/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2404 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 322,718 (+13,991) ► Died: 13,833 (+678)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 4667 deaths ~~~

All of urban India under lockdown, affecting 455 million

Virus hits Africa, Nigerians killed by chloroquine poisoning

Wuhan doesn't report new cases because they are not testing

38 year old civil guard dies in Spain, no previous conditions

Pakistan's Punjab, Sindh, KP and Balochistan on lockdown, 205 million

Peru under lockdown, 32 million people

Virus invades nervous systems

Coronavirus (SARS), not influenza (flu), not rhinovirus (cold)

Virus spreads through pipes

Virus affects blood circulation

Engineered SARS-related bat coronavirus caused polemic over risks

Jordan under lockdown, 9 million people

Iran coronavirus burial pits visible from space

California enacts state-wide lockdown, 39 million people

Duterte places Manila under lockdown, 13 million affected


05:14: First death and 52 new cases in Colombia.
04:30: 53 new cases in Russia.
03:31: 109 new cases in Germany.
03:06: 585 new cases and 25 new deaths in New York state, United States.
02:54: 168 new cases and 3 new deaths in California, United States.
02:52: 67 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
02:48: 97 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.


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Other urls found in this thread:


The lack of red dress Chun li in Corona threads is disturbing

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I think this might have something to do with the Wuhan institute of virology


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Chong Lee a shit phammer.

Nothing burger

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Why is it so bad, fellow bongs?

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Gary died. He wanted me to pass on his final message ''One Gary death, how long has it been stuck at one Gary death now''


>t. also coughing but nothing else

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based argie baker

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>cases have only risen 18k in the past 24 hours
i thought it was exponential growth? the models were wrong again?

How painful is corona death? I want to fucking end it all. Too bad it's a boomer killer though

>still no pastebin.com/6dFz4pEW link

Am I retarded or OP hasn't slept in two days? I haven't seen any other flags

fffuck China





My mom has a 38' C fever

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You know exactly what happened to Gary.

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>day 9 of incubation
>still shortness of breath and chest pressure, still no fever or coof of doom

Fuck this shit, it's making me mad paranoid

Fucking animals. Fuck the chinks

I'm just waiting for them to announce that the dead are coming back to life and killing people.

18k in 12 hours, genius

Lol like this is going to matter in a week or two. People will be selling their guns under the counter just to make ends meet.

How do I defend myself in CA? Guns are no-go

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There are
people in the world, schizo. BILLION. Do you realize how big a number that is?
70 million is 0.3% of that number.
You are collectively losing your schizo minds over a 0.3% death rate “world war” nothingburger.
Seriously. take. your. meds.
>inb4 shiiill shiilll, kraaut
No. Get. Your. Medication.

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>'Fit and healthy' nurse in intensive care with coronavirus
>A 'fit and healthy' nurse who was working on the frontline dealing with coronavirus patients, is now fighting for her life in hospital after being diagnosed with coronavirus, her devastated family has said.
>Areema Nasreen, a mum-of-three, tested positive for the virus after developing a soaring temperature, body aches and a cough, the Birmingham Mail first reported.
>The 36-year-old, who has no underlying health conditions, was taken to Walsall Manor Hospital after her condition worsened.
>We will bring you more as we get it.

yes you shouldn't panic though, it's becoming clear that unless you are elderly or with a compromised immune system you will probably be okay.

Worry about your old people if you have any

>an entire nation of sociopaths

What a fucking adventure.

no one cares about that shithole state

it's hard to find red chun pics cause she's usually almost always blue. i shooped this awhile ago to be red.

t. chun li pro

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I am actually beginning to worry.

From what I've read, it's a lot like drowning. Might want to rope yourself instead.

Who /comfy/ here?

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I-t's only a coof

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Guess the herd immunity isn't working out. I wonder if those experts thought about it for longer than a minute. Herd immunity means so many died that it's just the immune people left and very lucky unimmune people that managed to avoid getting infected. My guess is the experts plan to be those lucky ones. They don't actually care about the general populace.



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why the fuck do Chinese people do that

1 Death is too many when it's you.

why don't they kill the dog before doing that?

gook holocaust when?

