Prove you're not an NPC and say something nice about Jews

In this time of crisis all Yas Forumsacks should come together regardless of political stances and show solidarity.

I'm not a Jew btw

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they have nice khazar milkers if they have euro genes

I ate a falafel once, it was pretty good

The boyfriend doesn't exist, does he...

They're good liars.

jews are great fireplace fuel.

many jewish women are incredibly hot and make my pee pee twitch

They have impeccable in group preference

Outstanding weapon manufacturers.

I respect how tight their community is.

better than chinks

They good with money

They make muz cry

Is like Mel Brooks

Their skill at subverting nations is unequaled

They're really good at lowering people's taxes with tricky accounting.

i hear they do well in ovens

also great liars

The only good Jews I've met ended up converting to Christianity.
I feel like if a Jew doesn't wake up and realize their religion is demonic and Zionism is evil they are truly evil themselves.

And clarinets.

their border

>Prove you are not an NPC by accepting to be reprogrammed.
Oi Vey

The only correct answer

They make good fuel

Jews are experts at lying and subverting cultures.

They have good skills in fraud, deception, lying

Honestly nice and motivated people, for the most part.
Decent/good food.
Lehi was fucking kino, youtube "lehi anthem"

Also this






judaism isnt a religion
you can't "convert" out of it kek

Some of their women have big tits.

>Not actually doing anything she is describing
>Creating a totally fictitious event
>Squeezes some muh anti-semitism in there
This is very Jewish.

They bring the milk truck

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jews are g*ds chosen people and goyim exist only to serve the jews

Found the real humans, thanks guys.

They do stick together as a cultural and ethnic group. Whites could learn a thing or two from them in that regard.

All white people are Jews.

I understood that reference. To the jail I go.

That's actually the cutest jewess I have ever seen.

They kill muslims that try to illegally enter Israel.

Every fucking girl that gets posted here is a makeup face. What am I supposed to think that she's cute when I can't even see her face?

Judaiam is a way of life. You have to be born a Jew. We may have different phenotypes but we are all one in the end

Unbelievably based

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>say something nice about Jews
I hear they know how to take good care of children.

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most of them are secular people and thus better than the average christcuck on this board

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There men are losers, and when I as growing up in Pikesville it was always fun setting up Jewish kids to get robbed when they were trying to by large amounts of weed.

They are best when fresh out of the oven

When somebody goes out of their way to point out that they're not a jew.... They're so jewey that all 17 of their grandmothers died in the holocaust.

> The virgin islands
> the chad republic

>Prove you're not an NPC and say something nice about Jews

Okay. They're good investors, great savers. Also incredible story-tellers, good at fooling people into making them believe their stories. Also very high IQ.

they make really good oven fuel

Uhh the Desert Eagle is kinda cool, uzi is a pretty nice design also even tho it’s kinda stolen. The tavor is a overpriced meme bull pup with shit weight distribution and shit price

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t- Levi Ishmael Joseff leiberwitz II

Fk jew scum who subvert our societies and their porn

They understand how to manipulate goyim with precision and I respect that.

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I like Abby Shapiro's tiddies

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There's no such thing as Jewish food. Its the food of whatever people they happened to be living around at a certain time slightly altered.

some Russian larpin as a jew

They have wonderful traditional names

The have amazing organizational skills

>Prove you're not an NPC and say something nice about Jews

They taste well enough to other jews to eat until only bones remain, provided you smear some jam onto their bald heads.

One of the holocaust testimonies spoke about an inmate called "baby" onto whose head guards smeared jam, and the starving other inmates descended upon him like crows, while the guards laughed.

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I get shitty drunk and cook latkes. Eat them with mayonnaise. My favorite thing about kike food is that it's dirt cheap

Israel is a nationalist county with moral values.
Western Jews make the big beats, porn, and terrible movies.

Their mental illness called chutzpah can also be somewhat amusing sometimes.
Still degenerate and intolerable, though.
Just chuckle and continue combating them, thanking all that is good and virtuous that you do not have to live your life being jewish.

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"23 and me" reports that I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Maybe that explains my attraction to women such as pic

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>One of the holocaust testimonies spoke about an inmate called "baby" onto whose head guards smeared jam, and the starving other inmates descended upon him like crows, while the guards laughed.

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No, she is lonely and desperately needs a Jewish boy to take home to mother. But she is all stretched out from thotting around with goys and worse.


