Post the most based thing you own

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>the white man has become so pussified and infantilized he now finds pride in children's figurines designed to look like white men long ago who were real me
you've made me sad.


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Or its just funny you fucking puss.


these right here

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white skin

a penis

Backhoe. Someones gotta dig the mass graves

is it though?

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Based music

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Kek, now this is the kinda lego I’d cuck myself for.

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How is that tranny faggot supposd to be based?

muh dick

Christ you win, i want one so bad


T series?

The album aesthetic is heavily inspired by 1940s hitlers Germany

babble babble bitch bitch etc...
Best show I've ever seen was MM on the Grotesque Burlesque tour in Birmingham England. Was probably 2004.

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T series, 4:3, 1400x1050 panel

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Show them the CD artwork. It has MM in the style of the Schutzstaffel. It’s based and redpilled


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I have an English subbed copy of Triumph of the Will on VHS

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Sometimes I wear this to the store. I smirk whenever anyone notices lol

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Kek. Faggot.

Never was a fan of his music

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This is my problem solver.

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Own me a based Belgian Malinois and some farm equipment

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If that's a wedding band it's supposed to be gold and it's on tbe wrong finger.


How many guns do you fuckers need? Anything over 6 bores the fuck out of me.


A brain.

Also have this buckle too

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Not a bad model. good on ya. CC or open?

only because that's supposed to be scary to normalfaggots
and take off that gay meme flag you kraut retard

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My antique jew exterminator

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This is exactly why having "white skin" isnt an accurate marker of being huma . Case in point many kikes masquerade as humans due to having mixed with whites. Daily reminder pic related.

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You don't own that, IDF does.

that does not belong in your hands

I guess I just like owning lots of guns. I regularly choose 10 to load in my truck and go out to the range. It's fun to have a lot of variety. I have a lot of older models as well, like a mosin and a russian police issued markarov from 1951 or 1953, cant remember right now.

fucking sweeet

One of these bad boys can destroy someones entire home and if the fire department does not response quick enough their entire goddamn neighborhood

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Ah, I remember finding these on ebay, almost bought some, but they sold out quickly when I shared the link for them on here lol

Correction America does. Its on loan to the sand bugs.

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You're right, Mohammad should be given that because of his refugee status.


Some people collect guns, some cars, some cars and guns, there's stranger things to collect

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to the victor goes the spoils hans

may i inquire as to what this means?

Let's see America try and take it back. Never gonna happen

Concealed, small of back. Looking to get a smaller carry pistol because I'm a skinny twink and I print often if I dont have a hoodie.

100+ acres of trees and a sugar-shack to go with them

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Those are the best mice. Mine is 17 years old and it still works.

now that is fucking awesome

Nigger I took the photos on fb messenger and sent them to myself so I could forward it to my friends. Got a problem? You'll also see if you google search the image that no other results come up.


Just took this pic of My nightstand. My Jewish gf loves it when I wear it in bed

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nice, I really like this pistol, it is quite literally a $300 copy of a Glock brand Glock pistol.
I think S&W has to pay Glock $9 for every sale after a court case lol

They are reproductions, but pic related is authentic

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damn based


give it back

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>My Jewish gf

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I’m jealous. This is my dream, to make maple syrup

Constant references to swastikas, Hitler etc

You're a fucking idiot

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That's not based, it's just degenerate like you memeflaggot

i have a copy of my camp and a kekistani flag

Nice Luftwaffe sword

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She’s hot and makes my peepee feel nice

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>so I could forward it to my friends
Pro tip, don't ever take photos of your firearms. And most certainly don't pass those photos through unprotected servers.

You are an idiot.