Martial law coming to PA: ITS HAPPENING

Here it is PA Bros. Martial law this week. Wait for the kike governor to make the call tonight. Pic very related.

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I hope a nigga does. Then it's time to do some insurgent shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if this causes a mad rush on already low supplies. Task force, military and state police will be in everyajor city and town controlling the masses. Here we go!


>quarantine is the same as martial law
you people really are retards

I was given a similar letter from my PA employer on Friday. We are not a health care provider. We are manufacturing.

Moron. This paper must be presented to a LEO to let the person travel. That is MARTIAL LAW!

> That is MARTIAL LAW!

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OP I got the same document to keep ahold of at my work. California here, it really is happening aint it.

>same exact rules and procedure as martial law
>changed name to "quarantine"
>def not martial law now
kys faggot

based goyim

Fake and gay. Courts would not let this fly. They slapped wolf down when he tried to ban gun sales during this they sure as shit won't let this fly.

t. 215 and worried about our rights.

It’s not going to happen, faggot, PA will run wild in these niggers

his/her place of employment?

Umm has anyone brought up how gender-exclusive this language is? This is problematic.

The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the one.

Thanks for not spelling it “marshall or marshal law”

Right here nigga!

Got my letter. Gotta drive from Wash Pa to Pittsburgh for work. Hope I don’t get shot at.

so all i need to do is type up some paper saying how i'm needed at a job with a company's watermark on it? really shitty blockade.

Got mine this morning

Seems I'm the only one without a letter in Pa to let me work. Lol. I'll just ride my bike to work I guess.

If you work for an essential business such as GameStop, then yes, that’s all you need.

I'm not sure what you mean user.

My Aunt in WA said she was told to wear her badge while driving to work from now on.

This. I’ll be going back to the local gun store tomorrow, as it will be open because they already stated they will refuse to shut down no matter what unlawful decree this faggot governor wants to give. I hope every democrat and “blue dog” dies from this virus.

They're starting with the red states first, since they will put up the most resistance.

He’s saying that if a bunch of boomers might die, the courts would have good reason to shut shit down to save their voter base, effecting you although you probably won’t get sick. Their needs outweigh yours.


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license and ergistration

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I got one too!

Mail? On a Sunday?

Oh yeah, I live in CA

Haha, can't believe Americans are stupid enough to allow themselves to be put under martial law. Now I will come shit in your supermarkets, since that seems to be such a popular activity over there for you scumbags.

some unfortunates of this world have to work on sunday, user

Stop samefagging you fucking retard.

This martial law is not intended to remove guns or other freedoms as the multiple,previous martial law scares years ago used to claim.please don't be idiots and act like retards people.

I got mine too

SouthEast Pa user here. Locked and Loaded.

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I stated before the more important tyrant move was shut down, I don't think this will fly or desu it's real I'm not at all feeling safe for rights tho.

Did you get the Koshervirus?

Symptoms include:
1)High levels of fear from kike media
2)Kike politicians forcing your employer to go out of business.
3)Government giving you socialistic gibs.
4)High levels of unconstitutional lockdowns by kike politicians.
4)A vaccine already created by kikes ready to go for the goy

>This martial law is not intended to remove guns or other freedoms

ok kike whatever you say

My boss handed them out

Picked up a load in Modesto yesterday and got a paper with it saying I'm allowed to drive.

Those letters have been going out nationwide, for various essential industries, for several days now.

Here's one for communications workers.

Attached: Broadcast-Fuel-Letter-Basic-Letter-03162020.png (850x1100, 150.62K)

You getting shot or arrested if you don't have it?
If the answer is "no", then not martial Law.

>signed by health employee and not from the office of JeWolf

That’s less impressive than the fact I still have toilet paper after eating a role a day for the last 8 weeks

Same here in MO. Mother has been in charge of an ER for 45 years, she got her pass on Friday in the case that she is stopped by government officials

It's because the lazy fucking retards will refuse to work if others are getting to sit at home this causing a breakdown in essential services like pizza and burger production for the ruling class and .gov workers who are still getting paid

I’m in Cali and my job is considered ‘essential’ and I didn’t receive anything of this nature. Quit lyin faggot.

They're calling these

>Stay at Home Orders

They're implementing them in a lot of cities and states this upcoming week.

As far as I understand theyre not exactly legal mandates but extremely strong "suggestions". What actually happens if people disobey? I have no idea. My assumption is some kind of fine that could probably be fought in court.

We're not at the point if Marshall Law... yet. They're testing the waters expecting people to adhere to these guidelines or simply warming us up in phases as to avoid a complete shitstorm.

Then again I could be totally wrong.... feel free to correct me if I am.

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Ok retard.I wish I was a kike then maybe I'd have money instead of being a poorfag.

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If this happens then the war begins.
Don't forget. Fill your Tesla with Tannerite and set it to autopilot at top speed towards the checkpoint

I'll tell ya, this lock down isn't going to fuck up my home time. I'm gonna go for a ride into the mountains and have a beer.
Fuck you ZOG

>correct me if I am

You will get arrested you absolute toilet paper rush buyer.

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>It's because the lazy fucking retards will refuse to work
Maybe some of them, but I've been impressed with USPS and my city's public works dept. during all of this - probably helps that my area is 98% White.

>shit in our supermarkets
You won't be able to wipe lmao

"Self Quarantine" is the other one. It's not martial law but they are trying they're damnedest

user, I.....

Not if you shoot the traitors in the face.


the similar language really activates the almonds

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Yeah it’s a slow roll out. First it’s suggestions then it’s mandatory.

Then the power and comms will be shut down and traitors will be executed in their homes.

We already are well aware of this outcome in new orleans. I think the cajuns can handle a few rowdy niggers.

This is also important.

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wait for the nigs to start rioting in the cities. after that starts - the state won’t have extra resources to stop freedom fighters

I don't believe they'll be able to enforce it against individuals. They have resorted to weaponizing the bureaucracy against businesses. Gov. Wolf is using the PSP to enforce his non-essential business shutdown starting tomorrow., however the biggest "stick" in his arsenal is pulling state-issued permits for non-compliance.
(which makes a good argument against asking the state for permission (permits) in the first place. They can't take away what they've never given)