Rural areas most susceptible to COVID-19

Rural areas most susceptible to COVID-19

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Aren't you also a lot less likely to catch the bat flu if you live in a rural area?

agenda 21 incoming

Yes. It's most dangerous out here. Stay in your cities.

Yes, but the lack of resources in a lot of rural areas are what is making covid 19 deadlier

>Coastal cities in chaos


Death rates

Attached: 47F3F098-08E0-4B34-BA87-7B971F6386FD.jpg (1242x2027, 440.79K)

I can testify to this. Rural areas are terrifying right now and cities are the safest. Stay in your large city. They have greater access to resources.

only rural and suburban retards can get covid19, all the city people are immune.

>rural areas most vulnerable
>Jew York has about half the cases in USA

I think you have better chances if you're NOT surrounded by dangerous urban predators and tyrannical government thugs, personally.

Right, and the resources to handle it. Stay in cities. It is the safest bet.

Incorrect. Stay in cities, for your health and safety.

based. nothing like a global pandemic to make people willing to give up their rights
what happens when said resources run out? you can't shoot a deer or grow a garden, can you?

What about the death rates for just being innawoods away from everyone with no infection?

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But that's where food comes from

rural areas are only vulnerable if the virus is spread there by rats fleeing their sinking ships. Rural communities that adopted strict quarantines ahead of this will be fine.

Supply lines have not been compromised and cities get priority. They are much safer.

lmao at this obvious shill disinformation. Can't catch the coof if no one is around to share it.

Cognitive dissonance in overdrive

Yes, goyim. Come into the big city and pay fortunes to live in a hole and get robbed daily by the urban market.

Right, so city people should stay in the cities where they are safer and have greater access to resources.


>rUraL aReAs mOsT SuScEpTibLe tO CoViD-19
yes definitely crowd into new york city if you believe this

>Washington Post claiming something that makes no sense and isn't true for clickbait
imagine my shock

Their point probably is that if there are rural outbreaks and urbanites have fled there, the capacity of rural health care isn't enough to respond. Over here lots of people have fled corona-chan to cabins in the North, and if shit really hits the fan there they seriously can provide intensive care for serious respiratory diseases for only like ~10 people at time.

>lack of resources
Even NYC has few ventilators. Which is what you need to treat severe cases effectively, at least, from my understanding.

>4.2 death rate in sample size of 120 million, average population density 10,000/sqkm
>6.9 death rate in sample size of 20 million, average population density 0.01/sqkm

I've seen opposite info. Rural areas least likely to get hit. Plus rural people are more self sufficient. Don't ask me to dig up the info, not enough fucks given

If you live in a city you're also far more likely:
•to die from crime
•to get cancer
•to be killed in an accident
•to be afflicted with a mental illness
•to contract an STD


>Just stay in the city user the country is lawless and dangerous we will protect you
Top lel

Pathetic from the WaPo and the article is motivated by the usual reasons. Rural people are more conservative, so the WaPo wants it to be true that rural is worse. Because there cant possibly be anything good about rural america. And Trump said there is less of a problem in the midwest or south (cant remember where he actually said) and of course the WaPo absolutely cant have that is must find a way ton contradict him. Fucking pathetic, petty, nasty pieces of shit at the WaPo.

And nothing of value was lost.

They just want to mobalize the guard nation wide. Keeps down on the bank runs

This is the only person in the thread who even read the article. The other point they are making us that people in rural areas tend to be much older, even older than 50 in the chart shown, so the mortality rates of rural areas will be higher because of that.

I feel like death rates 50+ may not account for underlying age differences in city versus rural areas.

Lol k

How do you get 100000 in a rural area? Did we all seem stupid?

Hippy communes and cults will be hardest hit. farmers and regular urban people will be fine.

>stay in the cities
>stay in rural areas
no, stay in suburbia

Attached: suburbia.jpg (3000x1467, 2.49M)

>this is your brain on retardation

rural and suburban retards BTFO
Hilldawg's revenge!

