Porn ruins your sexual technique. It must be banned

Especially now that everyone is stuck inside, stop watching porn if you want to actually please a real woman. You are conditioning your brain to use ineffective techniques. It must be banned to prevent this in the youth.

>I hate porn because fucking men who have watched a lot of porn is the worst. The absolute worst.
>Most porn is about watching women pretend to enjoy sex acts that are unpleasant to them. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is. Men who watch this type of porn are basically being taught sexual practices that will not work in real life
>the only moves you’re learning are moves that will leave your partners miserable.
>More than that, however, is men become accustomed to watching women pretending to be turned on

Research on mutually effective sexual techniques. Essentially, make sure everything is aligned:
And another here: JSMT- CAT Overview 2000 (corrected).pdf

Petition to begin the banning process:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw that is not your wife and your son

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Simply not true.

It's a meme. A feeling. The shapes and colors on the screen are something you can achieve

oh he said porn oh man i gotta go rub one out. oh fuck oh yeah im gonna.... im gonna... COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH

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Very true. Also take a look at Porn is a causal factor in degeneracy.

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your mom was easy enough to please

I'm going to be that user and remark that the guys who develop a porn addiction are those who don't have much of a chance to sleep with a woman in the first place

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>Be pole, hate women
>Make memeflag thread on pole, about pleasing women

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i bet she takes BBC behind her cuck husband back

holy mother of based poster right here boys


this webm makes me see too much love, too much easy times, i see weakness and white apathy. this Happening of Happenings will end this apathy. I'd rather see a woman with bow and arrow showing her son how to hunt in the woods and skin rabbit than this liberal urban floozy jitterbugging with her son who was destined to grow up and be another rich liberal cunt. but now he will either become a man or die.

Unironically I used a lot of techniques from hentai and porn with my first time to make her cream the bed. Shit bait

Pretty good porn. Is there more of it? I want to try this technique.

Why would you try to please a woman during sex? Female intimacy is when you're hugging on the sofa or kissing at the door. Sure men can enjoy this but not nearly as much as the woman so you put a bit more effort in making her comfortable. The opposite is true of sex as men get way more pleasure out of it so it's the woman's turn to make the man more comfortable.

Define hating women? If it's something like "thinking of women as walking vaginas", your crush probably hates women too

Of course user, you need to watch real men in BLACKED or BLACKED-RAW to learn how to please a woman.

you can almost see her panties...

I have too, maybe some vanilla porn positions aren't fun in real life but there's a lot of different stuff out there

Coronavirus is the cure.
Fuck these degenerate jewish scumbags exploiting people for profit. Let them all coof to death.


that's her nephew and she is fucking Ben Affleck

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>Listening to a hole
/cuckold is this way


Nah put her into the mating press with her legs on your shoulders
If she can stretch it's better because mating press is perfect for your dick to reach her deepest spots

Pic is so deeply unrelated

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Eat a dick christcuck.

>please a real women
Whiteknight faggot, real women are whores. They aren't worth pleasing.

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Caring about what women think is what got us into this dystopia.

Imagine being autistic enough to care about this. lmao.

God, I want to have a wife. And I want to live outside of the civilization and have lots of children.

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Shut the fuck up Vult nigger. I'll continue living with money, health and other shit, but i'd rarther have my eyes gauged out by a rusty spoon then have a wife and kids.
Marriage and Kids = Modern slavery
If you think differently then you're a kike

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>eat a dick cuck
lol says the guy desperately defending his habit of watching girls eating other men's dicks

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Imagine destroying your soul because you are too weak to resist your sinful urge to coom

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The majority of white women voted for Trump

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Shaddup OP

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just stick in there

Oh the shame! I'm so ashamed!
Go shame the sluts, idiot.
Jerking off to erotic images should not be considered shameful in a world of unchaste women completely devoid of virgin brides.
There is no shame in cooming in such a world.

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>>More than that, however, is men become accustomed to watching women pretending to be turned on
Unironically and literally why Blacked porn is good, the women enjoy it and are really aroused

This is neither cope nor seethe, but the worst of both combined into one. Be not like this wanking incel, anons

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No the op is she-chink.
>she thinks posts like these will make white men to want she-chinks and their mongrel spawns.
Chinks have VERY low sex drive. I've dated one for some years, I regret this and I know them well to hate them. Of course they DON'T want sex in any form. Maybe in a beginning to gain control, but then...again used as a control tool.

Wrong, vro. The best way to give the middle finger to sluts is to learn how to control your lust. Your porn is free only because some other coomer paid for it, never forget it

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Only read the headline. Yes ban it. I’ve only seen maybe 30 mins of porn ever and it’s seared into my mind like an abuse experience. It puts me off sex.

>touching your own dick is just as bad as defiling women.
>you should stop touching your dick and marry a roastie

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>wanting to ban porn in a time when lots of single men are cooped up indoors and growing increasingly restless

This is how civil wars are started.

>you need porn to masturbate
Half the time I don't even use porn. I coom all day without shame because there are no virgin women.

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why must that be the case?

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That graph coincides with the increase in transgender surgeries between 2010-2020

I can't find the graph but it's from Tavistock

Your happening isn't happening.
You will still be a loser in the new world.

You are the one who said "Jerking off to erotic images", vro. Or are you referring to hentai? That's somewhat better I suppose

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let me give you a quick rundown, the jews are using a supernatural stimulus (porn) to lower the birth rate of goyim while turning a profit.
the supernatural stimulus (porn) is an artificial over the top stimulation of normal human responses, this in turn desensitizes the normal responses of the reward system. This particular type of supernatural stimuli (sex) is actually used to lower populations of things we don't like (insects, etc...)

Not just a hole, but chink-hole.

Pretty much, except I'm just lazy. Why should I waste a bunch of time trying to impress a thot when I can just use my computer and my hand to jerk off?

No goys! Porn makes you happy. Who wants a terrible White woman anyway. Just play vidya. Let Jamal and Tyrone have them.

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Women are more likely to get pregnant if they orgasm during intercourse

Pleasing a woman is easy, all you have to do is pay attention to her body's reactions to what you're doing

T. Never made a woman cum

>Men who watch this type of porn are basically being taught sexual practices that will not work in real life
>>the only moves you’re learning are moves that will leave your partners miserable.
How about linking videos that teach the correct technique

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Fuck off.

Not everyone gets to be part of the sexual market place hierarchy.

If you don't want to watch porn then don't, stop telling others not to.

>visit OP's links
>the website they're hosted on no longer works

Either this is very stale pasta, or someone shut it down.