Russia is fully prepared for Covid-19 faggotry

Suppliers and manufacturers are working around the clock to provide russians with all the essentials. No possibility of scarcity in the horizon if SHTF. Everything is well organized logistically and socially-wise.

Seethe, westoids ahah

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am happy for my Russian brothers!
stay strong, help Syria and Venezuela too

Why does my supermarket look so Venezuela-tier

Daily reminder that Russia did nothing wrong
If I had to be born in any other country I’d pick yours

Post trashy slav sluts

I’ve also noticed a huge spike in homeless people. A Heroin junkie walks by my house every 10 minutes now, that’s never happened before

Russia is still a shithole, fully shelved supermarkets or not.

they used to slip within the ranks but now they're exposed because well to do people have homes to be in

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I love Russia :)

based and orthodoxpilled

Yeah but we get trump bux.

Cope, we are fine

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Why would we seethe that a white nation is doing what it can to provide for it's white population?

That shit would be gone in an hour here. I just saw a semi truck full of toilet paper be bought in 30 minutes at my super market. Be thankful that you live in a poor country.


Russia is still a shithole and the average Russian is a depressed alcoholic wreck.

Probably latvia first. Then Russia.

That's a comfy picture there for some reason

Same here in Seattle

I see you've made this thread again. So let me just state
>146 million population
>""Only"" 367 coronavirus cases
>Government is sweeping it under the rug and so is state controlled media
Ivan wonders why nobody cares and stores are full.
Remember, your pneumonia rates are up 37% in Moscow, totally normal, has nothing to do with corona-chan......

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Supermarket is full because no one has money to buy anything

the coronavirus will develop into rabies 2.0 having 100% mortality rate

A question for the foreigners.. How do you feel when you see english written on products and signs?

I HATE it when i have to look at another countries moon runes throughout my daily routine. do you HATE it too?

>Remember, your pneumonia rates are up 37% in Moscow, totally normal, has nothing to do with corona-chan......
We did not had winter this year, so kinda expected desu

Russia is based and has a strongman running the place, we have a fucking faggot pinhead cunt sucking chink cock and has FUCKED us over! NO FUCKING FOOD ON THE SHELVES!

Because our leadership is Venezuela-tier

No, we learn English (or another language, but usually English) in school plus all manuals and stuff like that is in English. No problems at all with that. Other languages are fine too, not giving a shit.

based ruski

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Westerners are a bunch of faggots who have never faced a catastrophe before, that's the reason behind their response

I never understood the carpets on the walls. Just why

no chinese menace in russia?

Is this... heaven?!

You may be correct, but think the following. If the real numbers were times higher than officials stated, russian web would be full of videos made by relatives of victims, libtard sources of media would be screaming about this. But somehow things are silent as of now.

>Implying your local chink won't still just buy it all

shouldn't it be gone faster in a poor country though, I think amerilards are just birdbrained selfish idiots.
there were some cases in my cunt where people panic shopped a whole lot of yeast or tp or flour and they got slammed hard in papers and social media.

This. Chinks are a fucking plague

Comfy af, plus it covers the mold, piss stains and cracks on the walls

True. There would be dashcam footage of all this people vomiting and dying.


Why not buy shit that will last you two-three months to not have to make nigger lines like in a communist soup shack. Shit sucks and I prefer to hoard to not go out and be with disgusting niggers.

Canned beef anuses are in high demand and we have lots of them to satisfy everyones needs. Our warehouses are bursting at seems as we disscuss it.

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Corona is not the only thing happening in Russia

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Kek I guess, but man it must suck if a person has allergies to dust or something. I know id be sneezing every other minute.

>No possibility of scarcity in the horizon if SHTF. Everything is well organized logistically and socially-wise.
yeah, you can totally walk in to store rn and buy a medical mask and hand sanitizer. They absolutely did not dissapeared from shelves 2 weeks ago. 100%

based and redpilled

>Why does my supermarket look so Venezuela-tier
because america is a third world shithole

And you are dying like rats in the cage, while government pretends there is no pandemic. Just a flu, keep working, Ivan. Lets be honest: you are low-tier worker in this shop, you had a minute of free time before your boss Ahmed comes, so you decided to show how ruskie strong and how everybody is week. Well, the week is only you. Keep pretending ruskie is good country, until your streets will be full of bodies as much as your shelves full of cheap shit-taste food. Faggot.

i heard you ran out of alcohol LMAO

If only China had discussed what was happening incessantly on social media like America did, this country would've been prepared too.

Chinks lie = people die.

may be partially true, but you talking like you are any different, kek.

>Not having the pleasure of tasting pic related

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it's one thing to buy for long-lasting supplies, another thing entirely to buy whole shelves just because you're a scared panicky cunt.
I'm sure there are shops in every 2 mile radius there as there are in my country and if people weren't selfish retards they could easily ration the supplies of the shops and everyone usually patronizing the shops would have more than enough to live on during the quarantine.

yeah but do you have any of those chocolate eggs that are illegal in America because our fat kids are retarded and will choke on the toys that come inside?

Slava bogu, brat moy.

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True, but you can improvise and make it from your moms panties. Its not exclusive to Russia.

>all of the people pictured are obviously having a good time and make most out of what they have
>you are seething with rage
Rent Free.

Looks like your money is meme tier.

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Russia, despite its flaws, it easily a step ahead of the game compared to the rest of the world in terms of maintaining a proper supply chain. If there's one thing everyone needs to take into account when thus us all over it's...


Russia has been too far on the extreme side of this for ages but its paying off in dividends at a time like this. Russia has bans on nearly all imported goods. Nearly all food products MUST be made in Russia. Much of the reasons for this are less than scrupulous, but in an international crisis... their quality if life changes very little (not that it was amazing to start with).

The global dependence on China and other nations for manufacturing is what's absolutley killing most countries.


Imports are fine. International trade is fine... But never depend on imports for the majority of your nations essential goods.

Also...Blackpilled Russian women>>>>> Your gf

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You can just use some alcohol which is widely available if you want to sanitize your hands that much. It's quite cheap and comes in large bottles.
About masks not so sure.

Russian people are so poor that they do not buy TP even if they need it.

>Ukrainian calling out someone out for being weak.
Cope harder, also dilate. Im just but an ordinary toilet paper hoarder. Meanwhile your jewish government hasn't taken any safety measures to combat the virus yet and probably doesnt care at all.