>what happens when said resources run out? you can't shoot a deer or grow a garden, can you?
No no, oshh, the countryside and rural areas are the MOST dangerous, don't go to them. Also, Canada is collapsing, make sure all the niggers, kebabs, and kikes know not to come here. Save yourselves!

What a load of crock. Rural ppl are already socially distanced and I'd bet the Amish are the healthiest of all.



Not a problem if you fuckers don't make it into town.
Fun fact, this virus was prophesied back in 2008 by a psychic that died in 2013.

Monsanto liked this post

yes. it is going to be very dangerous out here. you should stay safe in your cities where you will have access to help.

international travel hubs are death traps.

why would "flyover" states be more at risk.

good, let the rural and suburban retards die, real city people will be better for it.

"People are going to get sick and die I guess."

Also NJ has had .50 person dying increase daily. 163.8 per day in NJ. An OD kills 2x the amount that the Flu does

Totally bull crud. If you get Chinese Virus and you live in the sticks, 911 will 4x4 or helicopter you to a hospital just like if you break your leg hiking.
The first victim in Eastern WA was an 80 year old lady from Quincy which is wheat fields for miles (and coincidentally also a major internet data hub) and she was cared for in Wenatchee, where of course she died anyway cos she was 80 and they didn't know about chloroquine apparently.

My town has 3k people and a full hospital, I think im good.

No the lady actually called for a flu like virus that attacks the lungs that we can't stop that will disappear for 10 years before returning. It's spoopy as fuck how accurate she was.

>yes goy stay in the city its safe trust me

nah im staying put out in the sticks

>more likely to die if you catch it in rural area
>but way less likely to catch it
>more likely to survive if you catch it in urban
>but way more likely to catch it
wow its nothing

>It's not safe where the food is produced and you have access to fresh air and water and you actually know your neighbors.

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>“In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely,” the book reads. -Browne

rural populations tend to be older right dumbass

Lol nice try conservitard. The authorities will lock you down and take your IMMORALLY hoarded goods and distribute them to everyone to ensure FAIRNESS and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Oh btw, well be addressing your problematic behaviors and beliefs while in your hick towns. See you soon sweeties ;)

typical jewish pitpul

Is this some liberal cope?

Farmers control the food fuckface. You aren't doing much urban farming beyond your weed. You don't get priority when it comes to our food kek.

Yes. The further they are away from dirty rednecks, the better. City people need to stay where it is clean and all the resources are. There is no tp, masks, or vaccinated children in rural areas, they cling to God and guns.

Then get ready JOE PRESIDENT!!!!

it's okay. their time is up. times will be hard for us, but we will come to abandon these "institutions" in time.

>I can testify to this. Rural areas are terrifying right now
Don't worry we will send the national guard to take your guns and keep the flyovers safe.

This, avoid rural parts of the country at all costs if you're from urban areas.
THEY'LL SHOOT, probably.

Ruralfag here. This is nonsense. I am 80% self sufficient. Electricity is the only thing I get from the grid. I have an Artesian Well and Natural gas well on my land. I grow multiple crops (but corn and basedbeans and blueberries for profit). My nearest neighbor is 6 miles away. Closet town is population 1200 and is 26 miles away.
I almost never go to town. Only occasionally for little shit that I can't get here like frosted flakes (favorite cereal) or ice cream.
They just want an excuse to either A. Get us to come into their cities. Or B. Get us to accept their FEMA/Natty Guard Lockdown.

No one at WaPo has ever been to a rural area, but sure, let's listen to them.

>IMMORALLY hoarded goods
>How absolutely dare you, sir!
womp womp

This. We have to contend with bears. They're waking up right about now and they are gonna be PISSED! Stay far away from anyplace that might have bears. We'll do our best to keep them out here in the wild. Just hunker down in the cities and save yourselves.