Why are whites like this ?

-Young German adults hold “corona parties" and cough toward older people.
- In Clichy-Sous-Bois, a Paris suburb, a person bit a police officer trying to enforce confinement rules
- A Spanish man leashes a goat to go for a walk to skirt confinement orders.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-22 Virus Rebels From France to Florida Smirk at Lockdowns.png (725x757, 553.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Your elders took care or your country the best they could. Our elders took all the wealth and pulled up the ladder. They deserve no respect and will get none.

>German """youths"""
>Paris suburb

sauce on the one in the middle?

why are blacks like this?

Attached: lagos nigeria covid patient.webm (220x400, 1.74M)

Yes the youth in Japan is notoriously well treated and well adjusted.

I fucking hate my braindead generation.

She is hyperventilating. That isn't corona, its hypochondria.

Undoubtedly these “youths” are “asian”

Zoomers are fucking scum in comparison to millennials and that's fucking saying something.

>yfw you just realized the boomer meme "coincidentally" popped up right before this "sudden" pandemic started

I was in gookland last week. Nobody gives a fuck about coronavirus there.

This. If I get the virus I'm going to coof on as many elderoids as I can, if I die then I die.

It could mutate and become more deadly. Why would you want diseases that have no cure floating about in the public user? The v2 could be bubonic

Hehe heh panic fags gonna die bc of the plaque anyways heheheh heh k3k

It's a manifestation of the current psychic constitution of the spirit of the collective unconscious of the millenials of the western world.

They are bored, filled with malaise, nihilistic sentiment, cultural decimation by feminism and the death of the patriarchal institutions which keep the foundations of the country stable ... and they clearly want it all to be over.

Why wouldn't they want the generations which did this to them to suffer?

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the virus doesnt kill whites user

Because we humans never learn from our mistakes: youtu.be/VJrm8V5KmPs

Based zoomzooms upholding the values that were handed to them.
Stay seething *cough cough* boomers.

spoiled brat.
no humans in history have lived such a cushy life style and all you can do is whine like a bitch.
me me me.

pathetic little faggot

because fuck boomers + modern society raised kids to be nihilistic pieces of shit with no empathy because everything around them is invaded shit fuck nigger bitch sage ass

Have sex

They are ethnically german you wehraboos. Not that I'd expect you to know what's going on.

We are so protected and safe people have lost all common sense, maybe millions dying from the virus will teach us a lesson we need to learn.

except, you know, boomers.

you have to go back Amhed, the dessert is waiting

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This. Now is the time to end this shit.

Doing our part to weed the elderly and boomers out, if they cared about us they would have left a better country.

>this is the best time to be alive, everything is great!

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Is het een dame blanche? ;-)

Boomers should pull their immune systems up by the bootstraps and give the virus a firm handshake. Maybe their fourth mortgage or their boat/rv can help them self isolate.

Why are incels so stupid?


>muh grammar
I suggest learning dutch before you go and correct others grammar sand monkey. Or even better go back to your shithole of a country!

Bruin onderkruipsel

>shoved kids into concentration camps we call an education system that regularly sends kids into psychopathic murder sprees.
> permanently destroyed all countries via immigration.
>bought up all available housing to sell back at inflated prices. Rode the biggest debt wave all the way to retirement.
>flayed your own sons dick for Jew overlords.
>destroyed all institutions for turning boys into men and men into gentlemen. Instilled feminism and the SJW globohomo.
Not even beginning to scratch the surface, but hey, you bought your kids Burger King so they owe you one, right? Hope you enjoy that nursing home your kids are going to pick out just for you.


1) The world economy was already going to crash into a second Great Depression in 2020.

2) This was going to cause mass chaos and riots in the streets in every country around the world, as well as a public awakening about the robbery of the financial elite class.

3) Some way had to be invented both to excuse the economic collapse, and to get people quarantined into their houses for the police state to take over.

4) The coronavirus was made the pretext for this, and people were cajoled into accepting it by the media incitement of mass panic.

5) The coronavirus therefore not only saves the elite class from blame during the inevitable collapse, but allows them to impose any authoritarian measures they wish on the general public. Totalitarianism will be implemented.

6) People will be made isolated, jobless, and, with the UBI which is now coming out, dependent on the state.

7) People will be forced to take vaccinations and be microchipped in order to come back into normal life (see Bill Gates on Reddit recently). These microchips will be the beginning of a system which controls your life.