>Loss of smell and taste with no blocked nose.

is this the end of the world guys?

>it's making me mad paranoid
you know what the symptons of being paranoid are? Chest pressure and shortness of breath

Uh, oh

Maybe she's just cold? Women get cold faster, because they bleed out most of their iron every month. #periodfacts

Why is she shaking?

>more deaths than recoveries
it's only going to get worse isn't it

regarding the last thread, do NOT take 500mg of Vitamin D3, jesus christ.
Take like 2000-10000 IU per day id you want, that's 50-250μg (mcg)
And then take it together with K2... like 50-200μg, depending on how much D3 you take or enjoy calcified arteries.

There's a very special place in hell for you.

The day is still young. Numbers tend to lag in the morning but creep up as more countries update their totals.

choose one

I think I got coronavirus, but already recovered since I'm young with no previous conditions
Will the test show if i actually got it and recovered or will it show negative even if I previously got it?
Also what is the consensus at this point on recovered patients?
Full immune or with a possibility on new infection?

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Thought it was a Hyena at first.

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I have bad lungs because I had like 3 cases of pneumonia in my youth
I had to be at the icu for like 3 week once

Californians chimping out about the 10 day grace period is funny.

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literally completely same symptoms as my mother of 55 yo yet she's been fever free within three days and two days later the coof attacks have stopped, still tired as shit though

because they literally believe torturing the animals before eating them makes them tastier.

USA just fucking nuke them

Any news about Germany?






Italia update when?

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Reminder to inhale your bf's cock scent daily to confirm that you haven't lost your sense of smell and that you don't have the virus

suffering is viewed as improving the flavor and making people healthier when they eat it. we’re talking about chinks here user.

She has to pee

Capcom vs snk 2 eo manual illustration checked

Yas Forums SFW when?

One of the worse kinda of deaths. Slowly drowning when you are trying to breath and each time you take a breath is like your lungs were cutting your chest from the inside with glass.

The only thing you can expect is to be one of the poor bastards that are put to sleep before dying and not just slowly die of it because there are no ventilators or beds for you in a hospital.

Is the type of death I wouldn't wish upon not even to my worse enemy.

no one cares about your shithole spic country

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People are telling him to take a rest. Reminder for OP that sleep plays a big part for condition of your immune system.

Please stop posting this.
Occasionally, I absentmindedly click on it.
And it angers me, when there's no one here to take an axe to.
It's very frustrating, and makes me more psychotic.

Wish I didnt see that. Nothing on Yas Forums rarely moves my stomach, but this got to me.

Sincerely fuck you to all chinese people. I wish you all the death and destruction, one can imagine. Your nation is a fucking shitstain on the planet.

>not understanding exponential growth

we clearly left some children behind

oh i am aware, i've had hyper ventilation before and i can tell whenever that pops up, regardless i still have the sense of something being inside my right lung that i want to cough up but i produce zero slime.

China 81,054 (3,261) Italy 53,578 (4,825) Spain 28,572 (1,753) United States 27,151 (349) Germany 23,974 (93) Iran 21,638 (1,685) France 14,459 (562) South Korea 8,897 (104) Switzerland 7,225 (80) United Kingdom 5,018 (244) Netherlands 4,204 (179) Belgium 3,401 (75) Austria 3,302 (16) Norway 2,251 (7) Sweden 1,906 (21) Portugal 1,600 (14) Denmark 1,395 (13) Canada 1,385 (20) Australia 1,353 (7) Malaysia 1,306 (10) Brazil 1,209 (18) Japan 1,086 (36) Turkey 947 (21) Israel 945 (1) Luxembourg 798 (8) Ireland 785 (3) Pakistan 730 (3) Diamond Princess 712 (8) Chile 632 (1) Finland 626 (1) Thailand 599 (1) Iceland 568 (1) Poland 563 (7) Ecuador 532 (7) Greece 530 (13) Indonesia 514 (48) Singapore 455 (2) Romania 433 (2) Slovenia 414 (1) India 391 (7) Philippines 380 (25) Russia 367 (1) Bahrain 332 (2) Peru 318 (5) Hong Kong 317 (4) Egypt 294 (10) Mexico 251 (2) Lebanon 248 (4) Panama 245 (3) Croatia 235 (1)…