Beastie Boys were easily one of the greatest hip-hop groups ever, and apart from a single "I'm a funky-ass jew" lyric and general "wouldn't it be cool if we could be nice to each other" sentiments they didn't poz their music with it.

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Jews are good at infiltrating national monetary systems

im pretty sure we wouldnt have these world problems without jews. imagine africa without niggers and europe clean of them as well. imagine no bullshitting media

Ari Shaffir is funny as fuck I love that heeb

Kosher salt is good. That's it.

>if they have euro genes
no such a thing.

You fuckers aren't even human you jew cunt. I don't show solidarity with the rats in the barn.

there is nothing nice to say about a jew, it's because of jews that we're all getting genocided right now

They are good at playing hide and seek

Jews don't stink nearly as bad as nigs

Every Jewish family I've met has been incredibly kind to me. Foods are decent. Has provided the financial system that has allowed us to reach this level of technology (making the mother of all omelets here, Jack.)

Legit there is nothing nice to say about Jews, a nepotistic tribe which hates all others.

actually they aren't good liars, they're good at deceiving normies, that's it


Admit the Holocaust is a hoax and US/Israel did 9/11.

The best types are the ones concentrated.

You are seriously a faggot if you think their whiny Jew voices were "great". They were pop garbage with shit lyrics as well

Jewish girls tend to have tig bitties.
Jewish girls have been kind enough to give me pussy, in my degenerate years.
Jewish girls had no issues gagging on my cock, and would actually celebrate when they could make me cum.
The majority of Jewish girls I did date were racist democrats who hated niggers. Maybe that's just a southern Jewish girl thing?
Jewish girls, are, much like other women. They simply need to be instructed and trained properly.

The one I fooled around with an interesting, erotic lay. She was filled with self loathing because she was so attracted to me, a goy. Everything she did with me was like a fight with herself. Finally she abandoned herself to the debauchery. I did some stuff with her that I'm not usually into, like trying to put my hand in her mouth while I dogged her and coming on her tits. It was hot with her, but I dont necessarily like that stuff with women I respect. She dumped after a month or so to date a jewish guy, as I expected she would. No hard feelings.

>sountherer loves jew
>southerner also super fat, eats poison, is mentally retarded, and brainwashed with a jew written bible

Jews look out for their own*

*as long as they're orthodox

they have those funny white hats haha
families are also very close knit

I'd rather have jews than teepee building snowniggers like you. At least jews invent shit and keep the world interesting

I wish that they had not brought all this upon themselves.

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Those ovens gave you and your kind very nice tans! I love the new charred look.

>Andrea Syrtash.jpg
or maybe she's just objectively attractive


Leonard Cohen wrote amazing songs

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keep telling yourself that when they open the floodgates to Japan you fucking retard.

I'd put my cock in... is that what this thread is all about?

i'm a jew and i smell better than whiteoids.

I can't because I have never met any Jews, only had interactions with followers of the synagogue of Satan and I don't like them very much.

They aren't dumb.

I like the fact that they're bitchy and it takes a while to seduce them

they are smart, talented and hard working.

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Very high BTU output

>I'm not a Jew btw

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there are some good ones

Sometimes they are on the right side.

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Eff off

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When I was in high school,, Jewish girls were easy lays. I liked that.

Sure they were not very hot,, and annoying to talk to,, but you could fuck them with very little effort.

I think this is why being jewish is from the mother's side because you have no idea who the father is with sluts like this.

But I liked fucking them.

>Yo that's funny I was just thinking about this tiktok when I was walking my dog earlier. I was like hey doggo, what's that kike tiktok bitch who's like yeaaaahhh Jewish food. Idk I'm just fascinated with the second time she says yeah it's like an obsession for me. I fucked a Jew bitch about five years ago before she moved to Germany (lol right?) And her pussy was TIGHT LIKE A FIELD MOUSE

I wish they'd all peacefully and willingly leave Palestine unscathed.

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You can fuck right off.

>many jewish women are incredibly hot and make my pee pee twitch

It is pointless to argue matters of personal taste,,,, but dude.. really?

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Jews are a carbon neutral source of thermal energy. We should replace coal with jews to save the climate!

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Great liars. Totally natural. I think thats why they do so well in hollywood.

Excellent story tellers. Very adept at just making shit up.

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