8) They will tell you that you need this microchip to go back to work, get on an aeroplane, or participate in society in any meaningful way.

9) As part of a depopulation agenda, the vaccines will also weaken your immunity and make you sick.

10) The sickness will be used as a pretext for more quarantines, more totalitarianism, further vaccines, ad infinitum.

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The younger white generation hates the older generation because the older generation DISINHERITED them (reverse mortgage) as Tom Selleck Asked them too.

Also the older generation banned marrying little girls the world over and spread women's rights everywhere: even to muslim countries.

The older generation enjoyed themselves in their youth: then banned everything they used to enjoy and jail the mmaaaaallleesss of the younger generation for it.
>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

Attached: animeisalwaysontopic.jpg (600x338, 27.42K)

>the problem is race, and not an entire generation of retards that grew up with "do whatever you want, what you want to do is what's right" that are just starting to hit the age where they'll have money and free time

>5) The coronavirus therefore not only saves the elite class from blame during the inevitable collapse, but allows them to impose any authoritarian measures they wish on the general public. Totalitarianism will be implemented.

Marrying little girls was allready illegal. Why even live at all. Oh: you're a white: "TO SERVE AND PROTECT MUUUHH WHOITE WJUUUUUUUUHHHHHMAN"

Oh, it's not totalitarianism when you ban marrying young girls world-wide, sorry, forgot that anything that helps your WHOITE WUUUUUUHHMAN is good.

>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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Jokes on you.

>7) People will be forced to take vaccinations and be microchipped in order to come back into normal life (see Bill Gates on Reddit recently). These microchips will be the beginning of a system which controls your life.

White men accept anything: because they are simp-like slaves. They never think to fight and die: if they did they would have when marrying cute girls was banned. But they supported such actions. Every other male mammal loves to fight: not the white-man: he only wishes to serve "MUHHHHHH WHOTIE WUUUHHMAN"

>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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fucking pedo shill neck yourself faggot
this was such a nice thread before you had to intrude with your flaming degenerate debauched pedophilic abominable shit

pedos get the rope in all cases

Boomers deserve this virus completely.

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de grap
jouw hoofd

White knight faggot and roastie apologist detected
Prime female breeding age is 16


>Young German adults hold “corona parties" and cough toward older people.
Holy based.
If you aren't going outside every day and coofing at all boomers you're part of the problem.

>pedos get the rope in all cases
In Devarim (5th and final Law book of YHWH) it is commanded that those who entice us to follow another Power other than YHWH, be killed. You, white-man, demand we follow your white-man's law: which bans what YHWH allows.

No, heretic, it is YOU who deserve to die, and are commanded to be KILLED, according to YHWHs law.
>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

You are not even a mammal. You are an insect that takes orders from his queen, white-man.

You deserve to be burned alive as a heretic against YHWH, you who put "MUHH WHOITE WUUUHHHHMAN" before YHWH.

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kys kike

What I wouldn’t give to live in a turn of the century US city...


checked and kikepilled
fuck off back to israel

Uh cunt bruth nuggu

the ethnic germans are just the ones that get reported on by the press.

Oy vey goy, the whites aren't allowed to have women in their prime breeding age, that might actually help save their race! Have this permanently emotionally damaged 35 year old roastie with cervical cancer from all previous dicking and birth control instead, it's better I promise!

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No, YOU had a cushy boomer life.
We have to suffer every day, fucking boomer.
Get the virus and die cunt.

Basically this

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> Paris suburb, a person bit a police officer

It happened everyday before the Corona, they just don't normally mention it in the news. It's as ridiculous as making an article about a chinese getting mugged by two black entrepreneurs in the USA. Maybe if the law has been enforced in the last ten years then people would respect it today.

>-Young German adults hold “corona parties" and cough toward older people.
Yeah, I'm thinking that's kinda based.

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That's not an argument you fucking retard. Cope all you like. Teenage girls have always been superior breeding stock and theres nothing you can say that will change that scientific fact. AOC is anti nature

My cunt. Imagine the smell.

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because it’s a huge nothing burger that hardly kills anybody. also, if you did believe this was really bad - wouldn’t it make sense to catch china flu early, before the system’s too overwhelmed

Absolutely based White Chads and Stacys
Fuck the police and fuck big government .

much of the boomer hate is straight projection