China +46 (+6) Spain +3,076 (+372) United States +2,944 (+47) Germany +1,610 (+9) Iran +1,028 (+129) South Korea +98 (+2) United Kingdom (+11) Netherlands +573 (+43) Belgium +586 (+8) Austria +310 (+8) Sweden +136 (+1) Portugal +320 (+2) Canada +57 (+1) Malaysia +123 (+2) Poland +27 (+2) Indonesia +64 (+10) Romania +66 (+2) India +59 (+2) Philippines +73 (+6) Bahrain +22 (+1) Iraq +19 (+3) Colombia +14 (+1) Serbia +17 (+1) Hungary +28 (+2) Macedonia +30 (+1) Andorra +25 (+1) Burkina Faso +11 (+1) Tunisia +15 (+2) Afghanistan +10 (+1) Guam +12 (+1) Switzerland +362 Norway +87 Denmark +69 Australia +281 Brazil +31 Japan +32 Czech Republic +52 Israel +62 Luxembourg +128 Pakistan +85 Chile +95 Finland +103 Thailand +188 Iceland +95 Saudi Arabia +119 Singapore +23 Slovenia +31 Russia +61 Estonia +20 Hong Kong +43…


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Feels like drowning, but more slowly from what I've read.

What does pneumonia feel like

I mean if it's "him" it wouldn't actually be too many. May be the perfect number, actually.

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India lockdown?
Tear shit up corona-chan, poo in the who screwed you!

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No way. The world will still exist as long as there's one man and one woman in meeting distance. If only 1% of the planet is immune then that's still enough people to repopulate. It'll be higher than 1%. Like 3%, maybe. Humanity will be fine. I can't speak for the planet's current inhabitants, though.

This is why I hope the CCP are lying and millions of chinks have already died.

If my grandma dies, I'll personally genocide the entire province of Wuhan

Get a rocket launcher

/comfy/ squad reporting in. My 14 liters of homebrew mead will be ready in a month, gonna use it to bargain for supplies if the need arises.

>inb4 yes, it's in a bathroom

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help bros I need tp for my bunghole




I think I'm a vegetarian now. What the fucking fuck is wrong with people.


Thats literally the only reason I come to those threads

>3k new cases in NYC

>mr Weedman : We will take steps when we have no choice but to take them weeks too late
Thanks for reading

yeah, ok nuke them

this honestly, one more webm and I will go to china

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he died today check back tomorrow

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No you are not, he is really going all out

They think the suffering makes it taste better

Embrace her love

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the original is blue though, also double checked.

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>all these threads
do you even sleep, argiebro?

>that weak faggot Laschet prevented the nationwide curfew and even chastised PM of Bavaria for it
There will be a reckoning with Merkelites once this is over. If anything except Bavaria is left of Germany that is

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How the Virus Got Out

With each patient infecting two or three others on average, even a perfect response may not have contained the spread.
But Chinese officials did not alert the public to the risks in December. It wasn’t until Dec. 31 that they alerted the World Health Organization and released a statement — and a reassurance.
“The disease is preventable and controllable,” the government said.

The timing of the outbreak could not have been worse. Hundreds of millions of people were about to travel back to their hometowns for the Lunar New Year.
Here’s how people moved around on Jan. 1, according to a Times analysis of data published by Baidu and major telecoms, which tracked the movements of million of cell phones.

The departures from Wuhan accelerated over the next three weeks. About 7 million people left in January, before travel was restricted.

By the time Chinese officials acknowledged the risk of human-to-human transmission on Jan. 21, local outbreaks were already seeded in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities.

As the outbreak moved across China in early January, international travel continued as normal.

Thousands of people flew out of Wuhan to cities around the world.

>tfw everyone was worried about fema deaths camps under Obama but it will actually happen under Trump

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>Report unusual behavior.
>Barricade you homes.
>Avoid all contact with infected individuals.
>Wait for official instructions.

