That would explain the natural cultural differences between them and the rest, in the past all those areas were celt, then were conquered by the Roman Empire and adopted Latin culture, then the Germanic tribes attacked the empire and those areas adopted German culture and language, and there was some migration of German taking place, but they never massacred the natives who are still the majority in these regions today and are Celtic by blood
>Mistgowi Oida, vo olle Dialekte san ma Kärnten und Tirol am liawan. Bonusfrog: wos holts ihr vom Konzept da patrio-Monarchie und von am Öxit? Bessa oda schlecht ois es derzeitige System?
Ethan Sanchez
Aber net da Otto.
Parker Sanchez
They are in between. usually celts are France, British islands, n italy, and the Iberian peninsula (spain and portugal).
An Kaiser werma glawi nimma zsamgriagn ... owa Öxit, jo, i moa den Euro wirds des Joa nu zreissn, daun is eppa nuramehr de Frog wia guad ma si aus dem Bawalatsch aussewurschtln. Mir kunntadn jo hoiwads autark sei wauma woin, mir steign nu relativ guad aus. Fia die Piefke siag i schwoaz ...
I hob eher an wen dacht, dem Österreich, unsere ethnische Bevölkerung und de Kultur wichtig san und net wos de Deppaten in Piefkinesien oda Brüssel manan owa sowen find ma heit sowieso nimma
A so an griagn ma eppa nu a zweits moi zsom sogad i ... miasn nur schau dass der daun net a damisch wird und si zu die Piefke schleicht und mit dena packlt. ;)
>Schülling waun? Soboid de Merkl ogsetzt wiad kaus nuamea bergauf geh. Owa Corona wiad Europa scho wieda herrichten, wiast seng. Wiatschoft komplett hi und daun fongt der Spaß au. I woat solong in meim gmiatlichn Haus am Lond mit ana Floschn Obstla und an Schweinsbrotn. An schen Tog nu, de Herrschoftn. Bleibts gsund
Ayden Richardson
Westernmost Slavs. Scythia reached sources of Danube.
Aiden Perez
>Bleibts gsund
Jo du a und Gott vagötz! Die Piefke schiasn si grod söm ins Knia ... endgültig jetzan. Üwanehman mir afoch den Sauhaufn nochand. Denan zoag ma eppa nu wias lauft! :D
I said there is a theory called the slavic lie (idiotic name to be honest), who claims germans and the eastern tribes got divided by the two churches. The glagolithic language is a artificial language made by orthodox monks to divide our people and falsify their dialects, same happened to our languages, they falsified it more and more by time till to the point we think there is another people.
This theory has a lot of points which seems to be true.
Nicholas Morris
Asher Ward
lmao just exclude me once again you faggot westoid
Adrian Allen
I m trolling other boards ignore it lmao just making fun of the autists on Yas Forumsand /mlp/ and the few anime and cartoon boards I enjoy shitposting
>I said there is a theory called the slavic lie (idiotic name to be honest), who claims germans and the eastern tribes got divided by the two churches. germanics mostly converted to western roman catholicism, with very few exceptions
>This theory has a lot of points which seems to be true. we absolutely do have very old remains that prove they were two separate groups, with their own culture and language we even have remains of an old polish slavic alphabet that was lost, not related to germanic runes either
Aiden Fisher
Jo eh ... des wochst da afoch sofurt wieda üwan Schädl. I hobs mit Feilnames prowiert owa des huift a net wirkli.
Asher Butler
What about the language? Do you have sources?
Landon Sanders
>What about the language? Do you have sources? just look for yourself here, I never studied the question extensively,5&q=old germanic languages&btnG= all indo european languages are related to each other, thats what the word means and remember that until radio/tv regional languages were a thing
> Altbayern + Österreich + Südtirol - Vorarlberg Name a more based country. Pro-tip: du ko's ned.
Lincoln Hill
I know, but that doesnt disprove the slavic lie.
Ayden Kelly
obviously the eastern mountaneous areas in Switzerland are formerly Celtic thats not an edgy theory, its confirmed. Who the fuck else do you think was living there... Bigfoot?
checkout Graubünden
Jace Howard
but its a real question where exactly all the germanics come from, germans werent defined by themselves, it was how romans described "the fucking barbarian snowniggers north of the danube and west of the rhine that keep raiding our lands"
germanic people were at the time only in tribes, not nations and we cant be sure if all those tribes had the same orgin, probably had, but of course boundaries are less defined when each tribes speak its own dialect, and you have never met someone outside your tribe outisde of battle or the occasional trader
>I know, but that doesnt disprove the slavic lie. well I mean the two are clearly different, the slavic languages werent "made up", they re far too widespread for that to be possible, and we would find the old languages here and there, again, both languages use to be one at some point in the past, we split off from that same group, but for example old slavic is closer to sanskrit than old german, but all of them are quite similar
rumansch are not far from hunters and gatherers even at this present day son
Ethan Gonzalez
kek redpill me on the different swiss cantons
you just all stay in your mountains so not many people know anything about switzerland
Levi Smith
We are definitely more aryan than the subhumans who border us
Brody Ortiz
how does austria differ from the restof germany culturally? like I know you are different, I know your gov insists a lot you have nothing to do with germans because they re scared of anschluss again, but HOW does the culture differ
Benjamin Sanders
TBF French people are the true master race. Who brought down the Roman empire, not once, but twice? Who had a kingdom so OP that everyone allied against them throughout history? Who created a new branch of Romance languages, with no similarities found in any other language and more words than any other language?
The french.
Fuck you frogs, for being better than us. FUCK YOU.
Carson Ross
we kill non-white subhumans and don't worry about it a couple of weeks ago I was walking home at around 3am and across the street in the "dangerous neighbourhood" where my gf lives, some white guys were beating the living shit out of something that looked like a streetshitter or brown paki I laughed and walked home, then smiled when I heard the lazy ambulance call 3 minutes later, the shitskin was 100% crippled by that point or better yet, dead didn't even make the news the next day :)
Juan Roberts
you could be french too, you re almost there you are latinized celts just like us
imagine the francoanglo empire had we not been fighting
lol, thats pretty nice but being uncucked cant be the only difference I know the south/north cultural divide is a focus point of german speaking politics
Kek, you have no idea how correct that is. :D I think one reason is that (except Vienna) Austria never has been that "urbanized". Most of our cities are just bigger villages, industry is randomly distributed over the countryside ... we're used to our small idyllic world and we won't have that taken away from us.
France is also the same way, except for paris, which is a huge city it has both good and bad, on one side absolute masterace tier people live there, and the girls are some of the prettiest you can find anywhere, on the other there are a lot of faggots and tourrists, and now diversity shitting things up everywhere
of course the architecture is god tier, I would say paris is slightly ahead of vienna, but vienna is nicer, the population density is much lower and it was spaced out more when it was built, vienna is a really pleasent city to be in, paris not so much, if I could chose one I would chose vienna