>all chinese authors
Into the trash.
There aren't 8 billion people on the PLANET moron.
Try million.