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You will get reinfected.
There is no immunity

probably still better off than us

i like how we can all agree on this
fuck chinks, they are subhuman scum, even worst than spics, arabs, niggers, jews, or anything that you can think of

press n to nuke china

things seem to be normal and more calm here. is this thing reaaly nothing burger and not such a big deal or is everyone just in delusional coping mode now becaus life and society is about to collapse? i honestly dont know what to believe anymore


lets send nukes to the gooks

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>chink eats a bat
>Entire world is fucked now
Seriously, how can they keep getting away with this

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I think they can test if you're showing antibodies for it. No idea if that's being rolled out yet or not

6 PM you dumb kraut

No expert in his right mind was promoting the /herd/ immunity meme

It was a decision based on economic factors than medical. Boris was too afraid to stop the economy so they came up with excuse and this meme reasoning behind it.
These weeks lost will be the reason behind the death surge coming up in next weeks.
And they will halt the economy anyway.

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>53 new cases in Russia, an urbanized country of 150 million.



holy based

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>Why is she shaking?
Angela Merkel has advanced Parkinson's disease. You must take a special drug to reduce the symptoms, problem is it must be dosed precisely. Take too much, you end up shaking like a chihuahua, take too little, you are an unmoving zombie.

>Virus affects blood circulation
Looks like an excuse to cover for hemorrhagic fever.

low iq post
sasuga poltart

"Goyim, Israel has a COVID-19 vaccine, only 666 shekels, but today, just for Jew, only 660 shekels! Such a deal!"


Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak


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>niggers can't understand exponential growth
Those articles of years ago were right, math is racist.

22364 infected in Germany, 84 dead
285 Hamburgers infected in a single day

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For the Glory of Corona-chan:

>close eyes, sit in a kneeling position on a comfy cushion or stool. visualize Corona-chan in preferred form in front of you in a white room sitting or standing as you prefer, transferring energy from one another). hold tip of tongue to roof of mouth while breathing in through nose. breathe out and chant through mouth slowly,.

Ia Ia Zi Azag!
Ia Ia Zi Azkak!
Ia Ia Korona Zi Kur Ia!

Repeat slowly for about 36 repetitions (extend one finger each recitation on hands, then at ten re-close them, repeating until 36 is done to shift focus from counting), then slowly bow your head, finish saying "Ave Korona-chan" before opening eyes.

Let's make a Corona-chan godform

Attached: Corona-chan.jpg (648x772, 93.04K)

Well that explains.
>The community of Chinese people in Italy has grown rapidly in the past ten years. Official statistics indicate there are at least 320,794 Chinese citizens in Italy, although these figures do not account for illegal immigration, former Chinese citizens who have acquired Italian nationality or Italian-born people of Chinese descent.

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No curfew apparently, only Kontaktverbot for 3 and more people

There's different kinds.
I had the kind that gives you a sharp pain down the side, hurts to move.
Did nothing for it, and it eventually went away.
Some kinds fill your lungs with fluid, some fill the sack around your heart with fluid, these two are very dangerous.

Like being trapped under a heavy piece of furniture

oh here's the high rez original one i did. the other pic was resized for a graphic i did.

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This general has more shizos than the whole of /x/

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/r/equesting the picture of ebola-chan and corona-chan comparing their boobs (death counts) and ebola-chan being jealous of corona-chan

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growth is slowing down in norway.
same in other european countries
it's a US domestic issue now, maybe spreads to latin america and africa
global happening cancelled
it's over

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God im unironically itching for war with China.

>chink eats bat
>bat meets world
>world meets nature (again)

Pol is always delusional. It's definitely not an everythingburger but not a nothingburger either.

It's somethingburger.


The only thing that is gives me hope is that the CCP is most likely lying and there are millions of dead chinks in China right now. Fucking animals.

Hopefully soon.
I Remeber finding disturbing and atrocious what the nips did in Nanchino in WWII, now I think they were forward looking.

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please give me the vaccine daddy schlomo

chinks are subhumans and need to be exterminated from the planet. to the last one.

