Brit/pol/ Back to basics Edition

>Coronavirus: Urgent appeal for Brits to work on farms
>Apply here

>Coronavirus: Teenage girls arrested after 'abusing Chinese people wearing face masks in racially-motivated attack'

>Co-op donates £1.5m of food to hunger charity FareShare

>West London woman who changed her name to 'Tinkerbell' refused passport

>Britain's Tempest Sixth-Generation Fighter Could Blow Away The F-35

>The everyday household item that saw firefighters rush to bin lorry fire in Cambourne

>Train station fire caused by burning wheelie bins that were dragged into empty building

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first for comfy sunday plague film

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gonna go sainos get some fruity IPAs


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I wouldn't mind going to work on farm if it stopped being "immigrant" job and workers were treated like people. We'll see.


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>Has coronavirus
>Is HIV+
>hasn't tweeted in 3 days

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i'll drink whatever, but given the choice, a fruity IPA really tingles my tastes buds

>muh vaccine
every single vaccine trial will fail and we won't get an effective treatment in time. reminder that we still don't have a SARS vaccine (or any form of coronavirus vaccine) and we don't have a HIV vaccine either.

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make it happen

Thought that was Chris Evans from thumbnail

how can i wash away the shame i've brought on myself

digits and he's ded

just admit that you actually hate beer

Who is he/background?

Still can't believe this is the guy who's sat on here for years pretending to be hard.

>Coronavirus: Urgent appeal for Brits to work on farms
Just hire a bunch of Eastern Europeans like...oh.

Oh dear. Whoops.

designated minority MP

get back on stream ed

wash your hands for 20 seconds

>>hasn't tweeted in 3 days

lloyd russell moyle, labour mp for brighton kemptown
absolute cunt best known for being thrown out of parliament for picking up the mace on the despatch box

Guess the Eastern Europeans will have to work in their shitholes for rations papers.

>>Coronavirus: Urgent appeal for Brits to work on farms

I would offer, but being English I was told I am too lazy to do these jobs..

MP for Brighton Kemptown.
Used his maiden speech in Parliament to come out as HIV pozzed.
Famous for picking up the Mace in the Commons.
Known locally for being seen with a different twink every Saturday night.

>cleavage sites

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ah fuck

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i'll drink whatever pish you're offering mate. but if there's a tangy ol' IPA there then i'm ploughing straight in

Thanks, Hiv + corona..seems his lifestyle caught up with him.

fuck's sake

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he'll be in an ICU in a week.

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Fingers crossed he doesn’t make it

Alright lads?

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It was about time we started naming our planes after violent storms again.

i'm gonna make a big pot of soup, should last me 3 or 4 days.
wish i could offer you lads some. i make the best soup, nanna taught me

What kind of soup did you make?

the ones you hate will live, the ones that you love will die, ironically

i usually make minestrone, with lots of veg, beans, peas, cabbage and some tiny pasta bits

>appeal for Brits to work on farms
Fuck straight off!

I'm going to coof in your soup.

he hasn't even had it probably just a cold he's a spastic attention seeker

Press conference in 10 mins lads

How long until this blows over lads?

seems to me theres a shortage of deliveries rather than food, why dont they get the robot trucks operating already

what you announcing lad

it's not going to "blow over". this is the biggest happening since the black death.

The PM's daily press conference

eternity give or take

how long is a piece of string?

things are never going back to normal

why's he letting you do it?

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if they ever find a cure it won't be us who gets it, this is the depopulation the elites have been dreaming of

He's got corona. I'm filling in for him today

bbc iplayer half the screen obscured by a fucking bald sign language cunt, fuck off pal I'm not deaf

But things can only get better

Next tues mate. No bother, trust me.

Gonna put some letters through neighbours' doors offering support if they need it. Have also signed up to a local volunteer group.

Bored of it now desu

any drink recommendations if i decide to man up? not wine thanks, fancy something different

the overall CFR is getting closer and closer to 13% (including china's bullshit numbers). it's going to hit 31% without those numbers soon.

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c u next tuesday then

this has all happened before

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-22 Paul Moczar 🇵🇱 on Twitter The Israeli ambassador in Poland calls all Israelis to leave Poland https[...].png (598x750, 151.21K)

Is it just me or does sunak look like a vulcan/human hybrid?

I'm betting 2 or 3 months until THE EVENT is over followed by permanent decline to go on top of all the decline we already had, interspersed with the odd scare about new strains etc.

It'll be over by Christmas.

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One part brandy, one part port. God tier drink.

Whisky is the only drink for a human with testes. Preferably bourbon, stick with jim, jack, or turkey. Inch of pepsi.

>Emmerdale and Corrie now suspended
>Eastenders already suspended
>no sport
>youtube and netflix streaming quality lowered
>Ant and Dec saturday takeaway no longer live
>Nandos and Spoons shut
>pubs shut
>no beer in supermarkets
Deanos and Kelly's absolutely BOILING

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>what WAS hope?

Kitchen wipes everywhere today. Also why are nail salons open? Not blaming the chink women keeping them open, but more the people going in there

i like brandy a lot, is there a name for port & brandy?

>tfw listening to On The Offensive on a stream with unwashed

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Makers and a bit of ice. Fucking pepsi

Shaun Attwood posted a new vid, Wildman has coronavirus

i'll be so pissed off if he dies, anyone in the area can help him?

mate works at the container port in Felixstowe, reckons they are getting less than 10% of the normal levels of goods coming in

you've got the gall to talk testes when you mix pepsi like a 16 year old

bottles of 70cl whiskey, gin, voddy, and rum for a tenner each though

fucking state of that