>this is the people buying your country
This is the people buying your country
Wuhan virus is red pilling a lot of people people as bout chinks.
but this video will still not be seen by 99% of people
how do you get this video to the normies? putting it on pol is almost useless
chinkoid subhuman thread, now
I hate these most of all . I’m seething. Wew
The chink runes is asking for people to help dox the dog burner so they can go find his house and burn his kid.
Why don't we help?
Cause we're not in china lol, just glass the whole thing, fuck it
Drop the nukes on them
Seconded. Will supply.
that is the result of famine that the commies pretend never happened or they blame the west for it...
>Chink money printer go BRRRRRR
>Chink Propaganda printer go BRRRRRR
>Chink Money printer go BRRRRRR
>Chink propaganda printer go BRRRRRRRR
youre helping chinks
the only way to help chinks is by nuking them
fuck all chinks kill all chinks
Pretty sure humanity's Great Filter
is going to be that we were too tolerant of subhuman trash like kikes, chinks, and nogs and let them drag us down with them into the dustbin of history. We will never reach the ends of the galaxy with this anchor around our necks.
Guess uve never been to NEPAL
Why can't chinksects feel empathy for other mammals? Do chinksects actually lay eggs?
Mammal bias is a completely normal thing among people.
>haha meme from 3 months ago still stimulate my brainsie
>haha animals bad
Brainlets are not better chan chinksects.
This is the country that killed thousands of Americans to wage war for Israel
Funny thing, my state fired everyone on a bridge protect, brought in strong, fast, cheap chinese labor. They finished the bridge 2 years after deadline, and severely over budget. It had cracked concrete and the steal beams were hollow in over half the supports. Had to be rebuilt before ever opening, set the while highway project back 10 years. Now they use mexicans, but they all split before the border closes.
That good, strong, fast, cheap chinese labor. May as well burn the money and roast marshmallows.
Imagine the smell.
Im never coming back hear again. You fucking pigs
Nu-Yas Forums is low functioning and our autism cannot be weaponised. Sad
Had dog meat in china. Tastes better than wagyu.
the people running your state's project budgetary office deserve to be shot
This is where your milk comes from.
Neither glownigger OP's example or this has fuck all to do with the Coronavirus bioweapon
That shit is going to flop so bad
id like to do it to a chink subhuman
go back to china then and stay there chink
I hate dogs and yet still I just...can't watch this. That poor animal. Animals taken for food should be killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. These subhuman Denisovan savages torture these poor creatures for no reason. The person who did this, and the culture that produced that person, should be exterminated. Every Chinese person should be hanged and have a blow torch blasted in their face until they are dead. This is not an aberration. It's not a psychotic individual that the rest of society is shocked to discover. It is normal. They all must die for this. The whole of China needs to be cleaned out.
Nice VPN
This man is right. When you realize twitter and the like will never see videos like these, it really loses a lot of its impact. You're preaching to the choir unless you also have a normie account somewhere and share it there.
Fuck chinks. The japs were right.
do you volunteer?
I will kill you too you fucking chink
Its not that hard, just spread it via whatsapp (in my case) or any other message app thats popular in your country. I will start sharing a video or two.
>that is the result of famine that the commies pretend never happened or they blame the west for it...
nope. they just don't care and actually enjoy it. it makes them feel good to torture animals like this. Their brain chemistry is different.
I think they're just harvesting adrenochrome
Well the writing is literally asking for someone who to dox him and burn his kid like the dog, so go on then. Find the guy and his kid.
OP just likes to toss gore videos around to startle people. He is working his way up the full bore serial killer ladder, hoping to one day be sitting in prison for multiple murders while the press begs him for interviews.
That's straight up fucking evil. Holy shit.
Have chinks just been completely abandoned by God?
Some of the videos of them dying are so fucking unlucky it must divine judgment
cope chink scum
Why do chinks hate animals so much?
Disney made it for China. It'll do well over there. Disney doesn't care how it does in the West.
This is god awful but it's still cherry-picked. I've seen people in the US do as bad too.
Is it just easier for people to accept that only a certain group are evil rather than that all humans are born with the capability to be as evil?
It’s just business, bro. We live in a globalized world. Imagine no borders. It’s easy if you try. Have some cake.
they're soulles
Lurk more. It is their tradition. They all do this.
>how do you get this video to the normies?
If you had free speech you wouldn't be posting on Yas Forums right now
its literally part of their culture.
yes, they eat dogs because they think eating dogs can extend their lifespan. btw dont listen to the SJW retards that told you its an urban legend. liberals always lie.
I don't even care about them eating doggos, but what's the point in torturing and killing them in the most inhumane way possible before you do?
True. Have to keep this in mind. That being said the video doesn't make me rage at the Chinese it just makes me rage in general.
I guess China is filled to the brim with cherries.
Fuck the chinks, not even dogs eat other dogs.
>"t-t-that meme is 3 months old!"
LOL. back to pleddit
>this is the people (the one getting punched) telling you to go to war with china.
lol, no
Well if they're not lying they also have a greater amount of people. If something like 80% of people are evil, which I'd believe, then they of course will have more evil people.
also dont be scared to stereotype all chinks as dogeaters
>it's just their culture, bro. Don't be a bigot
I hope they all die man. Death to the whole race of insectoids. Death to China and the chink plague
>peace flag
>advocating cruelty
>being ironic
>on 4cuck
>using meme arrows
Whatever, fag. Keep defending the insectoids as all you want.
you think it will actually care if its offspring get burnt, itll probably just eat that too.
And daily reminder that Amurika is fully responsible for this. Shame on you burgers.
Be careful there are cold blooded blood thirsty alpha male white lions waiting to pounce
Wow, they're totally blowtorching that cow alive and skinning it while alive!
Exactly the same thing!
why arent they fighting back? niggers dont even hit hard. i could have taken all those hits right to the face and id laugh.
>it's the insectoids not the jews or blacks XD
There's a strong common theme in these threads isn't there?
Why isn't this video trending on twitter yet? What do you people do all day, just bitch and moan?
You are replying to a chink shill trying to derail this thread
Fuck you chink die
Someday we’ll make the rape of Nanking look like a fairy tale
Yeah, it's a chink hate thread.
Are you new here or something?
Ever notice how much crackers on pol love watching Asians torture dogs? Who's the real freak s?
Let all of you know
There is a God
And hell exists for satan and his followers
God allowed free will to his creation
To pick and choose who they would follow.
Follow God, because these pedophile elites, Chinese animal abusers, and satanists choose to go to hell.
Hell exists for the wicked, and those who hate God and his creation.
Be warned. You are not in a safe world. Take upon Jesus before it is too late. You are surrounded by evil entities who would sacrifice you to satan if they could get their hands on you.
>he says as he watches chinks torture dogs
Discount Tyrone with the big thinkaroonies.
Western kids who torture animals grow up to be psychopaths. Chink kids who torture animals grow up to be chinks.
Whoa are you telling me that having all the mexicans do the farm work was a bad idea?
Are you telling me that mexicans workers are drug dealers and terrible?
Whoa whoa whoa, cool it with the racism bud.
bet that lil sexy hotty is a keeper
>Everyone I don't like is bound for punishment.
There are still christians?
Hhhhooooooly shit new level of abject cruelty. wow.