Fuck off coofer

He sleeps in the night and wakes up early bro.


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So who's fault is it? The Chinese, the Americans, the Jews, or the wasp elite (Bill Gates, Rockefeller)?

I just came back from a supply run.
Family did not allow me to wear goggles on my face when going out to protect myself. They literally forced me back in just as I was getting ready to leave. Had to wear sunglasses instead of goggles.
Nobody will even recognize me lol, my face is completely obstructed. You STILL care more about your social image even now during a goddamn pandemic??

I think that's more crazy than anything else, that together with the fact they didn't even prep for this shit, I'm the only one that went out to stock up on water and a few other essential stuff.

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time to summon a succubus I am getting lonely


Herd immunity works with existing viruses. New viruses eventually cause herd immunity but only after a brutal infection rate during the initial spread.

/cvg/ is full of trannies now

A guy was sneezing in the grocery store yesterday. Am I fucked?

Everytime you breath (if you can at all) there is a bubbling/gurgling/rattling sound you hear in your chest. Que *COOF COOF COOOOOF* every time you take a breath and the weakness is flu level x10,000. So scratch going to work, hell even getting out of bed. To think this illness weakens your immune system ON TOP of contracting pneumonia. Yeah, very very tough battle for survival, if you are young. If you are older it is close to a death sentence.

The fucked up thing about this chink virus is that it would be really tricky to find out if you have it. Either you have a shortness of breathing without the rest of the symptoms or you could have coofs but no fever or vice versa. And you need several symptoms at this point to get tested, not so looking good Mr. Chang.

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Move. Now

I taught ESL in China for six months once

They don't wash their hands when they go to the bathroom or cover their mouths when they sneeze/cough

Proper hygiene could have prevented this

367 cases in Mother Russia.
Should I be worried, user?

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Good job, user.

Are your new cases stagnating or dropping?

You still haven't explained what a godform is

Authoritarian countries>(((Democratic))) ones

The ITALIANS have invited a brigade of the RUSSIAN ARMY into Italy to help with the virus.
They are on the way right now.

A NATO member turned to Russia rather than NATO and EU.
Shows who the real enemy is.

>no one cares about New York

Flyover people are weirdly insecure.

Nice user, wish I learned how before coronachan

Is that what counts as white nowadays?

>that video
if it really was white people it would be front page news

1K Italian deaths today/tomorrow?

based chinks, torturing and killing muh dogs
>be in my country
>it's currently illegal to travel/meet in groups larger than 3 people and people are recommended to limit travelling outside only for urgencies
>have dog
>you are legally allowed to wander around (with your dog) all the fucking day, not giving a shit about anything and anyone all the while the police are not allowed to touch you

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Chinks aren't people

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>lockdown for less than a week
>anons already making toilet hooch

I expected nothing less.


+94 infected, +2 dead

>change of test criteria
>number of cases lower

I'm making 5 gallons right now.
Your rig looks...complicated...though.
Mines just in a brew vat with a average vapor lock.

>Lithuanian bathtub booze


No need to request. Just lurk more

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strap a belt across your chest.
and chough up snot from your lungs every few minutes for weeks.
It's fun

How old are you?

There is no immunity. This is why the "herd immunity" meme the UK is following is complete utter bullshit, the UK is a ticking time bomb.

Tasty *smacks lips*


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How was the gook boipussy?

Get in the Cuck Cage, peasant!

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>1 million romanians
>0.5 million albanians
kek how does Italy even exist still

I hope it kills all americans

Are the deceased people still tested for death?

>Cuomo says this lifestyle will be anywhere from 4-9 months
Fuck this. Just let the virus run rampant and have the genetically unfit die off. We can all get back to our lives faster.

What game is this from?

Wait, no one is going to call him on the 2 billion number?

Its 7 billion in the world.

t.butthurt cosmopolitan blue checkmark NY liberals



>Violent riots break out in Kenya after the police tried to close a popular market as part of quarantine measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

We doubling now boys.

CHECKED! Chun-li's turtle style 3rd Strike reporting in

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friendly reminder that chinks are subhumans

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